Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Samaritan will come Week 39, 2014

You are on the journey of your life. It is quite clear to you where you are coming from and where you are going. Yes, you are mature now; a man (or woman) in your own right and estimation. Jesus answered, "There was once a man who was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho… Lk 10:30(GNB). Could it be that in this journey you may be going down and not up? Like this man have you (as many) fallen victim to other men’s wickedness? In your business progression did you meet with those that ripped you off? Travel companions who robbed you. Not satisfied with eating the profits did they also wound you? He fell into the hands of bandits. They stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Lk10:30(ISV) The scenario is played out in many ways today. There are pretended friends itching to pounce. We still have armed robbers plaguing our highways, and pen robbers ambushing businesses. Did you fall into them? Sometimes it is betrayal of the deepest kind, rape by those trusted, and suddenly the journey in life stops; leaving one still bleeding inwardly, uncommunicative, half dead. The Samaritan will come.
We would have expected the first person on site to help; thought the priest would help. The most that happens is a look and silent minding of their business. It so happened that a priest was going down that road; but when he saw the man, he walked on by on the other side. In the same way a Levite also came there, went over and looked at the man, and then walked on by on the other side Lk 10:31-32(GNB).  Neglect by those who are trained and looked up to by society compounds the state of those wounded by criminals. Are we not partners in crime with them when we pass by the wounded unmoved? “But I’m not trained to handle such situations” someone squirms. Neither was the Samaritan. Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow… Lam 1:12(KJV).
 Beloved, fret not at those who could help but do not; though the need is obvious to them- yea to all. I want to assure you God has not run out of unexpected sources of help. Stones will yet serve God’s purposes; ravens may still be sent with food. God will come and save even if He wears the garb of a foreigner. Indeed, if you are silent at this time, relief and deliverance will come to the Jewish people from another place… Est 4:14(ISV). Though no prayer escapes the lips the tears of your heart, the wounds on your soul, reach out to Him. "But now I will come," says the LORD, "because the needy are oppressed and the persecuted groan in pain. I will give them the security they long for." Ps 12:5(GNB).
Who is this Samaritan? You of course – that is if you will have compassion. What greater honour is there in life than God disguising Himself with your being? When the Samaritan saw him, he was moved with compassion. Lk 10:33(ISV).

Monday, 22 September 2014

Meat in due season Week 38, 2014

I hardly see the need for these motivational speeches we are getting these days in place of sermons.
“Motivational speeches? Is that what you call them? That is what is needed now.”
Needed now. Have you been in counselling sessions lately? Our church is crammed with people struggling with purity. Many boys who open up either have issues with pornography and masturbation, or are in open rebellion against authority. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unfeeling, uncooperative, slanderous, degenerate, brutal, hateful of what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God2Ti 3:2-4(ISV). Fund raising cannot be what is needed now.
“Ah you are wrong. You asked if I have been to the counselling sessions. Where is the privacy? Man of God cannot talk to clients alone in this place. I wonder how you do yours in the open. We need funds urgently for office accommodation.”
It has never bothered me staying in the open. Our voices cannot be heard by those seated far away, and no Delilah can play funny tricks either. These people need to overcome. They are really struggling.
“Suit yourself with poverty mentality. A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things Eccl 10:19(KJV). When a man has been made to give sufficiently to a cause he becomes committed to it. Where you heart is there your treasure is also...”
Is it not the other way round? Is it not when a man has so imbibed a cause that he gives freely? What message on giving came from Jesus at Zaccheus’ house yet upon repentance he gives freely to the poor after restitution? Jesus called us to give meat in due season. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Mt 24:45(KJV).  That means what the brethren need to become ready for Jesus and His return. They must be fed how to be without spot, blame or wrinkle. That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish Eph 5:27(KJV). The church could do with a lot of money true enough, but her members need to be taught now how to walk in holiness. Positional holiness at new birth must translate to experiential blameless living that ye may become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom ye are seen as lights in the world Phil 2:15(ASV) 
“What risks do you envisage with this series of teachings?”
You know how the heart is. A man can give you money but not his heart, and in giving money retain his evil lifestyle whilst consoling himself he is a partner with God’s work whilst clearly on the road to damnation.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Caution, courage, and compassion Week 37, 2014

In the CDC website I read Ebola virus disease is the most dangerous disease so far known to man. It clearly poses a danger to the public. How should we as Christians respond? Since we are protected by God’s power even from poisonous snakes (Acts 28:3-5; Mk16:17-18) should we bother at all about the risks? We must respond with caution. Even where it is not Ebola Christians must be safety and security conscious. Paul the apostle was: When he was about to sail for Syria, a plot was initiated against him by the Jews, so he decided to go back through Macedonia Act 20:3(ISV). I know Jesus was careful too and security mindful. He was not afraid, never lacked faith, and perfectly reflected the mind and purpose of God. Yet we read in Jn 7:1(ISV): After this, Jesus traveled about in Galilee, because he didn't want to travel in Judea, since the Jews there were trying to kill him.  It is also clearly written in Prov 22:3(ISV):  The prudent person sees trouble ahead and hides, but the naive continue on and suffer the consequences.
But in some public health institutions the fear of Ebola is putting at risk Ebola free patients presenting with fever of any grade, or bleeding from orifices from any cause so much so that patients are actually dying now of the Ebola fear (paranoia) in some health workers! There must be a balance in our approach. Malaria is still a far more common cause of fever in Nigerian children, and it kills more Nigerian children daily than Ebola. Neglected high fever can result in convulsions with disastrous consequences. With the background of caution we must be courageous. We cannot allow what God has asked us to do to be abandoned simply by fear. How shall we be so immersed in safety concerns that we don’t care who could live that is dying? I read it somewhere that the safest place for ships is the harbour but no ship was built to stay there. Satan uses fear to enslave people all their lives (Heb2:15). Despite the threats Jesus went on to minster to Lazarus. Then he said to his disciples, "Now we will go back to Judea."  "Teacher," they said, "the people there want to stone you to death! Why do you want to go back?" Jn 11:7, 8(CEV).  Night will soon come when we can no longer work. Take courage. Have you listened to Paul? I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that in town after town the Holy Spirit assures me that imprisonment and suffering are waiting for me. But I don't place any value on my life, if only I can finish my race and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus of testifying to the gospel of God's grace Act 20:22-24(ISV).
Must Ebola victims be left to die; are they fit only for the cremation stand? Have compassion on them. Pray for their recovery, send texts and support. The husband of a nurse with confirmed Ebola Virus Disease faithfully cared for her in government supervised isolation, protecting himself with gloves and mask. He cleaned body fluids through the duration of her illness. Both are today confirmed Ebola free.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Hasten the Day of His coming Week 36, 2014

Today’s news read like a commentary on the Bible...
Everywhere I look the end time signs are there.  In Africa alone there are wars in Nigeria with Boko Haram which spill over to Cameroun, fighting in Libya, Central Africa Republic and Sudan. What of Europe and the Middle East? But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, stop being alarmed. These things must take place, but the end hasn't come yet,   because nation will rise up in arms against nation, and kingdom against kingdom Mk 13:7 (ISV). Strange new diseases without cure are ravaging mankind; we hear of “the worst Ebola outbreak in history”, and bacteria that no antibiotic can cure. The worst flooding “in a decade”, “in half a century” have all been reported in the news. For the trouble at that time will be far more terrible than any there has ever been, from the beginning of the world to this very day Mat 24:21(GNB). There are earthquakes occurring with greater frequency and severity. Men’s hearts are failing them for fear. People will be so frightened that they will faint because of what is happening to the world Lk 21:26(CEV).
“Jesus should just come quickly o. Ah Jesus come and deliver us. Our redemption is nearer now than we first believed. Let us look up in faith.”
Amen, but things will get worse still yet before He does. Did not Rev 9:12  say One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.
“Why for goodness sake do you say so? Can you claim with certainty that Revelation passage is being fulfilled now?”
I don’t mean to draw us into a debate but to point out there is something we need to do to help end all these. Jesus referred to these sufferings as birth pains (All these things are like the first pains of childbirth Mat 24:8(GNB)), and we need to do what will bring this labour to an end. Until the pregnancy ends we can only expect more frequent and severe birth pains. That is why I believe so.
“Are you suggesting it is our fault these things are happening? That we have sinned as believers and so these problems are here?”
I am saying we have a role to end it: And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come Mat 24:14(ISV). We must evangelise more seriously.
“Is that really up to us? Is it not God who has all things in His hands?”
Why then does Peter encourage us to hasten the day? Since everything will be destroyed in this way, think of the kind of holy and godly people you ought to be as you look forward to and hasten the coming of the day of God2Pt 3:11, 12(ISV). In God’s plan for the earth there is a role for God and a role for His people. How seriously are we taking purity, and the effort to pray and give towards missions? And the Lamb's bride has made herself ready Rev 19:7.