Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Eze’s testimony Week 22, 2010

Every bit of this story is true, and the names and places have not been changed either
You could say it had happened to people I know; but I certainly never imagined I would ever have to see a psychiatrist or be placed on medication for life. It all began in 1992 sometime after a long term relationship I entered into while in university collapsed. I had been living in UK for three years and as I went to the airport to travel back to Nigeria I collapsed and was hospitalised. Thus I became one of a few relations with a history of psychiatric affectation. Funny to think of it, like a number of them I too am a first born. Anyway my mum rallied around me, coming from Nigeria to nurse me for quite a while. This encouraged my physician to take me off medication and I continued with my work in the UK. Unfortunately I had another breakdown and was placed again on medication. Mark you I am not alcoholic, have never taken hard drugs, nor did I smoke anything. Not then, not now. Anyway as at then mum came to my assistance, and following recovery I was continued on medication for a longer period of time; which I duly completed. We all hoped that would end the unpleasant chapter as I continued with my life and work.
It didn’t work out so well, in fact things took a turn for the worse. After a while I could not go to work. I was in my house but could not quite tell where I was and found myself again hospitalised. This time around the doctor in Britain put a label on me: schizophrenia. I was placed on antipsychotics and slowly made my way back to work. Ah! Those drugs made me slow and drowsy. My social life, never hectic since the last relationship became even less satisfactory. My youngr siblings married and had children. I attended their weddings of course, but I longed to be settled. O God have mercy.
I had been baptized and confirmed, but did not really have much of a spiritual life. But in the times of crises what seemed to make the most sense to me, what helped me most, were passages from scripture. My mum’s friend in Britain has a son who introduced me to his church. One thing about this church in UK: they believe in divine healing, that God answers prayer. I started attending and came to truly give my life to Jesus as savior.
In the course of my sickness and slow social life many people became convinced I needed a wife urgently, but could not propose (imagine that)! Several contacts were organized for me back in Nigeria but somehow they did not work out. I’ll be honest with you: I was relieved on a few occasions to learn the said female was engaged. Well I got introduced to this Christian lady from another congregation in UK and we went out together for a while and guess what? I proposed and she consented. WOW! In 2007 we were wed in church with all our immediate family in attendance. Fifteen good years had passed since that breakdown in the airport. We remain inseperable till today. God has definitely answered my prayers.
Will I have to be on medication always? Why not listen quietly: I’m not done yet.

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