Sunday, 19 April 2015

Numbers too few Week 16, 2015

You seem discouraged and dejected. What is the matter? Is someone ill?
“Not at all. It is not physical illness, but to be honest with you I am getting discouraged and somewhat frustrated.”
Goodness! Share with me; what is discouraging you?
“Take a look at the empty pews in the building; our numbers are too few. Hardly anyone comes. And I know the message God gave us is relevant to so many Christians. How can it be just one or two people I will be ministering to week after week? Others have large congregations but I know the quality of what we offer.”
Oh my brother remember what John the Baptist answered his disciples when they complained Jesus was attracting many more followers. John replied, "No one can receive anything unless it has been given to them from heaven Jn 3:27(ISV). Let God build your congregation to the size ordained for you.
“Isn’t having more people to minister to a mark of your worth as a man of God?”
See, you must recognize God gives you according to the grace released to you: The man knew what each servant could do. So he handed five thousand coins to the first servant, two thousand to the second, and one thousand to the third. Then he left the country Mat 25:15(CEV).  Can you take the other issues coming from a large congregation? Be happy with the work He has assigned you. Or are you worried about people to meet your financial and other obligations? Jonathan said to his armor bearer, "Let's go to the military post of these uncircumcised people. Maybe the LORD will act on our behalf. The LORD can win a victory with a few men as well as with many." 1Sam 14:6(GW)  Be careful beloved. God will seek an accounting based on what He has given you to do not what He has not; or will you go and manufacture attendees? You know people go into compromise and water down their message just to get it when God has not released many people to them?
“But what good is all this unction that is poured out on just a person? How does it help in God’s kingdom?”
What good do you think it seemed when Luke wrote 2 volumes for one man Theophillus? I, too, have carefully investigated everything from the beginning and have decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus Lk 1:3(ISV).  Paul wrote four letters to individuals and 3rd John was also written to an individual. Seven of 27 books of the New Testament is more than a quarter you know. These messages were later a blessing to the whole body of Christ. What would have happened if these writers did not do it because only one or two persons were to receive the work? Researching and compiling Acts of the Apostles and Luke must have been quite a task. Yet Luke did it for just one. In the human body of the many nerves coming from the brain that serve so many organs and glands there is one nerve dedicated by God to only one structure – one of the muscles that moves the eye.

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