Monday, 21 April 2014

An implication of the resurrection week 16, 2014

Where are you dressed up all ready to go this early morning?
I’m going to join in the women’s declaration of the Easter celebration of Jesus rising from the dead.
Oh well enjoy the ceremony, I’m having a rest.
Excuse me, Easter is no ceremony. Don’t you know what it’s all about?
Oh boy. How did I get into this? Easter is a celebration of Christians. It is one of the chief occasions of Christianity. They believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead after 3 days. Right?
Wrong; and on all counts: Easter is what makes Christianity. No Easter, no Christian. Christians do not “believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead”. It is a historical fact that He did.
So how come it is only Christians that testify about it?
Unbelieving people testified also. While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and told the high priests everything that had happened Mt 28:11(ISV). However they were in a conspiracy to suppress and twist the truth. It is just like the tobacco industry had the facts about the harm it does but for years twisted and suppressed facts for financial gain. So they met with the elders and agreed on a plan to give the soldiers a large amount of money. They said, "Say that Jesus' disciples came at night and stole him while you were sleeping." So the soldiers took the money, did as they were instructed Mat 28:12, 13, 15(ISV) 
The tobacco industry matter was based on solid evidence. You cannot forward any evidence of yours on this matter. The resurrection is really a finely crafted story.
Why then is the role of women highlighted? That does not make sense in Jewish law. The testimony of the women is forwarded contrary to what a finely crafted tale to the Jewish community would be. With regard to evidence: how come all the modern technology and archaeology have yet to find the bones of Jesus Christ?
Actually that beats me. He must be dead somewhere. We shall find his body yet.
He still lives. He rose bodily and is presently seated at God’s right hand. Christ is now in heaven, where he sits at the right side of God. All angels, authorities, and powers are under his control 1Pt 3:22 (CEV). 
That’s impossible! A human being alive in outer space for over 2000 years? What kind of a body does he have? Be reasonable. His bones will be picked up.
Why do you refuse to accept it? Humour me a moment: what would the implication be if it were true?
Well it would mean He must be some divine being... and all he said must be true.
That is exactly why the world does not want to accept it. By the way it was on the 3rd day that he rose: he was buried, he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures—and is still alive!—1Cor 15:4(ISV).  Jesus did rise from the dead, is alive bodily now, and will return as Judge of all. Submit to Him today.

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