That the health industry is bedeviled by recurring instability and
inefficiency is no news. Like an open wound it presents itself to you. What may
not be very clear to all is which direction the spiral will dump us. In the
light of dwindling resources and the high wage bill there is much talk of increased
private sector involvement with government health institutions. The
permutations range from partnership to outright takeover. Clearly private
involvement is more efficient. The incidence of industrial actions is most
likely to drop in private hands, but the private hands are quite likely to cut
down on staff strength, and hike prices for an already impoverished populace.
As we contemplate the eventual structure in the wind of change there are a few
things we could do.
The first is to bring repentance to God for my (our) role in
precipitating the crises. Please let us stop the finger pointing, the “Yes, I may have been wrong but it was their
fault” response. It doesn’t matter right now who started it. It matters
much more that I am guilty, we are guilty, and must repent. Whoever hides their sins will not be successful, but
whoever confesses their sins and stops doing wrong will receive mercy Prov 28:13(ERV)
Repentance cannot be a refreshment in between boxing rounds, a
restocking of weapons for the continuing war, a change of strategy to still get
my (our) own way. No. Repentance has to manifest in a complete change of goals
and purpose. Before now I (we) fought for rights and survival and equity as
defined by me (us). Please let us now take up responsibilities under God at the
pain of losing our rights, just as the harlot in Solomon’s time. "Please don't kill my son," the baby's
mother screamed. "Your Majesty, I love him very much, but give him to her.
Just don't kill him." The other woman shouted, "Go ahead and cut him
in half. Then neither of us will have the baby."1Kgs 3:26(CEV). The all-wise King is yet on the throne seeing and judging.
Some are praying against government handover to private hands, for
fear of losing their job (security), others are encouraging the formation of
professional groups and associations in readiness for the handover. As they say
“It’s not a question of if but when the
handover will occur. I must be prepared for the eventuality. Change is a
constant”. Our attitude must have another angle. We are called of God as
salt, light, and witnesses in the health sector. How shall I work in such a
manner that any within the health sector hearing the gospel from my lips will
say “no wonder!” and not “Is Saul also among the prophets?” The
guarantee for professional fulfilment and success is neither the crafty pursuit
of goals nor my relentless pursuit of “rights” but a loving submission of work
as a service rendered unto God; yea an act of worship to the living King. Fear
not a change, fear the unchanging God of glory.
I want you to be wise about what is good, but innocent
in what is evil. And God, our source of peace, will soon crush Satan under your
feet Rom 16:19, 20(GNB).
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