Friday, 19 February 2016

Finding my true love week 7, 2016

“So far the examples you have given are restricted to men. Does this principle work only for men? And whilst you are thinking of the answer; not every one of us is designed to be a prime minister or governor or king.”
I laugh. If the principle doesn’t work for females then it can’t be right. We do have several examples of women whose obedience resulted in blessings. Do you recall Zipporah?
“The wife of Moses who was reluctant to circumcise their son? What about her?”
When she was yet in her father’s house was she not sent by her father to water and care for the flocks? Meanwhile, the seven daughters of a certain Midianite priest would come to draw water in order to fill water troughs for their father's sheep. Some shepherds came to drive them away Ex 2:16-17(ISV).  She and her sisters would obey though harassed repeatedly
“Hold on a second. How do you know the harassment was repeated? Don’t forge.”
Did you notice their father’s question? When they returned to their father Reuel, he asked, "Why have you returned so quickly today?" Ex 2:18 (ISV)  They had adjusted to the harassment when they would come to draw water and continued in obedience for an undefined time with nothing happening to them seemingly as a reward. She again obeyed when they were asked to call Moses to their home. I say this so you do not easily give up when obedience results in repeated harassment. It takes a while.
“So what opportunity did it give her?”
Ah ah! Was she not designed by God to be the wife of Moses? Her habit of obedience despite harassment finally gave opportunity to meet her husband. Is that not the same thing that happened with Rebecca? At the time to fetch water she was doing the natural thing of obeying to fetch water. The young women of the city will soon come to this well for water Gen 24:13(CEV) 
“But that was not the sign. I'll ask one of them for a drink. If she gives me a drink and then offers to get some water for my camels, I'll know she is the one you have chosen Gen 24:14(GW).  That’s it.”
I know, but don’t you see it was her obedience to get water in the first place that gave opportunity for her to meet Abraham’s servant?  
“Are you telling us that on Valentine’s Day for any special reason?”
Oh I see; today is the so called lovers’ day. These women found their true love alright, but it was following repeated obedience to authority and not in disobedience by going where they should not. There they get deceived and defiled. Remember that famous love relationship between Jacob and Rachel? Did it not start when Rachel obeyed her own father to go care for the sheep? While Jacob was still talking with them, Rachel arrived with the flock Gen 29:9(GNB).
“What of the other sisters? No Moses to marry them when they equally obeyed.”
Yes. Obedience cannot be traded as money in the market for what results you desire.The opportunity it opens is decided by God.

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