“I don’t know why
I have to be under such a person as this. It is beneath me really. Such
unbecoming conduct eh…”
Don’t say such things. It is God that has put people in authority so be
respectful. Be willing to
serve the people who have authority in this world. Do this for the Lord 1Pt 2:13(ERV).
“Respect? Respect is earned, not
handed out on a platter to undeserving human beings. This is how you people use
the Bible to marginalize others. Let me see that worthiness first then we can
negotiate the respect. Judge between us who is now more Christian. No don’t
shake your head: tell me…”
It doesn’t work
out that way. Have you not read about the baptism of Jesus. He who had no sin
was come to a man with sin to submit to him. Then Jesus came
from Galilee to the Jordan River. He came to John, wanting John to baptize him Mt 3:13(ERV). Even John
recognized his unworthiness to baptize the messiah. "I baptize you with water to show that you have
changed your hearts and lives. But there is someone coming later who is able to
do more than I can. I am not good enough to be the slave who takes off his
sandals.” Mt 3:11 (ERV). Is the difference between both of you that wide?
“That’s just it. It may not be that wide but it is
glaring o. Why on earth should such anomalies happen? Isn’t this the reason why
the spiritual atmosphere here is so bleak, and heavens so closed?”
Be careful
beloved. A hint at pride comes through your tone. The first thing in coming to
God for a healing is not the praying but the humbling of ourselves: when my people humble themselves—the ones who are
called by my name—and pray, seek me, and turn away from their evil practices, I
myself will listen from heaven… 2Ch 7:14(ISV). Jesus humbled
himself according to God’s plan. Jesus answered,
"Let it be this way for now. We should do whatever God says is
right." Mt 3:15(ERV). So must you. For
a Christian the respect cannot depend on the recipient’s worthiness but on
God’s command. Which of us after all is truly worthy of any respect considering
our past sins and present ups and downs? When Jesus went to John there was a
silence around. The voice from heaven only came when He had submitted to John’s
baptism. In fact the heavens were open to Him thereafter. Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn
open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove Mk 1:10(NIV). Do you not need
heaven to be open to you? When you have thus humbled yourself even if they were
like iron curtains God will tear them open and pour out His Spirit. You can
keep your pride and have no affirmation from God publicly that you are His, and
that He is well pleased with you. Don’t give or deny people the respect simply
because of their money or power or position or workings of righteousness (or
lack of it). Give it because God says so. Excel at showing
respect for each other Rom
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