Every bit of this story is tue, and the names and places have not been changed either
Eze decided to exercise faith and stop taking medication for schizophrenia which hehad been placed on for over 10 years. It was alright for most of the year but he became ill again before our wedding and had to be brought before the doctor. It shook me up a bit to experience this in my future husband. I don’t like describing the details. He stopped the medication again before the wedding but took ill again after it. Perhaps his body was so used to the medication that stopping it made him, you know, unwell. In my presence the doctor in Britain said quite clearly that he must never again stop the medication. Now I respect doctors but when he said that something within me rebelled. I defy you! This will not be the lot of my husband. But adjusting to marriage was not easy for me. I was called from work one day he was ill and couldn’t get home, but my God brought him back home safely! One day I took down my pink box to pack out, but the Holy Spirit said to me: “Where are you going? This is your husband” and I knew I was going nowhere.
We were in for war. I determined to fill my life and Eze’s with the word of God. When we had money I invested it in the Word of God; anointed messages and books. When Pastor Chris would talk about John G Lake I would go and buy the book myself and read all of it. Eze liked to watch Star Trek but I wouldn’t let him. We just had to get in to the Word and get our victory. Several relations wanted us to visit but I said not yet; when we get the victory we can vist and watch Star Trek! Yes, we were off medication again after a week or so. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today-and forever! Heb 13:8(ISV)
In his office his supervisor started really harassing him and demanded a medical report. The GP proposed to write an unfavourable one stating Eze refuses drugs. He told us as much. On advice we demanded tests be carried out on Eze to show he really did not need medication. Suddenly the doctors developed cold feet! “Well, you know we should not really be giving you these medications...” and wouldn’t write any report. What! We had to go to another specialist to give his office since it had been officially demanded. This specialist wondered if Eze really knew what schizophrenia is and wanted to interview me. Well I went with him and was interviewed as well. You know the verdict? “Well I haven’t seen the doctor who placed you on these drugs but having examined you I find no basis for a diagnosis of schizophrenia and discharge you indefinitely. Maybe you just don’t know how to handle stress.” The British specialist had confirmed the answer to prayers we had received earlier. 18 years of bondage declared over! We took his report back to the office. Until today the other doctor has not written this specialist; and funny: not even my doctor in-law will fully explain what schizophrenia is to me. You can be sure of this: we are not going to look back in this heavenly race!
Blogger note:Do not stop medication unless your Physician has spoken!
Friday, 25 June 2010
The prodigal's father week 24, 2010
What is wrong with this child, always impatient. “I want it now!” Is that all you care for? Get out from here! Nna anyi the one you call a child is grown now, and could actually start thinking of marriage. This one? My child is my child always and I can jolly well speak as I please. I won’t allow nonsense. Yes, do not allow nonsense but respect the choice of an adult. Lk 15:11, 12(GNB) There was once a man who had two sons. The younger one said, 'Father, give me my share of the property now.' So the man divided his property between his two sons. I am sure the father did not like the son’s impatience but respected his choice. God does that you know with us. 1Sa 8:6,7 Being an adult means we can choose for ourselves. Just warn of the consequences.
I am tired of warning. It is like pouring water off a duck’s back. Do you know my property is being sold by this evil child? Property bought with hard earned money! Take it easy, you are not alone, it happened with the prodigal but he came back Lk 15:13(GNB) After a few days the younger son sold his part of the property and left home with the money. You like parables, where in the real world did this ever happen? Onesimus. He stole his Philemon’s property and ran away, but came to his senses when he met Jesus. Phm 10-17 At least this one is still with you.
Let that happen now. I can disown any stubborn child at anytime. Ah! That would be playing right into the devil’s court. Value people above what they destroy. Why do you think the prodigal came back? Eh he came to his senses. Yes but do you know his father contributed? How? I saw him as a weak spineless figure. He was still a long way from home when his father saw him; his heart was filled with pity, and he ran, threw his arms around his son, and kissed him Lk 15:20(GNB) Spineless? Why do you think he could see him from afar?He must have been watching out for him, interceding for him. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching for this purpose with all perseverance and supplication for all saints Eph 6:18
I thought it was hunger that brought him to his senses. And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father have bread enough and to spare, and I am perishing with hunger!Lk 15:17(GNB) Can’t you see his father in it? How, he did not starve the boy. No! unlike his present master, he saw his dad made sure even servants had enough. It was the memory of his dad’s kindness to them that gave him courage to return.
What seeds are you sowing that can bring back your erring one?
I am tired of warning. It is like pouring water off a duck’s back. Do you know my property is being sold by this evil child? Property bought with hard earned money! Take it easy, you are not alone, it happened with the prodigal but he came back Lk 15:13(GNB) After a few days the younger son sold his part of the property and left home with the money. You like parables, where in the real world did this ever happen? Onesimus. He stole his Philemon’s property and ran away, but came to his senses when he met Jesus. Phm 10-17 At least this one is still with you.
Let that happen now. I can disown any stubborn child at anytime. Ah! That would be playing right into the devil’s court. Value people above what they destroy. Why do you think the prodigal came back? Eh he came to his senses. Yes but do you know his father contributed? How? I saw him as a weak spineless figure. He was still a long way from home when his father saw him; his heart was filled with pity, and he ran, threw his arms around his son, and kissed him Lk 15:20(GNB) Spineless? Why do you think he could see him from afar?He must have been watching out for him, interceding for him. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching for this purpose with all perseverance and supplication for all saints Eph 6:18
I thought it was hunger that brought him to his senses. And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father have bread enough and to spare, and I am perishing with hunger!Lk 15:17(GNB) Can’t you see his father in it? How, he did not starve the boy. No! unlike his present master, he saw his dad made sure even servants had enough. It was the memory of his dad’s kindness to them that gave him courage to return.
What seeds are you sowing that can bring back your erring one?
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Will Jesus follow you? Week 23, 2010
“Everywhere I go, everywhere I go, Jesus will follow me, everywhere I go. Everywhere I go…” who taught you that song Chris? It doesn’t sound right. “Don’t you like it? It’s a faith builder.” Well I seem to remember Jesus said My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: Jn 10:27(KJV) that song turns things the other way round to make me lead and Jesus follow! “Semantics! Did Jesus not say:and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age Mat 28:20(GNB). ” Nowhere does scripture say Jesus will follow you, He said He will be with you… “Did Jesus not follow Jairus to his house?” Read it properly friend: Jairus arrived. When he saw Jesus, he … begged him urgently, saying, "My little daughter is dying. Come …" So Jesus went with him Mk 5:22-24(ISV). Jesus may be with you, go with you; but certainly not follow you. Mary learned this lesson with tears when she assumed Jesus would follow her back from Jerusalem. “Eh, after that He followed her home.” No! Wrong again. He went with her. Lk 2:42-51.
“So what’s the difference? I will just sing “Jesus will be with me everywhere I go”. Plain semantics.” No, my dear even then you may still not be correct. In the scripture you have quoted Jesus first of all said to them: Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples Mat 28:19(GNB) and then promised that as they go (that is as they obey His command), He will be with them. You can only be certain Jesus is with you when you go as He has asked you.
“But God is everywhere…” Where could I go to escape from your Spirit or from your sight? If I were to climb up to the highest heavens, you would be there. If I were to dig down to the world of the dead you would also be there Ps39:7, 8(CEV). Is that your reasoning? Do you remember what God told Joshua? I cannot help you anymore until you do exactly what I have said Jos 7:12(CEV). God is everywhere I know, but His presence and power are guaranteed only in obedience. You see we have to ask the question: “Who takes the lead? You or Jesus” God is not like money you know.
“Should I then be idle and do nothing?” God abhors laziness. It is not laziness to try to learn what pleases the Lord. Eph 5:10(GNB). We must avoid doing anything we feel like, expecting God’s support.
If anyone serves me, he must follow me. And where I am, there my servant will also be." Jn 12:26 (ISV)
“So what’s the difference? I will just sing “Jesus will be with me everywhere I go”. Plain semantics.” No, my dear even then you may still not be correct. In the scripture you have quoted Jesus first of all said to them: Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples Mat 28:19(GNB) and then promised that as they go (that is as they obey His command), He will be with them. You can only be certain Jesus is with you when you go as He has asked you.
“But God is everywhere…” Where could I go to escape from your Spirit or from your sight? If I were to climb up to the highest heavens, you would be there. If I were to dig down to the world of the dead you would also be there Ps39:7, 8(CEV). Is that your reasoning? Do you remember what God told Joshua? I cannot help you anymore until you do exactly what I have said Jos 7:12(CEV). God is everywhere I know, but His presence and power are guaranteed only in obedience. You see we have to ask the question: “Who takes the lead? You or Jesus” God is not like money you know.
“Should I then be idle and do nothing?” God abhors laziness. It is not laziness to try to learn what pleases the Lord. Eph 5:10(GNB). We must avoid doing anything we feel like, expecting God’s support.
If anyone serves me, he must follow me. And where I am, there my servant will also be." Jn 12:26 (ISV)
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Eze’s testimony Week 22, 2010
Every bit of this story is true, and the names and places have not been changed either
You could say it had happened to people I know; but I certainly never imagined I would ever have to see a psychiatrist or be placed on medication for life. It all began in 1992 sometime after a long term relationship I entered into while in university collapsed. I had been living in UK for three years and as I went to the airport to travel back to Nigeria I collapsed and was hospitalised. Thus I became one of a few relations with a history of psychiatric affectation. Funny to think of it, like a number of them I too am a first born. Anyway my mum rallied around me, coming from Nigeria to nurse me for quite a while. This encouraged my physician to take me off medication and I continued with my work in the UK. Unfortunately I had another breakdown and was placed again on medication. Mark you I am not alcoholic, have never taken hard drugs, nor did I smoke anything. Not then, not now. Anyway as at then mum came to my assistance, and following recovery I was continued on medication for a longer period of time; which I duly completed. We all hoped that would end the unpleasant chapter as I continued with my life and work.
It didn’t work out so well, in fact things took a turn for the worse. After a while I could not go to work. I was in my house but could not quite tell where I was and found myself again hospitalised. This time around the doctor in Britain put a label on me: schizophrenia. I was placed on antipsychotics and slowly made my way back to work. Ah! Those drugs made me slow and drowsy. My social life, never hectic since the last relationship became even less satisfactory. My youngr siblings married and had children. I attended their weddings of course, but I longed to be settled. O God have mercy.
I had been baptized and confirmed, but did not really have much of a spiritual life. But in the times of crises what seemed to make the most sense to me, what helped me most, were passages from scripture. My mum’s friend in Britain has a son who introduced me to his church. One thing about this church in UK: they believe in divine healing, that God answers prayer. I started attending and came to truly give my life to Jesus as savior.
In the course of my sickness and slow social life many people became convinced I needed a wife urgently, but could not propose (imagine that)! Several contacts were organized for me back in Nigeria but somehow they did not work out. I’ll be honest with you: I was relieved on a few occasions to learn the said female was engaged. Well I got introduced to this Christian lady from another congregation in UK and we went out together for a while and guess what? I proposed and she consented. WOW! In 2007 we were wed in church with all our immediate family in attendance. Fifteen good years had passed since that breakdown in the airport. We remain inseperable till today. God has definitely answered my prayers.
Will I have to be on medication always? Why not listen quietly: I’m not done yet.
You could say it had happened to people I know; but I certainly never imagined I would ever have to see a psychiatrist or be placed on medication for life. It all began in 1992 sometime after a long term relationship I entered into while in university collapsed. I had been living in UK for three years and as I went to the airport to travel back to Nigeria I collapsed and was hospitalised. Thus I became one of a few relations with a history of psychiatric affectation. Funny to think of it, like a number of them I too am a first born. Anyway my mum rallied around me, coming from Nigeria to nurse me for quite a while. This encouraged my physician to take me off medication and I continued with my work in the UK. Unfortunately I had another breakdown and was placed again on medication. Mark you I am not alcoholic, have never taken hard drugs, nor did I smoke anything. Not then, not now. Anyway as at then mum came to my assistance, and following recovery I was continued on medication for a longer period of time; which I duly completed. We all hoped that would end the unpleasant chapter as I continued with my life and work.
It didn’t work out so well, in fact things took a turn for the worse. After a while I could not go to work. I was in my house but could not quite tell where I was and found myself again hospitalised. This time around the doctor in Britain put a label on me: schizophrenia. I was placed on antipsychotics and slowly made my way back to work. Ah! Those drugs made me slow and drowsy. My social life, never hectic since the last relationship became even less satisfactory. My youngr siblings married and had children. I attended their weddings of course, but I longed to be settled. O God have mercy.
I had been baptized and confirmed, but did not really have much of a spiritual life. But in the times of crises what seemed to make the most sense to me, what helped me most, were passages from scripture. My mum’s friend in Britain has a son who introduced me to his church. One thing about this church in UK: they believe in divine healing, that God answers prayer. I started attending and came to truly give my life to Jesus as savior.
In the course of my sickness and slow social life many people became convinced I needed a wife urgently, but could not propose (imagine that)! Several contacts were organized for me back in Nigeria but somehow they did not work out. I’ll be honest with you: I was relieved on a few occasions to learn the said female was engaged. Well I got introduced to this Christian lady from another congregation in UK and we went out together for a while and guess what? I proposed and she consented. WOW! In 2007 we were wed in church with all our immediate family in attendance. Fifteen good years had passed since that breakdown in the airport. We remain inseperable till today. God has definitely answered my prayers.
Will I have to be on medication always? Why not listen quietly: I’m not done yet.
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