Sunday, 20 March 2016

How to catch fish Week 12, 2016

It had been a long night of difficult and fruitless labour. The fishermen had toiled at the time you expect fish to swarm; darkness and silence are mandatory in getting the fish to gather. Simon answered, "Master, we have worked hard all night and caught nothing...” Lk 5:5(ISV).  Having done it the right way and gotten nothing someone like myself would have been fending off feelings of frustration. Many would be in no mood to indulge requests for help from anyone, stranger or friend. But that is exactly the circumstance we find Simon and his companions in on the morning of Jesus’ teaching by the lakeside. One day as the crowd was pressing in on him to listen to God's word, Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret Lk 5:1(ISV).
Right in our loss we are called upon to meet another’s need. Jesus told his disciples to have a boat ready for him so that the crowd wouldn't crush him Mk 3:9(ISV). Son of God he was (is), yet the need for safety and assistance was marked. Notice how Simon responds. So Jesus got into one of the boats (the one that belonged to Simon) and asked him to push out a little from the shore. Then he sat down and began to teach the crowds from the boat Lk 5:3(ISV). No grumbling, no frustration vented, no rants about the need to pre inform for courtesy’s sake (am I talking to someone?). Remember this was happening before the call to discipleship.
In his need Simon with his crew stretch out a helping hand without negotiating what to get in return for this unscheduled and emergency rental. Give to everyone who asks you for something, and when someone takes what is yours, do not ask for it back Lk 6:30(GNB). O how we exploit those who call upon us in business for an emergency! Special rates shall we charge and justify it. “It was an emergency”. What a reward we are missing! When next you have been frustrated in the course of legitimate hard work and a stranger (or friend) needs you, please help out. God has chosen you to bless you. Jesus could have gone elsewhere. Simon’s was not the only boat there. He saw two boats lying on the shore, but the fishermen had stepped out of them and were washing their nets. So Jesus got into one of the boats (the one that belonged to Simon) Lk 5:2-3(ISV).  If we refuse to help out, another will; and if no man does the stones are there to take up the mantle and get the job done – just as they stood by on Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. Some of the Pharisees in the crowd told Jesus, "Teacher, tell your disciples to be quiet."  He replied, "I tell you, if they were quiet, the stones would cry out!" Lk19: 39, 40(ISV).  In effect the opportunities that present themselves to help when we need something ourselves are there simply to bless us.
Now God never uses without rewarding, and His pay is always far greater than we could ever imagine or negotiate. They were all amazed at the catch of fish Lk5:9

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