Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Protective costudy Week 7, 2011

“What’s that?” It is a situation where a person is held by the police or other law enforcement agents for his own safety. If a man is involved in an accident which killed another person the crowd may wish to lynch him, you know, wrap tyres around him and set him ablaze. So the police may keep him behind the counter for safety. “Thanks for the lesson in law but what has that got to do with me?” You are wondering why God is allowing this to happen to you, protesting your innocence; even saying “You can't do that. If you did, the innocent would be punished along with the guilty. That is impossible. The judge of all the earth has to act justly Gen 18:25(GNB).” “Yes that is scriptural. I want God to vindicate me.”
Have you considered Joseph? How Potipher’s wife became desperate for him. Even though Joseph did everything right, speaking to her and avoiding being alone with her. And it happened as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not listen to her to lie with her, or to be with her Gen 39:10(MKJV). “What has protective custody got to do with that?” Has it not occurred to you the safest place from her and other women was the prison yard? “You’re strange.” No; think about it: where else would the influence of this ancient Jezebel not have reached? You had shared with me some months back the nature of pressures you have been facing from the opposite sex in you place. “I agree that is true, but surely God can send His angels to protect His own and not suffer wrongful termination or punishment.”
Well consider Paul the apostle; remember how he almost got killed by the Jews in Jerusalem? The quarrel was becoming violent, and the officer was afraid that they would tear Paul to pieces. So the officer ordered his soldiers to drag Paul back to the barracks Act 23:10(GW).
“What protection was Paul getting in Philippi when his back was ripped open with canes and he was thrown into the deepest dungeon in chains? From demons he already cast out?” Has it occurred to you the jailer and prisoners were in God’s agenda for salvation at that time? This may mean a new ministry focus also, at least for now. “How do you mean?” Remember Jesus got chased out after casting out a legion of demons? Well a dying girl was waiting just on the other side of the lake for help:
So they began to beg Jesus to leave their territory. When Jesus again had crossed to the other side in a boat …a synagogue leader named Jairus… begged him urgently, saying, "My little daughter is dying. Come and lay your hands on her so that she may get well…” Mk 5:17-23

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