Sunday, 10 August 2014

Christian fundraising Week 32, 2014

Whatever happened to walking by faith in ministry? Is something wrong with the models of faith ministry in Christian history such as George Muller who raised an orphanage by faith without soliciting funds yet they never lacked? Are those methods outdated, impracticable in 21st century Christianity with an explosion of ministries crying out for funds, or have we lost faith in God and baptised our lack of faith “aggressive fundraising”? Does God still direct ministers to Zarephath women He has spoken to before time to cater for welfare? Then this message came to him from the LORD: "Get up, move to Zarephath in Sidon, and stay there. Look! I've commanded a widow to sustain you there." 1Kg 17:8, 9(ISV).  Or does God expect you to scatter your needs on several soils praying they land on good soil and grow? I thought it is supposed to be seed i.e. the word of God: The seed is God's word Lk 8:11(ISV). Perhaps you will remind me that God spoke to Moses to ask an offering from His people for the tabernacle. The LORD said to Moses, "Tell the Israelites to make an offering to me. Receive whatever offerings anyone wishes to give Ex 25:1, 2(GNB).Is that what we do? How can we explain ten to twelve offerings in a single service?
From a congregation (name withheld) comes this story as told by the former caretaker: “I was there when the minister in charge, curate and guest speaker were agreeing that the goal of this meeting was to raise money. The word of God came alright, but the meeting had a shadow cast on her by the bid to raise money. At the start of the fundraising the speaker requested all those who would sow N100, 000 to stand. Thereafter he asked for fifty thousand, and then twenty thousand. He then said he would stop at ten. Only he didn’t stop. On then until one thousand; and then whoever had not given was urged to go ahead and bring something. Thereafter the names of people who pledged were taken. Money was raised. The way we raise money has given cause for offense. In fact one day during a fundraising a woman cried out “Stop deceiving us!” Ministers sometimes go to give Holy Communion to wealthy men at home (and go back with money in their pockets) whilst sick people who need communion are left out.
But I also know another speaker in the same church who did not do like that. At the end of his message he asked people to decide what they would give, and restrained those who wanted to write down their names. He said that was what God laid on his heart in the hotel room. I testify we raised more money this way.”
Even where less money is raised the second way, which of them better represents the gospel standards? Or can we no longer say with Paul “I would rather die than have anyone deprive me of my cause for boasting”? (1Cor9:15)
We do not put an obstacle in anyone's way. Otherwise, fault may be found with our ministry. Instead, in every way we demonstrate that we are God's servants by tremendous endurance in the midst of difficulties, hardships, and calamities; 2Cor 6:3, 4(ISV) 

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