Monday, 26 August 2013

When God delays week 34, 2013

Delay on Jesus’ part; how do  we handle it? Make sure from the outset you are prepared in the event God’s intervention in your life delays beyond your expectation. I tell you, he will give them justice quickly. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? Lk 18:8(ESV). Make sure like Martha you have faith that “Even now whatever you ask God will give it” when Lazarus is dead and no one in history had been raised from death after being buried, and that for four days. You too will experience delays whilst waiting for His intervention occasionally. Whenever it happens do not throw away your confidence, since it holds a great reward for you Heb 10:35(ESV). Don’t be like the king who the day before God’s intervention cried Why should I wait for the LORD anymore?” 2Ki 6:33(ISV)
When I got born-again many years ago I knew of the signs of Jesus’ return and really expected His return within 5 years.  More than 30 years have passed and I am kept by God, awaiting His coming. Some have started the race and under pressure yielded to the deceit of those who say "Jesus promised to come again. Where is he? Our fathers have died, but the world continues the way it has been since it was made."2Pt 3:4(ERV).  The opposite error also occurs: those who say Jesus has already come back or “The resurrection has passed”! Hymenaeus and Philetus are men like that… They say that the day when people will be raised from death has already come and gone. And they are destroying the faith of some 2Tm 2:17-18(ERV). Some claim he returned in secret, but Jesus is coming with the clouds! Everyone will see him, even those who pierced him... Yes, this will happen! Amen Rev 1:7(ERV). Some time last century Jehovah Witnesses said Jesus would return in 1975.
It is also clear one virgin’s readiness could not compensate for another’s un-readiness: And the foolish said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.'  But the wise answered, saying, 'Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.' Mat 25:8-9.  No matter how closely they had related, no matter the shared fellowship and experiences. Fellowship sister are you ready? They were all in fellowship, all experienced sleeping, heard the cry, and all trimmed their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.' Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps Mat 25:5-7(ESV). But shared experiences, hearing voices and seeing visions do not equate to readiness for His return! Mr “I don’t know my gift” are you ready? You that see visions and receive messages and manifest gifts; are you ready? Are you hoping perhaps that your husband’s readiness, your father’s readiness for the return of Jesus might somehow make up for you?

Monday, 19 August 2013

The parable of the 10 virgins Week 33, 2013

It is important to know why He told the parables, to see what He wishes us to avoid and achieve. This parable starts with “Then” or “At that time”. Which time is being referred to? The time of His appearing: so also will be the coming of the Son of man. Then will two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.  Two women will be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.  Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord cometh Mat 24:39-42(KJV). These are the statements the Lord made before the parable which is the second of two parables. He told these parables because some people will miss it and not be taken; and that must not include you.
In this parable we meet 2 sets of people. All are virgins, all are clear about their purpose: waiting for the bridegroom. Many issues are raised; all ten are virgins (which implies those expected to accompany the groom i.e. the born-again), half were wise and half foolish (which implies there can only be 2 outcomes, not 1 or 3; and perhaps that any virgin, I mean born again, can either be wise or foolish at the time of the end). All of them also have lamps, and did you notice all the lamps had oil? The difference between them was the extra vessel with oil. Some got oil in their vessels and waited, others waited without taking vessels with oil.

He told it because you do not, and will never, know the hour of His appearing in the sky. Therefore we have but one choice: be ready at all times. So then, you also must always be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him Mat 24:44(GNB). The difference between the wise and foolish would not have been apparent if the groom came immediately or was not delayed. That is how you know those with extra oil in their vessels and those without: what happens when Jesus delays. His delay will reveal those who have the endurance and separate them from those who cannot wait: and because lawlessness will increase, the love of many people will grow cold.  But the person who endures to the end will be saved Mat 24:12-13. The seed on stony ground sprouted but could not endure to the time of maturity. Demas started the race but could not continue because he was in love with this present world. If there was no delay these would not have been separated from those who endure to the end. Child of God circumstances that separate the wise and foolish must come. How do you handle delay on God’s part? Does it make your faith run out? Jesus is saying His coming will apparently delay beyond everyone’s expectation! This is food for thought for those keen on dates. Even the wise virgins slept off while waiting and had to be wakened: As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.' Mat 25:5-6. But they were prepared beforehand for that eventuality. Be prepared also.  However in interpreting parables there is a main point being emphasized which must not be missed, and by which one gains true insight to the teaching. Let us seek that main point.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Prepared for his coming week 32, 2013

“I want you all ready at the time I return” I told my son firmly. We were to attend his cousin’s wine-carrying ceremony and we had looked forward to this day. I had no intentions of being delayed by any of my children on my return from a meeting. The would-be bride’s mother had requested me to play a role at the opening part of the meeting and I wanted to be there. I said further to him in the presence of his siblings “As soon as I leave bathe and get ready.” ”I have some things to do first...” he said. “The best way to be sure you are ready is to do so once I leave” were my parting words.  All of them are my children, but I have once left my child behind during school runs when he delayed unduly in the morning.
As a child many times I heard the horn of my father’s car at the gate when he was coming home. We were playing inside and had done none of his assignments. The sound of the horn led to a frenzy of activity to give the impression we had indeed obeyed him, but too late! His displeasure was evident as he asked “What have you children been doing since I left?” We had procrastinated in obeying him though we heard his parting instructions clearly and had the means to carry out his instructions. And so as a father I warned my own children against that procrastination: the delay in doing what you were instructed to do. This delay often results in forgetfulness, in the needful being subsumed by other matters, until suddenly the master is back, and attempts to do what should have been done earlier meet with his rebuke and displeasure.
It occurred to me this was like the parable of the ten virgins.  Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins, who took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps Mat 25:1-4(KJV).
As I left that morning I did not know the exact time of my return from the meeting. I couldn’t therefore give them an exact time. Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord cometh Mat 24:42(KJV). Are you putting off getting ready for the Lord?
So how did my children fare? On my return 3 of them met me at the entrance fully dressed for the occasion. As I entered the house and climbed the stairs another ran down, dressed and ready, to my embrace. But there was one who had been there at the gate when I was leaving that was not dressed up when I came back. It turned out she had actually dressed up with the others, but when I delayed (in their eyes) she removed the dress and watched TV with the rest until my car stopped at the gate."Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near;  let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”Isa 55:6-7(ESV). 

Monday, 5 August 2013

Ecumenism or transformation week 31, 2013

“Point of correction: I am expected to speak out against error and evil. And I will continue to do so no matter where the evil is found. There must be divisions among the congregation. Of course, there must be factions among you to show which of you are genuine! 1Cor 11:19(ISV).  Yes, but generalizations are not in the spirit of love. Is it right to say Igbos love money, that the Riverine are immoral? Where do these sins not abound? Likewise all sins and struggles can be found in each denomination. In fact if ever there is a perfect church or denomination, the very fact that I, let’s not say you, join them makes them imperfect. “Watch your tongue brother…”  Understand me: God works with people with a perfect heart not just an organization. You can serve a ministry yet not serve the interests of Jesus. People may preach Christ, not error, yet their hearts are wrong; their correct sermons born only of strife. Some are preaching Christ because of their envy and rivalry, while others do so because of their good will Phil 1:15(ISV).
Denominational numbers may multiply yet the kingdom of God is at a standstill… “What do you mean?” This redistribution of brethren: today they are Winners, tomorrow Redeemed, the next they are on The Rock; moving about yet no new soul is added. What fraction of new members are people just getting born again? They kept praising God and enjoying the good will of all the people. And every day the Lord was adding to them people who were being saved Act 2:47(ISV).  God expects addition to the body of Christ those being saved… We have a baptismal register…” Can we steer away from there?
“Do you believe in ecumenism? Should we dissolve all church denominations into one super church?” Far from it for then we would lose the different flavours of the fullness of God: there are varieties of ministries, but the Lord is the same 1Cor 12:5(ISV).  I believe in unity in diversity. Serve Jesus, not a denomination. Seek to serve Him within the context and safety of a ministry; but it is Him we seek.  Strive to be recognisable as His servant; not just an organisation. He is far bigger than any single and all ministries. None has fully captured the essence and revelation of the Lord; none has the monopoly of any of His manifestations.

So what are you saying?” Let us put it this way; before the Lord returns this bickering has to give way to maturity. And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ's full stature Eph 4:13(GNB).We all, all of us who truly believe in Jesus from every denomination will get there. And guess what? It won’t happen because of an ecumenical conference. It will happen as we walk in love (Eph 4:15), and by his spirit (2Co 3:18). Who do you serve?