We had all rejoiced in December 2002 after my 72 year old mother
returned from the United Kingdom and performed her traditional retirement
rites. Then we got the phone call late in January 2003. She had taken ill and
was being treated for typhoid fever in Aba. However she was getting worse so I
went over to bring her down to Enugu where my husband works as a very senior
plastic surgeon. She had waist complaints and was bleeding. When he reviewed
her, he was disturbed and she was taken to see Prof Iloabachie (a
gynaecologist) who examined her under anaesthesia. His diagnosis was cancer of
the cervix. Worse still he said it had gone beyond what surgery could cure, and
encouraged us to think of radiotherapy, and then surgery if need be. The
bleeding was so bad- it was most worrisome. She was in so much pain that every
6 hours she had to have strong analgesia just to be able to communicate with
those around. Hear my cry, O
God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee,
when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that
is higher than I Ps 61:1, 2(KJV).
My siblings in UK requested her to come over
for treatment so we applied for a visa, and got it in Abuja after much prayer.
She left on March 8 with my sister. We
were all praying, my prayer partners and other brethren joined in to intercede
for her. She spent 10 days in the UK hospital. There the diagnosis of
inoperable cervical cancer was made. Then came the news: Based on everything
they had seen the hospital gave her three weeks to live and asked her to put
her house in order. I held on to several scriptures. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will
be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him
my salvation Ps
91:15, 16 (ESV). She comforted herself in the words of an Igbo
song which translated means “Fear not. God is with you”. We continued in
prayer, holding night vigils for her. Three weeks turned to three months, and
then she spent ten months receiving radiotherapy and chemotherapy. She returned
home in 2004 and cared for me after my last baby. She was only on pain relief
by this time, and on yearly check-ups. On one of her check-ups they were
clearly amazed she was still alive. They suggested to her to keep a boyfriend
so as to have the cervical area exercised: a suggestion we found spiritually
and culturally repulsive! Needless to say she never did such.
One year went on to several years. In amazement when no trace of the
cancer could be found the UK folks asked her secret. What kind of diet, what
kind of exercise had she been on? By 2010/2011 she was declared cancer free. So
10 years after she was given three weeks to die, on her 83rd
birthday, here we are in church giving thanks to he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of
lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no
one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen. 1Tm
6:15, 16(ESV)
Joy is
a barrister in Enugu
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