Sunday, 19 October 2014

Who employs you? Week 42, 2014

For quite a long time the question has raged: who should head the institution? There are many sides of the argument; the question of training, history, democracy, experience and so forth. Each has its apparent merits, and advocates of any can be quite passionate (as well as persuasive). Be it a business enterprise, hospital, church or charity organization the struggle for control is real, but tragic. The front is that of professionalism and “the right thing for the system”; but it is a front, a masquerade, a disguise for the passions of the flesh which should die. For neither at any time were we found using … a cloak of covetousness, God is witness 1Thess 2:5 (ASV).  I have seen previous close friendships torn apart by this; and twins (literally) struggle to death over control of resources (and that whilst their father yet lived). Not to mention splits in churches and fellowships.
Such exercises remind me of the controversy of greatness among the apostles. Later, an argument started among the disciples as to which of them might be the greatest Lk 9:46(ISV). The episode was a recurrent one among them, even a heated one which resulted in souring of relations. He asked her, "What do you want?"She told him, "Promise that in your kingdom these two sons of mine will sit on your right and on your left." When the ten heard this, they became furious with the two brothers Mt 20: 21, 24(ISV). Yes, even carefully chosen disciples are not immune from such.
I do not know about you but it is glaringly unlike Jesus to me to struggle over who is the greatest, who is the leader, who is in charge; who has the last word. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave Phil 2:5-7(NLT). He wasn’t struggling for position, but for our salvation. Had he insisted on His rights there is no way we could have been saved. Indeed such struggles have resulted in avoidable loss of lives, in the health and other sectors it manifests. I am convinced Jesus is yet saying to us today, “Seek to serve, not to be served”. You will say to me “Pastor we do. But even Jesus was recognized for all His efforts and crowned adequately. Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names Phil 2:9(NLT). This is a situation where our labours are not recognized by society.” It was not society, or those beneficiaries of Jesus’ sacrifice that highly exalted him. It is God. “We aren’t talking about God here but the government and society at large.” Is that so? Who employed you, and who are you serving? God or government? In fact, the Lord Christ is the one you are really serving, and you know that he will reward you Col 3:24(CEV)  That same God has sworn in His word: The one who honors me I'll honor, and the one who despises me is to be treated with contempt 1Sam2:30(ISV).  All such struggles are worldly.

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