Why did Terah fail in the attempt to reach Canaan - Terah took his son Abram...and they journeyed
together from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan. But when they
had gone as far as Haran, they settled there Gen 11:31(ESV). -but when Abram arose to do it he succeeded? And Abram took
Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they
had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth
to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came Gen 12:5(ASV) . Did Terah lack zeal, did he lack resources? No. There are many lessons to
be learned from this botched attempt to get to Canaan. Terah was not headed for
Canaan because God asked him (Terah) to move there, but (this is me reasoning
it out) because Abram his son was headed that way. “Well Abram if
you say God has asked you to get out of Ur and go into Canaan let’s all go
there!” It was Abram’s vision Terah was
attempting to run, not God’s vision for Terah. No wonder he failed.
There are many people who study the lives of others in an attempt to
imitate what they did. It results in a very avoidable source of frustration. I
want to say this: like Terah you cannot succeed running another man’s vision. “Now wait a minute” I hear you say. “God expects us to follow good examples and
imitate good people.” Remember your leaders, those who have spoken God's
word to you. Think about the impact of their lives, and imitate their faith Heb 13:7(ISV). Not in that way. Did you notice what we should imitate? Their faith. That
universal faith to be applied to every circumstance, every instruction God
gives. Have you forgotten we have many parts in one body, but these parts do
not all have the same function Rom 12:4(ISV) in the body of Christ? Can the nose succeed if it runs the vision of
being an eye? Peter could never succeed running Paul’s vision. In fact, they saw that I had been entrusted with
the gospel for the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been entrusted with the
gospel for the circumcised
Gal 2:7(ISV). You know when he
went over to Antioch his outing was faulty.
Don’t begin any ministry because another person is in it; find out what
Jesus wants YOU to do. "Then I
asked, 'What am I to do, Lord? Act 22:10(ISV). Don’t start
running a programme for your church, a school or hospital or such simply
because another church is running it successfully; except if that is what Jesus
has directed and that the time has come. Have we forgotten even Paul, apostle
to the gentiles, seeking to move into a gentile region to preach but being
resisted by the Spirit (Acts16:6-7)? I’m not speaking about asking God
whether to tell the truth or help the needy. That has been clearly dealt with
in scripture: If we are rich
and see others in need, yet close our hearts against them, how can we claim
that we love God? My children, our love should
not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action1Jn 3:17, 18(GNB) .
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