One of the most sobering thoughts I know is found in Num
32:23(KJV): But if ye will
not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will
find you out. Please take note that it
is not “may find you out” or “can find you out”, but “your sin will find you
out”. Make no mistake about that.
No matter how well we hide them; sins inevitably find us out. In the
news is the story of a man in his 70’s. Having had decades of acclaim as a
comedian he is faced with accusations of sexual harassment; and he has admitted
in a previous court case his failings. Honour is stripped, shows are cancelled.
What of the previous world number 1? The world was his stage; at least until
serial mistress keeping was discovered. Now he has plummeted from heights,
unable so far even to re-enter his game as before. Do we cross the oceans to
DSK, shall we tell of several banking scandals rocking FIFA and the banking industry?
The examples are too numerous to exhaust. Sin is more than an event; it is a
seed whose harvest is certain: we are tempted
when we are drawn away and trapped by our own evil desires. Then our evil
desires conceive and give birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives
birth to death. Do not be deceived, my dear friends! Jas 1:14-16(GNB). The amazing thing is not the overwhelming evidence that sin has
consequences but the overwhelming evidence that multitudes continue to be
deceived to sin nonetheless; woefully thinking “I’ll handle it”.
There is the argument that some get away with it in this life, they
are never exposed publicly. They retain their honour and respect by society...
What a pity, to retain honour in society and be rejected by God! Was not this
the error of Saul? Seeking honour before men whilst unrepentant of sin? "I've sinned," Saul said. "But please
honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel…”1Sam 15:30(ISV). God forbid the very thought. Yet be sure no one escapes being found
out by sin as it is written: The sins of some
people are obvious, leading them to judgment. The sins of others follow them
there 1Tim
5:24(ISV) Have thoughts of craftily sinning been presented to your mind? Has the enemy whispered “Think of the pleasure you will enjoy. No one will ever know!” to
you? Believe it not; it is a lie. In every life, in all the world, be sure your
sin shall find you out. Therefore if
next the evil one passes imaginations of sinning without ever being caught let
you mind also dwell on how you will face the consequences of the sin. What a
fearful place the judgement seat of God for he will bring
to light what is now hidden in darkness and reveal the motives of our hearts.
Then each person will receive his praise from God1Cor 4:5(ISV)
Since we have these as certainty brethren, what shall we do? You will never succeed in life if you try to hide your
sins. Confess them and give them up; then God will show mercy to you Prov 28:13(GNB).Let us humble ourselves and confess before our maker seeking His mercy
through Jesus.