Sunday, 5 June 2016

Sons of Delaiah Week 23, 2016

From the day we signed up to follow Jesus we knew it could cost our lives. And so we sang “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back.” When Jesus says, “The one who loves his life will destroy it, and the one who hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, he must follow me. And where I am, there my servant will also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him”Jn 12:25-26(ISV) we know it includes the physical life we live. Not just a style of living. And by His mercy have signed up for that. When we were getting baptised it was made clear to us it means we are dying with Jesus Christ to rise again with Him; and we went on to be baptised.
Or did we imbibe a gospel promising us enjoyment of this world, full stop?
For here we have no permanent city but are looking for the one that is coming Heb 13:14(ISV). Why are desperate messages going on that Muslims want to kill us, want to eradicate Christianity, want to take over the government and economy? Why are we upset? Shall not the son be true to his father, the messenger to his sponsor? What is amazing is that such messages are not coupled with assurances of the final victory of Jesus, such prayer requests are not focused on repentance of the persecutors and readiness of saints to suffer for their Master. It breeds paranoia. An unreasonable fear. What difference is there now between such messages and the ones sent to Nehemiah? Delaiah's son… kept urging me, "Let's meet together at the house of God, within the Temple, and take refuge there, because they're coming to kill you. In fact, they're coming at night to kill you!" But I asked him, "Should a man like me run? Should someone like me run into the Temple to save his life? I won't go there!" Neh 6:10-11(ISV).  There was only one purpose these messages had: to distract and ultimately stop Nehemiah and the Jews from building. They came simply because the building was prospering (Neh6:1-9). We also are building; building lives and the souls of men in the gospel. For we are God's co-workers. You are God's farmland and God's building 1Cor 3:9(ISV).
Make no mistakes about it. We seek to bring all men to the saving knowledge of  Jesus Christ and that upsets the world. It will always upset the world, and will bring repercussions to us in every age and every clime. Jesus says,
“Yes, a time is coming when the one who kills you will think he is serving God. They will do this because they have not known the Father or me.” Jn 16:2-3 (ISV). Improvement in technology, judicial reforms, strengthening of law enforcement can never alter the predictions of scriptures. Please let no man unwittingly serve as a son of Delaiah or help their message. We are kith and kin with Caleb and Paul. Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not  Num 14:9(KJV). Be strong. Be bold.

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