Monday, 16 June 2014

Ambush in success Week 24, 2014

I think it’s time to pray brother; we need to really pray now.
“What’s the hurry Sam? We have won, our prayers are answered. Success is here.”
Perhaps the most vulnerable period of a pilgrim’s journey is the crest of success. "When you have eaten and are satisfied, bless the LORD your God for the good land that he has given you. Be careful! Otherwise, you will forget the LORD your God by failing to keep his commands, ordinances, and statutes that I'm commanding you this day.  Dt 8:10-11(ISV).
“I don’t understand you. The victory song is on our lips, the mood is high, and our enemies are now our footstool; who or what threatens?”
It seems to me it is easier to pluck off a wealthy believer than an impoverished one (not that I believe in poverty). When David was persecuted and pursued by Saul he drew closer to God, composed many a psalm, and wrought many victories. When the entire kingdom was squarely under him and God had sworn on oath to him to establish his throne forever (2Sam7) he thereafter falls into sin with Bathsheba and murders her husband (2Sam11).
“That was David; he just succumbed to the family fault of immorality collected from his ancestor Judah.”
It’s not only David this happened to. What of Jephthah who waged a civil war in Israel when he was offended right after his great victory over the Ammonites? Did not 42,000 Israelites perish in that avoidable conflict (Jg12:1-6)? Can we forget Gideon the man of God who after defeating the Midianites entered a trap even though he avoided the error of Jephthah and the invitation to rule Israel? Gideon used the gold to make an ephod, which he put in his hometown, the town called Ophrah. All the Israelites worshiped the ephod. In this way the Israelites were not faithful to God--they worshiped the ephod. The ephod became a trap that caused Gideon and his family to sin Jdg 8:27(ERV). Consider King Uzziah: his reputation spread far and wide, and he was marvelously assisted until he grew very strong.  But after he had become strong, in his arrogance he acted corruptly and became unfaithful to the LORD his God 2Ch 26:15, 16(ISV).   Thus showing the danger success poses, or rather the backlash of Satan and the flesh when God has graciously helped us.
“Should we not have succeeded then? Is victory now a defeat?”
Victory must be in the spiritual as well as the physical. Any victory that results in a sense of “I have arrived” and man being exalted has turned to spiritual defeat. Brothers and sisters, I know that I still have a long way to go Phil 3:13(ERV). When the talk is how this man did this but the need for greater holiness, greater purity, greater submission to others are missing we are missing it.
“How then can we manage success? Lord help me...”

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