Monday, 10 November 2014

Euroclydon: warning signals Week 45, 2014

Disregarding early warning signals and the intuition from the Holy Spirit is devastating. Consider the outcome in Paul’s time when as a prisoner he was headed for Rome from Myra. The journey started out naturally enough, with a well reasoned decision on the part of the officer in charge. There the centurion found an Alexandrian ship bound for Italy and put us on it Act 27:6(ISV). Since they were headed for Rome by sea, the choice was sound and reasonable.  But danger lurked. When seemingly sound and reasonable decisions could result in unmitigated disaster God grants us His warnings. Remember the wise men and Herod?
The first warning was in the physical indicator. We sailed slowly for a number of days and with difficulty arrived off Cnidus. Then, because the wind was against us, we sailed on the sheltered side of Crete off Cape Salome. Sailing past it with difficulty, we came to a place called Fair Havens Act 27:7-8(ISV). The second was very explicit. We had lost much time, and it was now dangerous to sail, because it was already after the Jewish day of fasting. So Paul warned them Act 27:9(ERV). Notice Paul used the term “I perceive…” It was not something coming from data or experience or fear. Some people call it intuition, others premonition. And said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives Act 27:10(KJV). It isn’t always in the negative, about danger. Sometimes it is a certainty of success within when no clear success indicators are manifest. Emotions come from the soul, and reasoning comes from the intellect. It was not “I feel” (emotion) or “I think” (intellect), but I perceive. Another word would be “I discern”.  Perhaps others felt him superstitious or squeamish from the early roughness. A person who isn't spiritual doesn't accept the things of God's Spirit, for they are nonsense to him. He can't understand them because they are spiritually evaluated1Cor 2:14(ISV). Basically it comes from the spirit man into your awareness of an imminent danger or whatever else God is passing across to you. It is not the emotions or intellect the Spirit within us bears witness with, but our spirit: The Spirit is witness with our spirit that we are children of God: Rom 8:16(BBE) 
I want to ask you, “Have you encountered this before?” You may ask “how can I tell?” This perception must be separated from indecision and double-mindedness; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways Jas1:8(ESV). No, a clear reasoned decision had been entered. It is also no guesswork or suspicion of anyone. The decision may be a voyage, a business venture, or another thing. Reason alone is insufficient in matters of life: we must spend time before God in prayers to get a word from the Spirit on decisions we take too. People who are guided by the Spirit can make all kinds of judgments, but they cannot be judged by others1Cor 2:15(CEV). Has it happened to you? If so speak up. It would be dangerous to move on without doing so.

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