Sunday, 26 June 2016

Indomitable God Week 26, 2016

It was no less a Person than the Lord Jesus Christ that spoke to Paul the apostle on the next phase of his ministry. That night the Lord stood by Paul and said, "Don't be afraid! You have given your witness for me here in Jerusalem, and you must also do the same in Rome." Acts 23:11(GNB).  Yet for two years he was left in jail by the Governor Felix who wanted a bribe from him. He might have reasoned, “Look, here I am in this jail for this long now when I ought to be elsewhere working for the Lord. My ministry in Jerusalem is over. Let’s find money and give this man to release me to do what Jesus has commanded. After all I have done nothing wrong!” familiar thinking? Not Paul and certainly not you with police or others. You see, you don’t need compromise to accomplish God’s purpose.
The plan of Satan to have Paul killed had so far not worked; immediately after the word from Jesus 40 swore to kill him (Acts 23:12). He was rescued from the Jews’ attacks and plots in Jerusalem, and now a different technique was used: the euroclydon. "Sirs, I perceive that the voyage will be with injury and much loss, not only of the cargo and the ship, but also of our lives." But the centurion paid more attention to the pilot and to the owner of the ship than to what Paul said Acts 27:10-11(ESV).  The stubbornness and lack of a listening ear to the word from God now threatened all of them. Satan was content to waste the entire ship and crew.  Then he influenced the soldiers’ minds (Acts 27:42 -43) and finally in desperation came through a snake to bite Paul Acts 28:3. No way! None worked. Saint hold on to Jesus. You must accomplish you God given goals. No obstacle will keep you from it.
When Jesus speaks a word, no matter the opposition to it by the scheming and manipulation of rebellion of Satan, the wickedness of men or poisonous beasts, none can thwart the purpose of God for any who follow steadfastly in faith. They lost an Alexandrian ship. God gave another Alexandrian ship Acts 28:11. All cargo was lost. The islanders gave them fresh produce and provisions Acts 28:10. Was time lost? Nay, the three months in Melita was an unscheduled revival and evangelistic stop Acts 28:8-9. Unscheduled by Paul but not God who works all things together for good despite your supervising officer’s error and pride; despite the fury of the storms and bites of venomous snakes. And so we came to Rome Acts 28:14.
How did all this happen? First the word from Jesus, then Paul refused compromise and was willing to do God’s biding as a chained prisoner. (Be willing to suffer to get God’s purposes accomplished) then his intercession for all during the storm. How do I know he prayed for all including Julius who didn’t listen and those who wanted to kill him? The angel said “God has granted you all those who sail with you”. Acts 27:42. Certainly he had prayed for all. Follow this example; no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD." Is 54:17 

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Handling pain and injustice Week 25, 2016

There were many things they could have done that night. As Roman citizens their rights had been brutally denied. "The magistrates have had us beaten publicly without a trial and have thrown us into jail, even though we are Roman citizens. "Act 16:37(ISV).  They could complain aloud, discuss it among themselves, or send for the lawyers. Clearly Paul was one, and was acquainted at some time with others. Even if they weren’t Roman citizens a fair trial was appropriate for any one accused of wrong doing. Instead they were summarily punished and jailed without a hearing.
The unfairness didn’t stop there. The jailer’s attitude was unbecoming, and to many this was adding salt to injury. So the jailer followed these orders and put Paul and Silas into solitary confinement with their feet in leg irons Act 16:24(GW). One might have discussed that too. Their wounds also needed attention. Severe beating on bare backs result in open wounds which if not well attended to could get infected with serious complications. Pain from such wounds is worse at nights, and can keep one awake in agony.  At that hour of the night he took them and washed their wounds Act 16:33(ISV). None of that was the focus of the apostles at midnight in the Phillipian jail. A time worn efficient way of handling pain is focusing elsewhere. Where is your focus when suffering?
Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them Act 16:25(ISV). God, praise to God in the midst of deprivation, wounds and injustice filled their midnight hour. Like the apostles before them they were happy, because God had considered them worthy to suffer disgrace for the sake of Jesus Act 5:41(GNB). It wasn’t a prayer for vengeance, or even deliverance from an unjust sentence. No wonder heaven was moved and there was a violent earthquake, which shook the prison to its foundations. At once all the doors opened, and the chains fell off all the prisoners Act 16:26(GNB). Since their focus was on God, they had the presence of mind to call out to the jailer who was about to commit suicide.  But Paul shouted at the top of his voice, "Don't harm yourself ! We are all here!" Act 16:28(GNB).  O how many would have rejoiced at the death of the jailer and given it as a testimony. “Those who did it are now suffering for it. See what happened to the jailer! My God is alive.” But Paul and Silas reach out to their prison guard to set him free from the chains of sin and death.
Epaphras was also imprisoned. Epaphras, who is in prison with me for the sake of Christ Jesus, sends you his greetings Phm 1:23(GNB).  But his preoccupation appears to have been to labour in prayers, not for a release, but for the saints in Colossae, Laodicea and Hierapolis. I assure you that he works hard for you and the people in Laodicea and Hierapolis Col 4:13(GW). If you suffer, focus on God and rejoice in Him; for when God permits His people to suffer, there is good He wants to bring by it.  Unjustly treated? In pain? Focus on others.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Turning defeat to victory Week 24, 2016

She was forcibly taken from her home. Raiding Syrians had entered her country, overpowered whatever defences they had to put up. Now she was booty for the General; a captive slave given to his wife as her mistress. In one of their raids against Israel, the Syrians had carried off a little Israelite girl, who became a servant of Naaman's wife 2Kgs 5:2(GNB).  She could have said God had failed her, could have asked, “why me”. There are those in her circumstance who would become bitter and give up on their faith. Not this damsel (and not you either). She said to her mistress, "Would that my lord were with the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy." 2Kgs 5:3(ESV). Did this happen because she had seen anyone cured of leprosy? Certainly not. There were also many lepers in Israel in the prophet Elisha's time, yet not one of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian Lk 4:27(ESV).The record of cure from leprosy dates back to the wilderness journey when Moses prayed for Miriam who God had struck with leprosy for despising Moses’ authority. Rather than dropping her faith she expressed uncommon faith in the God who many would have argued had failed them; therefore defeat was turned to victory.
When faced with such disaster would many not look at themselves and their pain? We don’t know if she ever struggled with negative emotions; we do see her blazing faith in God despite her setback, a faith which makes her great. She was looking out not in, offering herself as a vessel of help to a need she was aware of in the enemy. She saw her captor as a captive, the one who kidnapped her as a victim of kidnap, only worse than hers. She sought how to bless him who treated her so cruelly. Hers was no prayer for judgement and vengeance, but for mercy to the enemy. God says Bless those who persecute you. Keep on blessing them, and never curse them. Do not pay anyone back evil for evil, but focus your thoughts on what is right in the sight of all people Rom 12:14, 17(ISV). Did we say she was captured and became booty? I’d rather say she was planted there by God. She was more than conquerors. So must we be!
We too can turn defeat into victory as we follow her example. They who hurt us are victims first of sin, captives of a more wicked creature: Satan. Let’s see marauding herdsmen, kidnappers, murderers, militants and rapists for what they really are: victims and captives of a deep disease. And we hold the key to their cleansing! Speak up like her about the Prophet Jesus Christ who cleanses from sin. Yes more than a prophet – the risen Lord of all. Son of the Most High God. Kidnapped? See how to set your captor free. Wounded? Seek healing to the one who first inflicted the injury. As God used the damsel to reach Naaman so too Jesus longs to reach your captors and all who ill-treat you by your witness. To the contrary, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good Rom 12:20, 21(ESV).

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Sons of Delaiah Week 23, 2016

From the day we signed up to follow Jesus we knew it could cost our lives. And so we sang “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back.” When Jesus says, “The one who loves his life will destroy it, and the one who hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, he must follow me. And where I am, there my servant will also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him”Jn 12:25-26(ISV) we know it includes the physical life we live. Not just a style of living. And by His mercy have signed up for that. When we were getting baptised it was made clear to us it means we are dying with Jesus Christ to rise again with Him; and we went on to be baptised.
Or did we imbibe a gospel promising us enjoyment of this world, full stop?
For here we have no permanent city but are looking for the one that is coming Heb 13:14(ISV). Why are desperate messages going on that Muslims want to kill us, want to eradicate Christianity, want to take over the government and economy? Why are we upset? Shall not the son be true to his father, the messenger to his sponsor? What is amazing is that such messages are not coupled with assurances of the final victory of Jesus, such prayer requests are not focused on repentance of the persecutors and readiness of saints to suffer for their Master. It breeds paranoia. An unreasonable fear. What difference is there now between such messages and the ones sent to Nehemiah? Delaiah's son… kept urging me, "Let's meet together at the house of God, within the Temple, and take refuge there, because they're coming to kill you. In fact, they're coming at night to kill you!" But I asked him, "Should a man like me run? Should someone like me run into the Temple to save his life? I won't go there!" Neh 6:10-11(ISV).  There was only one purpose these messages had: to distract and ultimately stop Nehemiah and the Jews from building. They came simply because the building was prospering (Neh6:1-9). We also are building; building lives and the souls of men in the gospel. For we are God's co-workers. You are God's farmland and God's building 1Cor 3:9(ISV).
Make no mistakes about it. We seek to bring all men to the saving knowledge of  Jesus Christ and that upsets the world. It will always upset the world, and will bring repercussions to us in every age and every clime. Jesus says,
“Yes, a time is coming when the one who kills you will think he is serving God. They will do this because they have not known the Father or me.” Jn 16:2-3 (ISV). Improvement in technology, judicial reforms, strengthening of law enforcement can never alter the predictions of scriptures. Please let no man unwittingly serve as a son of Delaiah or help their message. We are kith and kin with Caleb and Paul. Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not  Num 14:9(KJV). Be strong. Be bold.