Monday, 26 May 2014

Remove the ashes Week 21, 2014

Why are you looking so dejected? I have never seen such despair before.
“Is there anything more humiliating than experiencing the result of a wrong decision, a wrong choice? The result is in plain view, and a voice comes repeatedly which says, “How could this happen with you, a representative of Christ?” ”
Perhaps you should say nothing more sobering instead of humiliating. Keep your chin up soldier. The pilgrim’s journey is not yet done. Joshua you have grown old, but there is still much land for you to take control of Jos 13:1(ERV).
“Me? I keep getting recurring thoughts of handing over, throwing in the towel, getting someone else to complete the task.” 
Oh my dear fellow-soldier! Do no such thing; remove the ashes. "The priest is to clothe himself with linen robe and underclothes. Then he is to take the ashes of the burnt offering on the altar that had been consumed by the fire and set them beside the altar. Then he is to change his clothes, dressing himself with a different set of clothes, and take the ashes to a clean place outside the camp Lev 6:10-11(ISV).
“How does this apply to me?”
The failures may be likened to the ashes. But we are commanded to keep the fire burning. So the ashes of failure must be removed.
“How do I do this? Don’t spiritualise; I can’t think straight.”
 First of all set them by the side of the altar (Lev6:10). Present the broken pieces of your experience to God. He who is Great incredibly turns broken lives, and painful memories into testimonies. Offer your ashes to God. By the Spirit He comes to provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, a mantle of praise instead of a spirit of despair." "Then people will call them "Oaks of Righteousness", "The Planting of the LORD", in order to display his splendor Is 61:3(ISV).
“Ok, ok, it makes sense... but how do I know it won’t happen again?”
Change your clothes (Lev 6:11). Were there factors that made you fail; maybe carelessness, lack of knowledge, or perhaps pride? Change them. All of you must clothe yourselves with humility for the sake of each other, because: "God opposes the arrogant, but gives grace to the humble." 1Pt 5:5(ISV). 
“The effort to critically examine and find out the causes is so painful!”
If you do not know why you failed before, how can you prevent it happening again? The inventor of the light bulb after failures commented that he had learned how not to make the light bulb. Perhaps this has happened so that a worse thing is prevented. Making a mistake or having a failure is no excuse to stop serving the Lord. Make the necessary changes, learn the needful lessons and return in the morning with fresh wood for the fire. The priest is to burn wood on it every morning Lev 6:12

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The inquisitive Muslim week 20, 2014

Working as a nurse in a Muslim country has been difficult. I am not always able to speak out plainly but my lifestyle; the way I work, preaches the gospel. Continue to live such upright lives among the gentiles that, when they slander you as practicers of evil, they may see your good actions and glorify God when he visits them 1Pt 2:12(ISV). I was working in the dialysis unit for several years. One of my patients was a Muslim. He had been under my care for about five years. One day he spoke to me while I was working and asked if I was a Christian. I was surprised and answered that I am. He then went on, “Why is it you Christians say Jesus Christ is a priest and also the Lord?” I was not expecting the question. I told him the right answer to that question determines whether he would go to heaven or hell. “Is that so?” he said. “Yes” I answered. “Do you want to know more?” I asked him.  Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect 1Pt 3:15-16(GNB). He answered “Yes”, and I told him the response would take me more than thirty minutes so I would have to round up my work. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good Eccl 11:6(KJV).
When I finished the work I then went to him and spoke to him about Jesus. I told him Jesus is going to be the judge of all. That one day when He comes every one with a knee will bow down and confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord. God has overlooked the times when people did not know him, but now he commands all of them everywhere to turn away from their evil ways. For he has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a man he has chosen. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that man from death! Act 17:30-31(GNB).  I encouraged him not to wait until his dying day to confess Jesus as Lord. He asked me how he could do that so I instructed him on what to do. We parted ways and I was not in contact with him for a while.
I learnt he died about a year after that encounter. I later went on to become a fulltime worker in ministry. Someone asked me why I wanted to leave ministering to patients and get into that. For a while I did not know how to answer. Then the Lord made me know it was a matter of obedience. He is the captain of the service and decides where each one of us should serve. I have officers who give orders to me, and I have soldiers who take orders from me. I can say to one of them, 'Go!' and he goes. I can say to another, 'Come!' and he comes. I can say to my servant, 'Do this!' and he will do it." Mat 8:9 
He wanted me in full service and refusal would be disobedience to the master. So here I am.
Bernice (a pseudonym) is from Indonesia

Sunday, 11 May 2014

The majesty of calmness week 19, 2014

They moved into the block of flats before me. I was allocated the ground floor whilst they were above me. It was an uneasy relationship.  I endured a lot of insults from them whilst they were here. I used to park directly in front of the building but occasionally someone from above would cough out and the sputum would land on the car. Occasionally someone would pour water down unto the car; once I narrowly missed being drenched as I entered my vehicle. I decided to change the place I park.
I planted a paw-paw tree and the children would pluck it without my permission. The children would also throw things down from on top; even condoms! On more than 3 occasions used sanitary pads were thrown down my side. I initially ignored it but drew the attention of some neighbours, and later their mother. She agreed it was wrong and said “If you were a wicked person you could have used it to harm them”. There was this incidence of the clothes line I laid. I specifically asked her not to put any clothes on it. I didn’t want anyone telling me I had moved their clothes. Well at a time she came down, cut the clothes line with a knife and threatened me with it. I did not engage her. What if she cut me with the knife? Eventually they dug holes, put up poles and tied wires across. When the wires gave way I simply packed it near the pole for them. 
I have received all manner of insults from them. She was well connected to influential men in Abuja; who do I know? If I invited the police I would have had to pay them, transport and feed them. She would have paid them also. My prayer was that God should put them where they belonged. It took many years for God to answer that prayer. In the years however I have learned patience and the majesty of calmness. The final incident was her fish farm. It brought an offensive odour as it was very near me. I wrote the sanitation authority over the matter. When I prayed on it I felt as though God said “Relax”. My younger sister also advised I leave them well alone lest if something happen to them I be accused of complicity. I listened and did not press the case but endured the occasional foul odour of the farm. I noticed her attitude towards me changed when I did not pursue the case. She listened more when I had complaints, and at a time brought some of the fish to give me. I accepted and thanked her, but she said “I am the one to thank you for allowing the farm to exist.” When a person's ways please the LORD, even his enemies will be at peace with him Prov 16:7(ISV).
They had been in court over the allocation of the flat. Not being civil servants they lacked a locus standii to bid for the flat when monetisation took place. It was sold at the 5th bid and the new owner came to possess his flat. Despite a court injunction in their favour which kept him at bay for four years they did not move out. Eventually their property was thrown out on a Friday but they moved them back. This was barely ten months after the fish pond resolution. The new owner then removed all the doors and windows but also gave them money to move to a new place. That was about 12 months ago. She had been involved in an accident which left her wheelchair bound. A week ago unfortunately she passed away.
Felicia lives in Abuja`

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Renew the fire (Ahimaaz and the Cushite) Week 18, 2014

What fire do we refer to? That fire called zeal, enthusiasm, commitment must never go out. The fire on the altar must be kept burning and never allowed to go out. Every morning the priest shall put firewood on it, arrange the burnt offering on it, and burn the fat of the fellowship offering. The fire must always be kept burning on the altar and never allowed to go out Lev 6:12-13(GNB).  
What zeal are we renewing? In Mk3:14-15 we see the order of zeal: not first to run off and minister, but zeal for the Lord's presence first. Renew the passion for communion with him day and night. Renew the zeal to privately consume and meditate on the word day and night. It is from there that we now renew zeal for the vision of carrying the gospel to all men.
Consider two men on assignment in 2Sam18:9-32. One was bursting as it were with zeal.  Ahimaaz son of Zadok said to Joab, "Let me run to the king with the good news that the LORD has saved him from his enemies." 2Sam 18:19(GNB).  Even when Joab dissuaded him he insisted on going. with his pedigree as son of the priest you would have expected him to excel. He actually outran the first man. "Whatever happens," Ahimaaz said again, "I want to go." "Then go," Joab said. So Ahimaaz ran off down the road through the Jordan Valley, and soon he passed the slave 2Sam 18:23(GNB). What zeal! Yet when it came to the crunch point, the delivery of the message, he quibbled and did not give a thorough report. Hear him: "I'm not sure what was going on" 2Sam 18:29(ISV).  Perhaps he feared how the king would take the news, perhaps he was minded to please the big man. Beware! We have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, we speak as we do, not trying to please people but God, who tests our motives1Th 2:4(ISV). As Joab forewarned he got no reward, instead was asked to wait while the second man came.

It is not the pedigree of the minister, the zeal to run, nor the speed in running, outrunning those before you that is the issue in ministry. The second man was a slave. Then he said to his Ethiopian slave, "Go and tell the king what you have seen." The slave bowed and ran off2Sa 18:21(GNB).  A slave waits on the master; staying by His side first before being sent. Notice he bowed in submission and reverence before running off? Ahimaaz did no such thing. How could he? He was no slave. Don’t be upset when men outrun you in ministry, if you have done the right thing they must wait for you. John outran Peter, but Peter entered the tomb first. It is not for us to insist on what role we play in the kingdom (Heb 2:4).
This slave delivered the whole news, palatable and unpalatable. Yet he does it with tact: "Is the young man Absalom all right?" the king asked. The slave answered, "I wish that what has happened to him would happen to all your enemies, sir, and to all who rebel against you." 2Sam 18:32(GNB).  Those who run after men give only the sweet sounding news to the ears; a message bringing no tears of broken-hearted anguish for sin. David started trembling. Then he went up to the room above the city gate to cry 2Sa 18:33(CEV)
 If men are unbroken by your message check how you run.