Sunday, 7 August 2016

What is your name? Week 32, 2016

The man said, "Let me go; daylight is coming." "I won't, unless you bless me," Jacob answered. "What is your name?" the man asked Gen 32:26-27(GNB). What is in a name? Why would an angel ask your name when you need a blessing? Firstly it refers to an identity. Adam used names to identify the animals. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name Gen 2:19(ESV). Tell me: What is your identity? The name also refers to the source; Adam called her Woman, because she was taken out of Man Gen 2:23(ESV). What’s your source? Where do your habits, attitudes and motives come from? The sinful nature or God’s spirit? What shall we call you?
The name regularly refers to the character, the nature of the object or individual. The name indicates how the person behaves. Jacob called supplanter because he deceives. Esau said, "This is the second time that he has cheated me. No wonder his name is Jacob. He took my rights as the first-born son, and now he has taken away my blessing Gen 27:36(GNB). His identity was a cheat, the source of his troubles (and perhaps his fortune) were acts of attempted cheating. His character was so. He supplanted his brother at birth, deceived his father, and deceived Laban. His name, his identity, his character was supplanter. What is your own name? Though you have goods, wealth and children - is your name “sinner”, “cheat”? When God blessed Jacob He asked his name and then He changed it. The man said, "Let me go; daylight is coming." "I won't, unless you bless me," Jacob answered. "What is your name?" the man asked. "Jacob," he answered.  The man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob. You have struggled with God and with men, and you have won; so your name will be Israel."Gen 32:26-28(GNB).  Thereafter there is a change of character noted. Did you notice it was never again on record that Jacob deceived anyone again? When God changed his name the character was also changed. He deceived no longer.  Simon came to meet Jesus. At the encounter Jesus announced his new name “Peter” (Jn 1:42). Simon means a reed, shaken with the wind. Peter means a rock. His new name was to commemorate the work of grace in his life God has come to change your character - you who are struggling.
A name means a reputation. 'These things says He that has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: "I know your works, that you have a name, that you live, and you are dead” Rev 3:1(EMTV). Do you have a name - a reputation - of being a Christian but in God’s eyes it is dead? Nonexistent? What is your name beloved? Are you called “knight”, “lady” but walk in darkness? Please come clean before God and men. Admit it and cry unto God so that a change will happen. Naomi had a name which people called her by, but she said “Don't call me Naomi any longer! Call me Mara, because God has made my life bitter” Ruth 1:20(CEV).  Do you need a new name today?

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