Sunday, 2 April 2017

Have you repented? Week 14, 2017

When anyone wants to have a new life in Jesus, before anyone can actually be born again, repentance must first happen. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that he will forgive your sins (Act 3:19). Is there anything you know in your life that is different from God’s standard? Any way you do not want God’s control? That needs to be repented of (Romans 3:23). Sin is anything outside God’s standard.
Sometimes people say “I regret what I did, so I have repented”. Someone else may say “I agree what I did was wrong, I am truly sorry”. That is good; but do you know none of these 2 attitudes equals to repentance? See how Jesus illustrates it in Luke 15:17-21'
“He came to himself…” Some people feel they just don’t know how to lie properly or sin properly, if they did, they would not be suffering. The repenting person sees sin for what it really is, “I perish here…” The repenting man realizes that sin cannot be managed, is not being unlucky, but has one, and only one consequence: to perish! Repentance involves a change in the way we see things.
The repentant man takes responsibility for his action. “I have sinned”. When you realise and accept you are responsible for what you do and not put the blame on anyone or anything you are on the road of repentance.
None of these would have made any difference if the man had not decided “I will arise and go to my father” .The repenting man returns to God.. Repentance has not happened if we simply feel sorry for what we have done, explain it away and remain there; or accept it is wrong and say “but what can I do?” It is no self pity: Repentance is a decision.
 The repentant man has no confidence in any good works to present before God. No “I am trying my best”. “I have sinned against Heaven and before you and am no more worthy to be called your son.” He depends on the mercy of God and mercy alone. This mercy comes through Jesus. Are you hoping God will accept you because of some good deeds you have done? He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Saviour (Tit 3:5-6). I used to think God counts our good works, subtracts the bad ones, and sends us to hell or heaven depending on the difference: I needed repentance. For God justifies no one by good works but his mercy found in Jesus alone. Did you think like that too? Have you repented? Genuine repentance presents no good work before God but hopes in His mercy.
 A repentant man does not wish to use God for his own ends, and has no plans to return to sin. On the way the father embraced him and kissed him, implying acceptance. It was after this the son now said, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. He was not saying it to get his father’s acceptance; he’d already got it. God definitely embraces you, but are you here to stay? As you get your heart’s desire (God’s embrace) of financial prosperity or some other answer to prayer do you decide “I’ve got what I want; let’s get back to living (the old life)” or do you say from your heart “God it’s you I want, not these things.”
This is important: How do I show I have repented? Take note of his request before repentance: 'Father, give me the share… ‘ But when repenting it was NOT “Give me”; it was “Make me… make me your servant”: Father, I have sinned against Heaven and before you and am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.  If you are really repenting the desire and prayer of your heart is not “God give me more.” But “God I want to serve you. I am unworthy, but can you please make me a servant, YOUR servant in Jesus’ name”.

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