I had
graduated from Dental school in Nigeria before moving over to the United States
of America and went back to dental school in the USA. At the end I had a debt
of $120, 000 from the school bills. One day in 2007 I was saddened by financial
commitments and these school loans. I was so sad I couldn’t sleep. I woke up
and came to the living room. I said “Lord let there be a preacher on TV to
encourage me”. It was 3am. I turned on the TV and there was Mike Murdock. I
usually don’t listen to him; my husband calls him Christian salesman. But this
day everything he was saying seemed to speak to me. He said “Sow a seed and
commit to $156 monthly for 12 months and see what God will do”. I have heard those lines before but that day
was different. I glued in. At the end I committed, wrote a check and sent
it next morning; and as he instructed on the memo I wrote what I wanted from
God: school loans paid off. To make a long story short I got a Federal award
that paid half my school loans and my employer matched it and paid the other
half – something they had never done before. How I stumbled into the website
was something else. It was a faculty loan repayment for educators in the health
profession. I had to prove some hardship when growing up to qualify. My parents
were not poor or illiterate, and I couldn’t lie. Then I remembered I was born
during the Biafran war and that qualified me. Out of the entire medical, dental, optometry,
nursing and all other educators in the health profession who were eligible I
got it.. After 2 years my loan was down to $40, 000. They said I didn’t qualify
again but I reapplied anyway; and I got
it. I was sitting in my office one day and I was paged. Someone called from
Washington DC and asked me to fax my loan balance. I got the loan repayment
another 2 years and the rest was paid off. Mike Murdock said commit for 1 year ($1,
872) and the blessing came in less than 1 year. Obedience pays.
About the time
for my father’s burial this year I was impressed in my spirit despite my loss to
bless a bereaved brother and I did. Then there was a sister who owed me $300
and was avoiding me. I called her aunt to complain she was owing me and
avoiding me. That day I knelt down to pray and God said “Release her and let
her go” so I had to call the aunt immediately not to talk to her about it, and sent
her a text and released her. Keep on giving
to everyone who asks you for something, and if anyone takes what is yours, do
not insist on getting it back Lk 6:30(ISV). Then God said “Watch and see what I will
do”. In the course of the programme through cash and cheques brethren gave me
$10, 000 (not counting the crates of water, malt and soda drinks). God is a
respecter of His word. He says he has exalted his word above his name. I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise
thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy
word above all thy name Ps
138:2(KJV). We have to learn to sow in the right soil.
Some people think it is to their church to buy jeep and build monuments. You
sow where God says not where man says sow. God is always correct. Ezinne lives
in Houston, Texas
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