Sunday, 28 August 2016

A call to persevere Week 35, 2016

Occasionally some Christian may find herself in the mud of sin, dirty repeated sin. Sometimes a brother may face the fact he has been sexually defiling himself. It may have reached the point of your sins being known abroad. And something says to you “Why continue, why keep trying to be holy? You will only fall only fail. This righteousness thing is not working for you. Just give up.” Listen: But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me. I will bear the indignation of the LORD because I have sinned against him, until he pleads my cause and executes judgment for me. He will bring me out to the light; I shall look upon his vindication. Then my enemy will see, and shame will cover her who said to me, "Where is the LORD your God?" My eyes will look upon her; now she will be trampled down like the mire of the streets Mic 7:7-10(ESV) 
Is there anyone here who is suffering the effects of a past sin? Maybe you conclude the things happening to you are as a result of your sins, and the thoughts “curse God and die” pass through your mind. Feelings of frustration from cycles of repeated falling and rising come again and again. Look! Do not give up on God. Do not give up your faith in Jesus. I did not speak in secret, in a land of darkness; I did not say to the offspring of Jacob, 'Seek me in vain.' I the LORD speak the truth; I declare what is right Is 45:19(ESV). Do not slack in your desire for manifesting righteousness. Have you forgotten the promise He Himself made (yea makes even now) to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness? "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied Mat 5:6(ESV). The unchanging God, the Holy One still watches over all His word to perform it. Your hunger and thirst for right living is His working in you. He has begun a good work in you and He will complete it.
"Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up.  After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him.  Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth." Hos 6:1-3(ESV).  Press on for holy living for it is both possible and achievable. Jesus saves from the guttermost to the utter most. Heard that before? Hear this now: to him that hath no might He increaseth strength. It’s not like you have some strength. You actually have none and He comes to you saying “My strength is made perfect in weakness; even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save” Is 46:4(ESV).

Sunday, 21 August 2016

The pastor convict Week 34, 2016

I was surprised there were so many surgical cases to be attended to in the prisons. I had become involved in a free medical outreach to Kuje prisons at the Federal Capital Territory and was challenged by the volumes to be done. Part of the challenge was that some people wanted to alter the order of patients for surgery. Specifically the alteration involved a pastor who was a prisoner. There was a strong attempt to get him to be treated preferentially ahead of others; but his was not an emergency. I insisted on the order of surgeries. Surgical lists are not made on VIP basis. My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory Jas 2:1 (ESV).
I was amazed a pastor was in prison and felt sure he was one of these new age preachers and said so to those with me. Sure enough when I met him he was not from an orthodox church. He was quite ebullient and spoke well. What was his offence? Attempted murder. He had conspired to kill his sister-in-law as part of a ritual to get more power and anointing! They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind: Jer 19:5(KJV).  Somehow his wife had come to hear about the plan to kill her sister. The pastor had paid killers to eliminate her. Money had been transferred from his account to theirs but they could not carry out the dastardly deed. Instead it leaked to his wife who involved the police. If he was ready to kill her own sister then she was not safe either. The intended victim was taken out of the way and it was made to look as though she had died, and an inquiry to the “death” was made. The hired killers were willing to cooperate provided they would not be put in jail as well. With that promise given they opened up and confessed, and revealed their sponsor. The evidence of the money transfers from his account to theirs was overwhelming. In the face of it all the pastor confessed. It was indeed true. Why on earth would a pastor claiming to preach Jesus want to be involved in satanic rituals to gain more power? What message would he be giving to his congregation? The priests did not say, 'Where is the LORD?' Those who handle the law did not know me; the shepherds transgressed against me; the prophets prophesied by Baal and went after things that do not profit. Therefore I still contend with you, declares the LORD, and with your children's children I will contend.” Jer 2:8-9(ESV) 
During the trial a witness protection programme was organised and the pastor was convicted and put to jail in Kuje prisons; an example for all to avoid. But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out Num 32:23(ESV). I sincerely hope he has learnt his lesson.
Dr Asemota is on the board of ICMDA and lives in Kwali FCT

Monday, 15 August 2016

A new name Week 33, 2016

"And I won't remain silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I won't stay quiet, until her vindication shines out like brightness, and her salvation like a burning torch.  The nations will see your vindication, and all the kings your glory; and people will call you by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will bestow Is62:2 (NIV).  A new name for you does not mean go and do change of name. If God has not changed you, then no amount of name changing will work. There are many called “Jesus” today who live in sin. Jabez didn’t change his name, but his life did. The name Jabez means to grieve, it means sorrowful. His circumstances were sorrowful, painful. There was a man named Jabez, who was the most respected member of his family. His mother had given him the name Jabez, because his birth had been very painful.  But Jabez prayed to the God of Israel, "Bless me, God, and give me much land. Be with me and keep me from anything evil that might cause me pain." And God gave him what he prayed for1Ch 4:9-10(GNB). The change in and around Jabez came - as with Jacob and as in Is62:2 - by intense unceasing prayer. Give God no rest in prayer until the change in you bursts forth for all to see His glory.
The order is a spiritual change from God, then a change of name physically. If it is a man it is not sure to work. It has to be God pronouncing the new name: people will call you by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will bestow Is62:2 (NIV).  Did you ever know the meaning of Caleb, the name of that mighty man of valour? It means dog. It was a name given by man; God called him a man with a different spirit. "Now as to my servant Caleb, because a different spirit is within him and he has remained true to me, I'm going to bring him into the land that he explored...” Num 14:24(ISV). What names have you from God? Abram’s name changed as God changed his status. It came by a personal intimacy with God, as Abraham was one-on-one with Him. No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you ... Gen 17:5 (ESV). Incidentally those who had their names changed had to come one-on-one with God: Abram, Jacob, and Simon.
Whenever a person comes into a relationship with God through Jesus, despite the name given by others, God gives a new name: son of God. And in the place where it was said to them, You are not my people, there they will be named the sons of the living God Rom 9:26(BBE). Receive a new name today. A new name marks a new beginning. A new beginning is come to you, an entry into the service of God. Nebuchadnezzar gave Daniel a new name when he was to enter into his service (Dan 4:8); so did Pharaoh to Joseph (Gen 41:45). Will you enter into the service of the King of kings anew, afresh, and unconditionally? Receive a new name.  It is God giving it.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

What is your name? Week 32, 2016

The man said, "Let me go; daylight is coming." "I won't, unless you bless me," Jacob answered. "What is your name?" the man asked Gen 32:26-27(GNB). What is in a name? Why would an angel ask your name when you need a blessing? Firstly it refers to an identity. Adam used names to identify the animals. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name Gen 2:19(ESV). Tell me: What is your identity? The name also refers to the source; Adam called her Woman, because she was taken out of Man Gen 2:23(ESV). What’s your source? Where do your habits, attitudes and motives come from? The sinful nature or God’s spirit? What shall we call you?
The name regularly refers to the character, the nature of the object or individual. The name indicates how the person behaves. Jacob called supplanter because he deceives. Esau said, "This is the second time that he has cheated me. No wonder his name is Jacob. He took my rights as the first-born son, and now he has taken away my blessing Gen 27:36(GNB). His identity was a cheat, the source of his troubles (and perhaps his fortune) were acts of attempted cheating. His character was so. He supplanted his brother at birth, deceived his father, and deceived Laban. His name, his identity, his character was supplanter. What is your own name? Though you have goods, wealth and children - is your name “sinner”, “cheat”? When God blessed Jacob He asked his name and then He changed it. The man said, "Let me go; daylight is coming." "I won't, unless you bless me," Jacob answered. "What is your name?" the man asked. "Jacob," he answered.  The man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob. You have struggled with God and with men, and you have won; so your name will be Israel."Gen 32:26-28(GNB).  Thereafter there is a change of character noted. Did you notice it was never again on record that Jacob deceived anyone again? When God changed his name the character was also changed. He deceived no longer.  Simon came to meet Jesus. At the encounter Jesus announced his new name “Peter” (Jn 1:42). Simon means a reed, shaken with the wind. Peter means a rock. His new name was to commemorate the work of grace in his life God has come to change your character - you who are struggling.
A name means a reputation. 'These things says He that has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: "I know your works, that you have a name, that you live, and you are dead” Rev 3:1(EMTV). Do you have a name - a reputation - of being a Christian but in God’s eyes it is dead? Nonexistent? What is your name beloved? Are you called “knight”, “lady” but walk in darkness? Please come clean before God and men. Admit it and cry unto God so that a change will happen. Naomi had a name which people called her by, but she said “Don't call me Naomi any longer! Call me Mara, because God has made my life bitter” Ruth 1:20(CEV).  Do you need a new name today?