Sunday, 17 July 2011

Who have you come to see? Week 29, 2011

Conferences are such a wonderful time; I find them very refreshing. “Oh yes. I get to meet brethren I have not seen in a long time; in fact I met my wife in one of such meetings. Each time I go to that conference ground I remember how we met.” God truly does many things at such meetings but I think it is for those who come to worship. Do you come to worship or to see brethren?
“What do you mean? I come for both.” Consider the Greek worshipers: Some Greeks were among those who had gone to Jerusalem to worship during the festival. They went to Philip (he was from Bethsaida in Galilee) and said, "Sir, we want to see Jesus."Jn 12:20, 21(GNB). Those who really want to worship do not want to see you. They do not come to conferences to see kinsmen or friends.
“You know Phillip is a Greek name and these people are Greeks.” No; they have come to worship so they want to see Jesus, not the presiding minister… do you remember the crowd that went looking for Jesus? “Yes He fed them in the wilderness.” That he did. They had come to him to hear him. They had no care for food. When evening was coming they were more interested in his word than necessary food like Job. Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food Job 23:12(KJV). It is no surprise he fed them (Mar 6:34-43). When they started looking for him again it was not for his word. They wanted to force him into some things; they wanted bread, not the bread of life. This time around they were bitterly disappointed and left him (Jn 6:14-66). Just like Herod.
“I thought he wanted to kill Jesus?” His son: Herod Antipas also wanted to see Jesus, not to have his life changed, but to be entertained, to watch a miracle happen. Herod was very pleased to see Jesus. For a long time he had wanted to see him. He had heard about Jesus and hoped to see him perform some kind of miracle. Lk 23:8(GW). When Zacchaues wanted Jesus he left his home but Herod stayed in his palace, like the father who pretended to want to worship. Eventually he met Him; a bound and silent Jesus was sent to him. Beware lest a bound and silent Jesus meet you. Search your heart very well. If you worship me, the LORD your God, I will bless you with food and water and take away all your sicknesses. In your land no woman will have a miscarriage or be without children. I will give you long lives Ex 23:25-26(GNB). Who have you come to see?

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