Monday, 14 December 2015

A Christ less Christmas Week 50, 2015

It has reached an astonishing level - this avoidance of Jesus the Christ in lives of men. In this period of remembering His birth many welcome celebrations but refuse to recognise the celebrant. Perhaps it started with “season’s greetings” and continued with “happy holidays”. Now the Christmas tree has been dubbed the holiday tree! A documentary on another religion is well advertised and aired repeatedly in international media, whilst a paid advert on the Lord’s prayer is rejected on the grounds it might offend those of other faiths and those who have no faith at all. What is it that makes men so uneasy about the mention of the name “Jesus Christ”? Well I suppose it should not be too surprising. The LORD told Samuel, " In fact, it's not you they have rejected, but rather they have rejected me from being their king…” 1Sam 8:7(ISV). It should be no surprise at all. Jesus Himself in the parable of the talents makes it clear His rule is unwelcome by the citizens of this world. But the citizens of his country hated him and sent a delegation to follow him and to announce, 'We don't want this man to rule over us!’ Lk 19:14(ISV). 
What comes as a surprise then is when we who claim Christianity swallow it and promote Santa Claus over Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born in a manger to save us from sin. Why do people teach Christmas season is one for giving, but refuse God’s own Christmas gift to us? The angel told them, "Stop being afraid! Listen! I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people. Today your Savior, the Lord Messiah, was born in the city of David Lk 2:10-11(ISV).  No it is not about sensitivity to people and their belief system for Jesus’ birth is a historical fact incontrovertible. And what if December 25 was not actually the day Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born into the world? It makes no difference. Many a reunion has been held outside the calendar date of the last parting; so many anniversaries are marked on dates different from the original event. No one celebrates such making apologies or without clearly stating the reason. The events of these days to me are mere attempts to have a Christ less Christmas.
This rejection of Jesus at Christmas is actually as old as the event: she gave birth to her first-born son. She dressed him in baby clothes and laid him on a bed of hay, because there was no room for them in the inn Lk 2:7(CEV).  Who told you there was no vacancy at all? The scripture says “for them”. No room for them.  But just as He would not force Himself upon that inn to be born and suffered being born in a manger, so today Jesus won’t force Himself into your life; just in case you feel too busy to be bothered by all this. He was in the world, and the world was made through him. Yet the world did not recognize him. He came to his own creation, yet his own people did not receive him. However, to all who received him, those believing in his name, he gave authority to become God's children Jn1:10-12(ISV).  He is God’s personal Christmas gift to you. What are you doing with Him? Rejection brings peril

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