Sunday, 25 October 2015

Righteous Lot and the day of judgement Week 43, 2015

Was Lot a righteous man? Lot who chose before his uncle and mentor Abram? Lot who chose Sodom and first pitched his tents towards Sodom but eventually lived in Sodom? Lot who started out living in tents like Abram but in Sodom had settled to live in a house? The Lord makes it clear he was:  and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man who was greatly distressed by the immoral conduct of lawless people— then the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials and to hold unrighteous people for punishment on the day of judgment2Pt 2:7, 9(ISV)
In speaking of the day Jesus compared it to Lot’s day. It will be as it was in the time of Lot Lk 17:28(GNB). Lot believed the message from angels, prepared his household and fled. Faith is counted for righteousness. In Sodom there were exceeding great sinners. Immorality was an institutional thing. All parts of Sodom participated. But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter Gen 19:4(KJV)  Today the media is celebrating communities and countries adopting gay and lesbian rights. Despite the despicable and seemingly overwhelming evil there he raised virgin daughters in Sodom! Look, I have two daughters who are still virgins Gen 19:8(GNB). Undefiled by fornication, lesbianism or homosexuality.
In such dangerous times as Lot lived and among such people he was kind and hospitable to strangers. What a challenge and rebuke to us who cite security concerns as a reason not to help those who need assistance. Remember to welcome strangers in your homes. There were some who did that and welcomed angels without knowing it Heb 13:2 (GNB). Lot was one of such that obeyed this. By the way, when men came to ask Lot about his guests so as to defile them Lot did not say “Oh they have left” or some other convenient lie. He sidestepped the issue and dissuaded the would-be rapists thereby putting him and family at risk. But God delivered only him and his household of all in Sodom! But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 2Tim 3:13, 14(KJV)   
Proclamation and warning concerning judgement was also made by righteous Lot to the people of the city. Then Lot went to the men that his daughters were going to marry, and said, "Hurry up and get out of here; the LORD is going to destroy this place." Gen 19:14(GNB).  So are we keeping ourselves pure from immorality, are we busy proclaiming the gospel, are we hospitable and loving even to strangers?  
Even if like Lot you had made mistakes in choices; repent today, believe God and hold fast to righteous living. Since God could keep and cite him as an example He can keep you also firm to the very end without spot or blemish or wrinkle. Hold on in faith.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

The Health Sector dilemma Week 42, 2015

That the health industry is bedeviled by recurring instability and inefficiency is no news. Like an open wound it presents itself to you. What may not be very clear to all is which direction the spiral will dump us. In the light of dwindling resources and the high wage bill there is much talk of increased private sector involvement with government health institutions. The permutations range from partnership to outright takeover. Clearly private involvement is more efficient. The incidence of industrial actions is most likely to drop in private hands, but the private hands are quite likely to cut down on staff strength, and hike prices for an already impoverished populace. As we contemplate the eventual structure in the wind of change there are a few things we could do.
The first is to bring repentance to God for my (our) role in precipitating the crises. Please let us stop the finger pointing, the “Yes, I may have been wrong but it was their fault” response. It doesn’t matter right now who started it. It matters much more that I am guilty, we are guilty, and must repent. Whoever hides their sins will not be successful, but whoever confesses their sins and stops doing wrong will receive mercy Prov 28:13(ERV) 
Repentance cannot be a refreshment in between boxing rounds, a restocking of weapons for the continuing war, a change of strategy to still get my (our) own way. No. Repentance has to manifest in a complete change of goals and purpose. Before now I (we) fought for rights and survival and equity as defined by me (us). Please let us now take up responsibilities under God at the pain of losing our rights, just as the harlot in Solomon’s time. "Please don't kill my son," the baby's mother screamed. "Your Majesty, I love him very much, but give him to her. Just don't kill him." The other woman shouted, "Go ahead and cut him in half. Then neither of us will have the baby."1Kgs 3:26(CEV).  The all-wise King is yet on the throne seeing and judging.
Some are praying against government handover to private hands, for fear of losing their job (security), others are encouraging the formation of professional groups and associations in readiness for the handover. As they say “It’s not a question of if but when the handover will occur. I must be prepared for the eventuality. Change is a constant”. Our attitude must have another angle. We are called of God as salt, light, and witnesses in the health sector. How shall I work in such a manner that any within the health sector hearing the gospel from my lips will say “no wonder!” and not “Is Saul also among the prophets?” The guarantee for professional fulfilment and success is neither the crafty pursuit of goals nor my relentless pursuit of “rights” but a loving submission of work as a service rendered unto God; yea an act of worship to the living King. Fear not a change, fear the unchanging God of glory.
I want you to be wise about what is good, but innocent in what is evil. And God, our source of peace, will soon crush Satan under your feet Rom 16:19, 20(GNB).

Monday, 12 October 2015

Hasten the day Week 41, 2015

O come Lord Jesus” I cry; The wicked are become worse. ISIL  and Boko Haram seek to wipe out Christianity from the face of ancient towns” As it is written, "For your sake we are being put to death all day long. We are thought of as sheep headed for slaughter." Rom 8:36 (ISV)  and I strain my ear for an answer. “Hasten the day.”
Hasten the day? “Come quickly Lord Jesus. Abominations are not only tolerated; they are actively promoted and protected. World leaders threaten to punish nations who do not embrace homosexuality. They know God has said that anyone who acts this way deserves to die. But they keep on doing evil things, and they even encourage others to do them Rom 1:32(CEV). Evil has become the order of the day. Remember you promised to cut the evil days short. But God has already reduced the number of days; had he not done so, nobody would survive. For the sake of his chosen people, however, God will reduce the days Mt 24:22(GNB). Come before we are swamped. O Lord won’t you hear me call. Please answer.” “Hasten the day” again I receive.
“I would that you immediately appear in the sky Jesus. What a day it will be. It is becoming hard to distinguish false from true disciples. The fraud, the duping, the immoralities amongst Pentecostal and orthodox are so grave. My heart breaks again and again with endless reports of infightings, indecencies, and greed. Which week passes without news of a new scandal emerging? Ministers bribe their way into office and their supporters maim, even kill opponents. The flagrant departure from the kingdom principles I blamed on other nations’ churches are all rife here. As the Lord's servant, you must not quarrel. You must be kind toward all, a good and patient teacher, who is gentle as you correct your opponents, for it may be that God will give them the opportunity to repent and come to know the truth 2Tim 2:24-25(GNB).Even our fellowships I believed to be immune have become corrupted. Please intervene Jesus. Come Lord Jesus, come!” Again the message comes: “Hasten the day of My coming”.
Can it really have to do with me? Is the day in any way dependent on us, on any man? The Lord is not slow about his promise…but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, think of the kind of holy and godly people you ought to be as you look forward to and hasten the coming of the day of God 2Pt 3:9, 11-12(ISV). It then dawns on me as I cry unto God that He waits for me to be ready. Yes, to make myself ready. Let us rejoice, be glad, and give him glory, because the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready Rev 19:7(ISV).   Now I cry “Come Lord Jesus”, and say to myself “Put on the Lord Jesus.”
O ye saints that look up with longing eyes for the day of the Lord: hasten the day.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

A test of faith Week 40, 2015

It was embarrassing to me. Here I was – a medical doctor and finding it increasingly difficult to pay for my upkeep. I was well into my National Youth Service; posted as the medical officer in charge of the Government Hospital Ojobo. Actually I was the only doctor in this rural riverine community. The National Youth Service Corps sent an allowance every month for the upkeep of every corper, and usually some pay was expected from the State ministry of health, but owing to some default payment had not come. Subsistence was becoming difficult and those of us in the rural areas were hard hit as we struggled to remain in our posts without the necessary funds. At that time in mid 1992 the States were yet to commence payment of call duty to the doctors on national service.  Months before this Mrs Brisibe had given me a note to the Commissioner of Health who promised to do something about it. When I felt I could no longer bear it I went to the zonal head quarters and sought audience with the board in hope of some relief- no matter how temporary. After all they were the ones who redeployed me from Bomadi to Ojobo which was 45 minutes away by boat. Surely they would intervene. In the meeting I was shocked at the response. “You can’t be serious.” The then board secretary (a Jehovah’s Witness with whom I had discussed Jesus and salvation) told me. “Are you not a doctor? When you see patients demand from them money for service!” I could hardly believe my ears. No one refuted or hushed him before me and I had to leave empty. The very board that should ensure ethical practice was urging me to rip-off the public I served!
How could I go back to my vomit? For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor Gal 2:18(KJV). I had openly fought those who did that under my watch and had told them in clear terms “It is either you get rid of me or this practice must stop”. This was in response to their assertion that they would not stop exacting money from the community during my meeting with them. They would charge the recognised government fees alright, but would demand their own cut for each service rendered nonetheless. All cadres of clinical staff had been involved in this before me. I could not stomach it. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them Eph 5:11(ESV). How was I going to survive? I wasn’t going to leave the church or community now.
I approached the pastor of the church and he graciously gave me a loan. I swallowed my pride and fed on the borrowed money. Some while after God’s intervention appeared. Delta State government decided to pay call duty to NYSC doctors and did so with arrears. They became the first State in Nigeria to do so. When the money reached me the one I borrowed was now like a tithe of it. I gratefully returned the money to the church, paid my tithes and became a source of succour to the non doctors who were on Youth Service with me in the riverine, suffering without their allowance. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD Ps 27:13-14.