Sunday, 10 June 2012

The spirit of compromise week 24, 2012

I thought you were one of the champions of doing things right. How come you have changed? “I was one of the champions alright, but look what it has brought me: I will soon retire and then who will look after my children? I have always acted justly and fairly. I always expected to live a long life and to die at home in comfort Job 29:14, 18(GNB). Is it the paltry money that I am not even sure will be coming regularly that we shall be surviving on?” Where is your faith my brother? Do not be as the seed which fell on rocky ground: As soon as life gets hard or the message gets them in trouble, they give up Mat 13:21(CEV). This is nothing but compromise. Have nothing to do with it. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them Eph 5:11(ESV).
“Look we have to do things differently, this is Nigeria after all; if we don’t we lose out.” What do you mean, say this is me or this is you: there is no such thing as this is Nigeria. Do not follow the majority when they do wrong… Ex 23:2 (GNB). “Is that so? Have you not read that in Rome you do as the Romans do?” There is no place in scripture with that advice. What it says is identify with people in order to bring them to Jesus not conformity with the evils in any place. To those who do not have the law I became like a man who does not have the law, in order to win those who do not have the law (although I am not free from God's law, but am under the law of Christ)1Cor 9:21(ISV). “Perhaps I do not quote the Bible as well as I should. Surely there is somewhere that says give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar? That we should give everyone their due: honour to whom honour and custom to whom custom?”
Aren’t you quoting out of context? I belong to Jesus exclusively: no part of me belongs to Caesar or this world. What you are saying sounds very much like “If you can’t beat them join them!” How can you abandon God at this stage? Saint Paul declared that he would rather die than have any man strip him of his cause for boasting. But I have not used any of these rights, and I'm not writing this so that they may be applied in my case. I would rather die than let anyone deprive me of my reason for boasting 1Cor 9:15(ISV). Is it not better to be deprived and die? If we suffer for sticking to principles is it not praise worthy? Who will harm you if you are devoted to doing what is good? But even if you should suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed. Never be afraid of their threats, and never get upset 1Pt 3:14(ISV).

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