Sunday, 12 February 2017

David's mistake Week 7, 2017

It was a time of celebration. The Ark of the Covenant was being moved to Jerusalem where the King had a special place prepared. Did you notice the steps he took before this movement? David consulted with the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, with every leader 1Ch 13:1(ESV).  This is truly commendable and a model to follow in grassroots mobilisation. It was a move motivated by love for God and zeal for His service. 1Chr 13:3(ESV) captures the mindset: “Then let us bring again the ark of our God to us, for we did not seek it in the days of Saul." It was done with democratic unanimity. All consented and the matter got underway. This act was not done mournfully mark you. It was done with much celebration - David and all of Israel were dancing in the presence of God with all of their might with songs, harps, tambourines, cymbals, and trumpets 1Chr 13:8(ESV)  - but one mistake was apparently unnoticed: the ark was being carried wrongly. They mounted the Ark of God on a new cart, bringing it from Abinadab's home, with Uzzah and Ahio driving the cart 1Chron 13:7(ISV). It was being carried the way the Philistines, the unbelievers had sent it 1Sam6:6-12. Inevitably disaster struck. Just then, the anger of the LORD blazed against Uzzah, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark, and he died right there in the presence of God1Chr 13:10(ISV).
Why was God angry? Because you did not carry it the first time, the LORD our God broke out against us, because we did not seek him according to the rule1Chr 15:13(ESV) . So the democracy, grassroots mobilisation, zealous rejoicing etc mean nothing if we don’t seek Him according to His rule, i.e. His word. And the Levites carried the ark of God on their shoulders with the poles, as Moses had commanded according to the word of the LORD 1Chr 15:15 (ESV) And you know His unambiguous final word: Jesus Christ. God, having spoken in former times in fragmentary and varied fashion to our forefathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by a Son whom he appointed Heb 1:1-2(ISV) 
How does this apply to us today? Since these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come 1Cor 10:11(ESV) we need to take this seriously. Today’s Christian is faced with many a challenge: building lives, raising funds for ministry, tackling opposition, changing leadership, and a lot more. We need to consult with men, we need to act as one, but over and above all we must ask “What is written on this matter? What has Jesus the pattern Son spoken about this issue?” Joshua made a huge mistake in deciding a course of action that seemed reasonable at that time without asking God. So the leaders of Israel sampled their provisions, but did not ask the LORD about it Jos 9:14(ESV). Was it because the men told them what they loved to hear? When all believers with one accord joyfully and zealously do that which runs contrary to God’s word, disaster looms. So let’s take heed.

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