Saturday, 24 April 2010


“How could they be so wicked, always stepping on the clothes I wash? This is injustice! And they want me to help their children prepare for exams. These neighbours; they just keep picking on me.” Eewo I sympathise with you, because God is always at work in you to make you willing and able to obey his own purpose do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may be innocent and pure as God's perfect children Php 2:13-15(GNB).
Have you prayed about it? “I have but it hasn’t stopped. On top of it it’s tough at home lately. They don’t appreciate me and speak harshly when I make mistakes. Have Christians forgotten we should correct others in the spirit of gentleness? I want to serve Jesus but see now. I just feel like crying.”
No, rejoice. “Rejoice? Why? People are hammering me and you say rejoice!” It was you who asked God to make you part of His temple and fill you with His glory; He is answering. “How? By allowing unbelievers to harass me?” For the temple both believers and unbelievers worked to fashion the stones: they cut fine large stones for the foundation of the Temple. Solomon's and Hiram's workers and men from the city of Byblos prepared the stones and the timber to build the Temple1Kgs 5:17, 18 (GNB). God uses others to hammer His children into shape outside before He puts them in position; He is making you fit for use. The stones with which the Temple was built had been prepared at the quarry, so that there was no noise made by hammers, axes, or any other iron tools as the Temple was being built 1Kgs 6:7(GNB).
“What are you trying to say? I haven’t been taught that.” Jesus wants to use you as a vessel of honour in His hands; having blessed you He must now break you before sending you forth. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and blessed them. Then he broke the loaves in pieces and gave them to his disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds Mat 14:19(ISV).
“How long is this going to last, I can hardly bear it.” Not long beloved, though I can’t tell how short. And after you have undergone pain for a little time, the God of all grace who has given you a part in his eternal glory through Christ Jesus, will himself give you strength and support, and make you complete in every good thing 1Pt 5:10(BBE).
“Ah so this will keep going on and God will leave me here. It’s not funny o.” No my dear, Jesus never uses you to dump you. After He broke the bread they were multiplied, and you know what? He never left the broken pieces when leaving (Mat 14:20). Those broken by Jesus are gathered up and carried at the end of their service. And when they were filled, he saith unto his disciples, Gather up the broken pieces which remain over, that nothing be lost Jn 6:12(ASV).

Saturday, 17 April 2010


“I desire to have the blessing of Jacob, I want it.” Very good: are you willing to take the steps he took? but he stayed behind, alone. Then a man came and wrestled with him until just before daybreak Gen 32:24(GNB). “Yes, I am willing to pray all night until I breakthrough; I know we have started night vigils in church.” Praise God, but the blessing at Peniel came when he came one on one with God, alone in honest unpretended prayer. What is happening to your private devotion, what of your closet? “I see what you mean. I will start paying close attention to it. I will pour out my heart to Him.”
This man also knew God’s word o, though he confessed his fears his prayers were based on the word: Remember that you promised to make everything go well for me and to give me more descendants than anyone could count, as many as the grains of sand along the seashore." Gen 32:12(GNB) “Thanks a lot. I am ready to start now.”
With him it did not just start like that. “Oh? How then?” Will you wait on God like Jacob? Even before that day he learned to wait on God. “How?” Things were rough at work (Gen 31:1-7, 38-42). Laban cheated him, gave him impossible working conditions such that sleep was sometimes a luxury, changed his wages ten times, yet he stayed on until God said go. And the LORD said unto Jacob, Return unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee. And Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah Gen 31:3-4(RV) Even though the water dried from the earth Noah still waited to hear from God before leaving the ark, and God blessed him (Gen8:14-9:1).
“His wives must have helped...” When did Jacob marry? Abraham married before 75, Isaac and Esau his brother married at 40. He had 3 wives by the time Jacob was courting Rachel. Jacob was over 75 when he left to get married; he waited until his father said Go instead to Mesopotamia, to the home of your grandfather Bethuel, and marry one of the young women there, one of your uncle Laban's daughters Gen 28:2(CEV). Will you wait for a word from your Father even though other Christians and unbelievers have gone ahead?
“How will I know his word? It is difficult but God help me.” Live by scripture first dear, and even if God has to call you 3 times like Samuel He will help you.
“Thanks.”One more thing: The blessing of God was everything to him. He risked his life for it. “Was his method right? Should I turn deceiver like him?” Of course not! But when the Angel wounded him that hurt his expectations from God. He asked God not to allow any harm come his way as part of his covenant to serve God: if I return safely to my father's home, then you will be my God Gen 28:21(GNB). He still insists on being blessed instead of leaving God. Are you ready for Peniel?

Saturday, 10 April 2010


Ah my brother, how are you? “Fine sir. But do you remember me?” Were you not the one who followed me and asked me to bless you? “Yes sir, you do remember!” Good, have you got the second blessing? “It was the first apostolic blessing you asked before: first, God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from your iniquities Acts 3:26 (EMTV). I have confessed my sins…” Yes, but there is the second blessing. When Jacob was wrestling he said to the Angel “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”Gen 32:26(KJV). “What’s so special about it?” You don’t know? Had he not been blessed before? In 20 years he had 2 wives, 2 concubines, 11 sons and a daughter. In 6 years the wealth of Laban had been transferred to him despite Laban’s deceit, and Laban’s sons were now envious of him (Gen 30, 31), why is he asking for a blessing? “I don’t know sir, I wonder what blessing again he wanted.”
Eh, bro did you read it well? Jacob didn’t say “bless me again”, or “bless me some more”. “I don’t understand, is that important?”
Did you notice that in spite of his material blessings he was a deceiver? He deceived Esau, deceived their father Isaac, and deceived Laban too. “Is that so?” Yes, and his sexual life was not what he wanted: he had yearned for only one woman, Rachel, but now had four. He needed a different type of blessing not more of the same. Bro are you like that? Materially blessed but a deceiver with a messed up sexual life?
“Sir, your words make me afraid.” I hope you know Jacob was also afraid, afraid of armed robbers coming and taking away life and material blessings. I am afraid---afraid that he is coming to attack us and destroy us all, even the women and children Gen 32:11(GNB). Today people live in fear of kidnappers and robbers. Jacob’s fear led him to seek a different blessing. Where do your fears drive you? “Did God tell you about me? It was Jacob we were analyzing man of God”. Oh ho! You run; Jacob was running away too: ran from Esau, ran from Laban…
“Please sir, what was the new blessing?” And he said “Thy name shall be no more called Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince thou hast power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.” Gen 32:28(KJV) The blessing after the Angel met him was to change him from a deceiver to a prince of God. After that day Jacob never deceived anyone again. Seek to be changed, transformed into His image, or your nature might cost you what blessings you now have.
“Thank you so much sir, can you now bless me?” Are you slow to learn? Who blessed Jacob the first time? “It was his father sir.” Such a blessing you seek comes from a personal encounter with God not the laying on of any man’s hands. Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for that food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you Jn 6:27(MKJV) .

Jesus did rise from the dead

“Daddy what’s the difference between Christianity and other faiths? Is it really the only way? I just wonder sometimes…” Well, I used to wonder occasionally too. It is a good practice to critically examine what you believe; you are not being devilish by asking. One thing I want you to know is that the Bible stories about Jesus really happened: they are true, and eyewitnesses recorded them for us. Many people have tried to tell the story of what God has done among us. They wrote what we had been told by the ones who were there in the beginning and saw what happened Lk 1:1-2(CEV). We do not pay attention to made-up stories no matter where they come from (1Tm1:4; Tit 1:14).
“But didn’t other prophets like Mohammed really live?” They did, but there are lots of differences between Jesus Christ and the founders of religion as Buddha and Mohammed. They died and are gone; Jesus died, rose again and remains alive today; there is no other person who did that. He’s the only way eternal life.
“But some people say he didn’t actually die, just fainted.” Is that so? Look at the facts my dear; the cross is an efficient killing machine: But when they came to Jesus, they saw that he was already dead, and they did not break his legs. One of the soldiers stuck his spear into Jesus' side, and blood and water came out Jn 19:33, 34(CEV). Blood and water come out like that when a man is dead. John was no doctor to have known that. Besides the soldiers made sure He was dead before bringing Him down (Mk 15:44-45).
“Did he rise again physically, was it not a vision or something the disciples saw?” If it was just one person that saw Him, or if people saw Him one at a time someone might argue that, but apart from the apostles He was seen by more than five hundred brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, but some are sleeping 1Cor 15:6(CEV). Something seen by up to that number is a historical fact. Besides for several years the believers preached in Jerusalem. If Jesus had not risen from the dead the easiest thing was for the authorities who persecuted them to do would be to produce the body (Acts 5: 27-33).
“If all this is true then why do people not come to the right way?” If people are not willing to accept the truth, a lie becomes desirable and every attempt to prove a lie follows. We have not depended on made-up stories in making known to you the mighty coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. With our own eyes we saw his greatness. We were there when the voice came to him from the Supreme Glory, saying, "This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased!" So we are even more confident of the message…2Pe 1:16-19 (GNB).
The message is true; stick out your neck for it.


Don’t be surprised I’m speaking; I’m not the first donkey to do so. Balaam’s donkey did it several years before me. A lot of people heard him, and still hear him. I hope you will listen to me. It all started when Jesus Christ came to the Mount of Olives after leaving Jericho for Jerusalem. He said, "Go into the village ahead of you. As you enter it, you will find a young donkey tied there. No one has ever sat on it. Untie it, and bring it. Mk 11:2(GW). I had been a nice donkey all along, and my master knew it well. Before now I guess I was undecided about many things. So undecided I never had any man ride on me. No sir! I wasn’t going to be any one’s fool. I was at the crossroads in life; tied to indecision sort of. How do you know? Well I was tied up outside in a place where two roads met. And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him. Mk 11:4(KJV). Are you like that: waiting for the right person, undecided generally, but at His word you were loosed from indecision?
I must have taken the right decision to let Jesus ride on me that day. Other donkeys tell me people just sit on them and ride, but for me it was different. They brought the donkey to Jesus, put their coats on it, and He sat on it.Mk 11:7(KJV). What a wonderful experience it was: I could feel Jesus right up close to me with each step I took! I was confident I had done the right thing. As if I needed more confirmation, when Jesus began to move many spread their coats on the road. Others cut leafy branches in the fields and spread them on the road. Mk 11:8(GW). No one let my feet touch the bare ground. What a joy to hear them saying, Hosanna; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest Mk 11:9, 10(KJV). No doubt about it now: I am in the centre of God’s will for my life. I have found the true purpose for being a donkey!
But my dilemma occurred when evening came, Jesus and his disciples left the city Mk 11:19(GNB) and Jesus sent me back to fulfil the promise to my keepers: And if anyone says to you, Why are you doing this? say, The Lord has need of him and will send him back straight away Mk 11:3(BBE). On the way back, the clothes were off my back and I looked down feeling awkward, and guess what? No coats or branches lined my way either. Worse still: I could no longer feel Jesus near me! Was I still in the will of God? Was it all a mistake? No signs now to assure me. My struggles with indecision came threateningly close.
Then I realised it: the applause was not for me, nor the coats and branches. Feeling Him close was not a surer guarantee. You don’t have to have signs when His word is so clear. I was doing what He clearly commanded. I am in His will.
“Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets”. And they enclosed a large number of fish Lk 5:5-6(ESV).


“So if I follow your arguement God doesn’t care whether you live or die just so far you have a living relationship with him. I can’t relate with a God like that”. Neither can I, neither can I. God isn’t like that at all. Satan and God are not two equal but opposite personalities you know. “What are you driving at? I know God is supposed to be more powerful.”
It’s not just that, Dear friend, I pray that you are doing well in every way and that you are healthy, just as your soul is healthy 3Jn 1:2(ISV) . He really wants the best for everybody whether they know and obey Him or not. In this way you show that you are children of your Father in heaven. He makes his sun rise on people whether they are good or evil. He lets rain fall on them whether they are just or unjust Mat 5:45(GW).
“Was it not you who said wealth or poverty, life or death, none matters except your relationship with God.” Is that how you understood it? Ah please I want you to know God wants to heal you, bless you, and is surprised when we accept anything less. “What! I can’t believe it is you teaching such things: God is surprised when we accept anything less?” You better believe it my friend, better believe it. Unbelief in Nazareth amazed Him. He couldn't perform a miracle there except to lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was utterly amazed at their unbelief. Then he went around to the villages and continued teaching Mar 6:5-6(ISV). In fact when a leper was uncertain Jesus wanted him healed see what happened. A man with a serious skin disease came and bowed down in front of him. The man said to Jesus, "Sir, if you're willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out, touched him, and said, "I'm willing. So be clean!" Immediately, his skin disease went away, and he was clean Mat 8:2-3(GW).
If so what exactly were you trying to teach? Priority my friend, and sustained blessings. God has always wished to heal and protect his people: But I did command them to obey me, so that I would be their God and they would be my people. And I told them to live the way I had commanded them, so that things would go well for them Jer 7:23(GNB). You know I wish we lived in those days, with such healings from the Bible times. You know Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever Heb 13:8


“I just agree with whatever my husband says, afterall he is the head of the house whatever God is going to say he will say through him”. I disagree; are you a doormat or what? “How dare you suggest I am a doormat! Bible says submit to your husbands so...” Yes, yes I am all for submitting but God called you to be a help meet not an echo. “My husband is a fine Christian; let him hear from God jare.”
Ah God sometimes speaks first to the wife o:` Rebekah became pregnant. When the children inside her were struggling with each other, she said, "If it's like this now, what will become of me?" So she went to ask the LORD. The LORD said to her, "Two countries are in your womb. Two nations will go their separate ways from birth. One nation will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger." Gen 25:21-23(GW). “Don’t teach me rebellion, we have had a good marriage for five years; I don’t want the kind of trouble Rebecca had”. I know, but how long will it go on this way before you fulfill your purpose? I don’t believe this is God’s standard “whatever God is going to say he will say through him”.What about Mary and Joseph... “Look they weren’t married then; give me one good example and I will consider you”.
OK: There was a man named Manoah. His wife was not able to have children. The Messenger of the LORD appeared to her and said, "You've never been able to have a child, but now you will become pregnant and have a son. Now you must be careful. Don't drink any wine or liquor or eat any unclean food. You must never cut his hair because the boy will be a Nazirite dedicated to God from birth." Jdg 13:2-5(GW) “God had some instructions for her personally, so He told her. This did not represent a specific direction for the household.”
Chill yet. One day Elisha was traveling through Shunem, where a rich woman lived. She had invited him to eat with her. So whenever he was in the area, he stopped in to eat. She told her husband, "I know he's a holy man of God. And he regularly travels past our house. Let's make a small room on the roof for him. He can stay there whenever he comes to visit us." 2Ki 4:8-10(GW) Her suggestion led to their childlessness being healed.
“So I should occasionally take the lead from oga eh?” No, never take the lead from oga. They told their husbands what God put in their hearts Who confirmed it to their men. We are not told Rebecca ever did that.
Giving honour to the woman who is the feebler vessel, but who has an equal part in the heritage of the grace of life 1Pe 3:7(BBE)

The happiest moment of my life week 9, 2010

I had travelled a lot from one part of the country to the other without a scratch. In fact not long ago I had driven the fellowship’s coaster bus all the way to Jos ariving the following day since we had vehicle problems on the way. The return journey had been a pleasure, we got back to Enugu in good speed in a little more than eight hours without so much as a flat tyre. Perhaps that was why I hesitated when I suddenly remembered I had not prayed whilst in my cousin’s car as he drove that morning towards Sapele in mid western Nigeria. “I’ve been on many journeys and arrived safely so...” Nonetheless I prayed, silently, while sitting in the backseat. “Pray against an accident” came into my consciousness. I did not do it. Was it not enough that I had prayed?
We made a stop along the way and I moved to the passenger seat; becoming drowsy as the Peugeot 504 saloon took us beyond the Niger bridge at Onitsha towards our destination. I came awake forcefully when the car suddenly began moving from side to side and shaking. One tyre had developed a fault. “It’s alright, it’s alright...” my cousin called out confidently; but quickly we veered off the road towards the bushes. The car summersaulted and I was thrown out; I was not wearing a seat belt. While all this was going on the thought came into my mind: “Supposing you die now, where will you be?” The answer came immediately without conscious effort: “in heaven.” In danger of death a complete assurance with joy beyond any previous experience came over me. It was the happiest moment I ever had.
You know, some years before this accident my teacher had spoken of heaven in my hearing. He said the most important thing in life is to be ready for heaven and those words went deep into my heart; I realised I was not ready. I had been brought up in Sunday School but had the wrong impression God would add up my good deeds and subtract my bad deeds from their number, and if I had any good deeds left I would qualify for heaven. I asked God to forgive me and make me ready for heaven. Later I understood the gospel: heaven is not a reward for good deeds but an inheritance for those who trust Jesus Christ the Son of God to set them free from the power of sin and live their lives in Him. I gladly invited Jesus into my heart and He came in.
I suddenly became aware I was sitting down and looked around to see where I was. Tall grasses around me, brown earth below... “this is not heaven,” I said within me. Some grasses parted as my cousin came running to meet me, and inquire if I was okay. I had no injuries, and felt no pains so assured him I was. “Sit down” he urged me when I tried to get up. Unfortunately a young man at the back was seriously wounded and bleeding. I was told in panic he had tried to jump out to safety. He died that day. Where did he go to? I do not know.
1Jn 5:13(MKJV) I have written these things to you who believe on the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have everlasting life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Joseph and Nicodemus week 8, 2010

“If people recognise me at your meeting it will work against my promotion; one of mymentors said to me being known as a man of God works against professional progress.” I think you need new mentors, God says I alone am the one who comforts you. Why, then, are you afraid of mortals, who must die, of humans, who are like grass? Isa 51:12(GW). “Why can’t I be like Nicodemus who came to Jesus by night. I can retain my position and work quietly behind the scenes for the church.
Why do you want to work behind the scenes for Jesus’ matters but take centre-stage in secular matters? Nicodemus did not succeed in his own attempt. The Pharisees asked the temple guards, "Have you been deceived too? Has any ruler or any Pharisee believed in him? One of those Pharisees was Nicodemus, who had previously visited Jesus. Nicodemus asked them, "Do Moses' Teachings enable us to judge a person without first hearing that person's side of the story? We can't judge a person without finding out what that person has done." They asked Nicodemus, "Are you saying this because you're from Galilee?" Then each of them went home Jn 7:47-53(GW)
What powerful witness it would have been if Nicodemus had spoken up for Jesus at this point but every one went home and the temple guards not vindicated. “Are you sure it is not Nicodemus’ statement that encouraged the Pharisees to give Jesus a mock trial sef?” Pocket theologian! Who knows.
“But I am so scared; what do I do?” Why have you forgotten the LORD, your Creator? He stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth. Why should you live in constant fear of the fury of those who oppress you, of those who are ready to destroy you? Where is the fury of those who oppress you? Isa 51:13(GW).
Consider Joseph of Arimathea (being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews) Jn 19:38(Webster) He was a highly respected member of the Council, Mar 15:43(ISV) He was scared too, and never let his love be known publicly. His presence could not help matters at Jesus’ trial even though he disagreed with the rest(Lk 23:51). Joseph changed when he went boldly to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus Mar 15:43(ISV) It was then that even Nicodemus came out too to bury Jesus (Jn 19:38-40). I hope you don’t want to come out when it is time to bury the Word of Life? “Please don’t say such things...”Secret discipleship cannot work: stand up and be counted!

Friday, 9 April 2010


“How do you expect me to come with you? Just come and be teaching me Bible things: I like to hear them”. What is wrong with you coming to the meeting? “My prestige is at stake. What will my associates think when they see me trotting alongside the likes of you with a Bible in hand? They will make fun of me to no end!” Do you really love Jesus? “Of course I do, how can you doubt that I do?”
Do you think you are more prominent in society than Zacchaeus was? ... a chief tax collector, who was rich. He was trying to see who Jesus was, but he was a little man and could not see Jesus because of the crowd. So he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus, who was going to pass that way Lk 19:2-4(GNB). He did not say “I have tried by coming to this road, if God wanted me to see Jesus He should have made me taller and not disgrace me like this”. No; he threw shame aside, climbed a common sycamore tree and awaited Jesus. What do you think his associates would have thought or said of him seeing him, or hearing about it? You can’t hide in that type of tree you know. “You know I love church things, I love them. God knows my heart and He sees it”. That will not be enough...
“No now! Did God not bless David because it was in his heart to build the house of God?” This David gave up all his treasure for the house of the Lord, it was not just in his heart: And because this house of God is dear to me, I give my private store of gold and silver to the house of my God, in addition to all I have got ready for the holy house1Ch 29:3(BBE); or are you like Herod? “At all! I do not want to kill Jesus at all, no pretence about it.” I’m not talking of the senior Herod who wanted to kill Jesus but his son who Pilate sent Jesus to. Now Herod was very glad to see Jesus, because he had been wanting to see him for a long time on account of what he had heard about him. He was also hoping to see some sign done by him. So he continued to question him for a long time, but Jesus gave him no answer at all. Even Herod and his soldiers treated him with contempt and made fun of him Lk 23:8, 9, 11(ISV).
Even though he wanted for a long time to meet with Jesus he never considered it important enough to leave the affairs of state to see Him. The Jesus that was sent to him was bound up, silent, and performed no miracle. “Eh do you have night fellowship? Maybe I shall come for that one.”
If you do not let go of your pride to meet Jesus you shall be disappointed in the end.


“Bartimaeus was a real hero! Just see how he insisted when people were discouraging him and got his victory”. Yes he was a determined man, God expects us to pray in faith until the answer manifests: Jesus told His disciples a parable about their need to pray all the time and never give up Lk 18:1(ISV). But there is more to his story than the people around him. He had another challenge.
“What type of challenge? Is it that he couldn’t see his way to Jesus...?” That’s not what I have in mind; those people were external challenges, he had an inner challenge too: his coat. The blind man threw off his coat, jumped up, and went to Jesus Mk 10:50(GW). “I get it; the coat was a weight on him eh?” We-e-ell; do you realise in those days beggars have clothes that identify them? It’s a bit like a uniform. Once you see it on the man you know he is a beggar. Because he knew Jesus was calling him he removed the coat of beggars. He knew he was going to be healed and beg no more! “Wow, he really believed Jesus would heal him”. Yes, and demonstrated it kia, kia. Paul demonstrated faith by requesting a room to be kept ready for him while he was yet in prison: Meanwhile, prepare a guest room for me, too, for I am hoping through your prayers to be returned to you Philemon 1:22(ISV). When we believe God we demonstrate it by taking off the old coat. “I know some things to demonstrate my faith too...”
Hold on a second hotshot. Bartimaeus put on a new coat when he came to Jesus in faith; and so must we. “Which one? I never read that one o.” Instead, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not obey your flesh and its desires Rom 13:14(ISV). Clothes also represent attitudes, lifestyles, and actions. You have faith in Jesus to heal you: good. Remember also to put on the coat of righteousness.
“I know we should put on new attitudes, but how was that shown in Bartimaeus?” Certainly when he began to follow Jesus down the road rather than going away it was not just the physical road, but it represents the road of discipleship. There are some who choose to go their own way after receiving from God; not so with this man. Jesus told him, "Go. Your faith has made you well." At once the man could see again, and he began to follow Jesus down the road Mk 10:52(ISV). As you receive from Jesus today rejoice, and walk closely with Him.
Do you have a coat to take off or put on?


I thought you asked Jesus to come into your heart, why don’t we see you again? “I’ll be honest with you my family doesn’t like the idea at all. They say I must finish my training that this fellowship thing can distract me. Even my brother reported I don’t watch TV again and everyone has been asking what is wrong with me.” Listen; when anyone is genuinely coming to Jesus some obstacles come in the way; it is a kind of test. Their purpose is to prove that your faith is genuine. Even gold, which can be destroyed, is tested by fire; and so your faith, which is much more precious than gold, must also be tested, so that it may endure. Then you will receive praise and glory and honor on the Day when Jesus Christ is revealed1Pt 1:7 (GNB). Consider Bartimaeus: When he heard that it was Jesus, he began to shout, "Jesus! Son of David! Have mercy on me!" Many of the people scolded him and told him to be quiet. But he shouted even more loudly, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" Mk 10:47-48(GNB).
"So what should I do? My uncle is training me, and my family assures me they love me that is why they are speaking to me." People around Jesus who should have been an encouragement to the man scolded and warned him to be quiet, just like those around you are trying to discourage you. Your people love you in their own way all right but did Jesus not say "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the world. No, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword; your worst enemies will be the members of your own family. "Those who love their father or mother more than me are not fit to be my disciples; Matt 10:34-37(GNB).
"I tried to protest but they shouted at me, “Are you trying to say we are not Christians? We built the church you now want to live inside.” should I disobey them?" No, obey and respect them always, but never disobey any of Jesus’ teaching either. Remember "I have told you this, so that you will not give up your faith. You will be expelled from the synagogues, and the time will come when those who kill you will think that by doing this they are serving God. People will do these things to you because they have not known either the Father or me Jn 16:1-3(GNB). Behave like Bartimaeus: shout the louder for Jesus. Did you notice when he did this those who discouraged him heard Jesus requesting them to call him? The very people scolding him now said cheer up He is calling you. Hold on to Jesus someday these very people will encourage you.


Chimdmma’s identity has been disguised, but the story is true. Are you like that?
She was well brought up; at least by people’s assessment. Chimdimma was in Sunday school even before she could talk, and her parents were practicing Christians. Her birth came as an answer to prayer hence the name she was given. “Our God is really good!” her mother said.
Every morning when the family would gather to pray together she was always there. She learned to pray before meals, to say the grace, and started learning memory verses when her schooling began. Her ability to recite scripture was so good she was selected on many occasions to do it in public by her teachers. Even in church she participated in Sunday School public presentations and her performances endeared her to uncles and aunties alike. An out-going girl, Chimdimma was well loved and accepted in her environment.
It was true she had been baptised and participated in prayers but Chimdimma had trouble controlling her appetites. She would pinch food items when no one was looking and found cakes and fried fish hard to resist. A number of times she was rebuked, sometimes she was flogged but even though she cried and promised not to do it anymore it did not stop. One day her mother sent her to the provision store to buy things, and when the attendant’s back was turned Chimdimma snatched some items and hid them. She later ate them secretly; no one noticed it. This practice went on several times without her being caught; but God and her conscience were offended.
“I have a confession to make Daddy…” a tearful Chimdimma said one morning. “I have been stealing from the provision store. I have done it ten times now! I had a dream last night Jesus had come back to take His people and I was not among them. I was told I would go to hell!”
Daddy was both happy and shocked. Taking her hands in his he asked “Have you told Jesus about it?” “Yes, I have asked Him to forgive me and I have committed my life to Him. I promise never to do so again!” Fresh tears came into her eyes as she spoke. Both of them went together that morning to the provision store were the sorrowful Chimdimma reported herself to the store keeper. Her crime had not been noticed, and they were not asked to pay for the items. Later Daddy asked “How do you feel now?” “Better!”
Then he said to the crowd that came forth to be baptized by him, O generation of vipers! Who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bring forth fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say within yourselves, we have Abraham for our father. For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones! And now also the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bring forth good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire Lk 3:7-9(MKJV).

Monday, 5 April 2010


How can you say it does not mater who you marry so far the two of you love and respect each other; you know you should marry a Christian… “Easy now, spiri-spiri, jimjim brother. I know what I am saying. No one can stop me from coming to church or fellowship; not in today’s world.” Look, Bible says… “Yes, yes, do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers abi?” I’m glad you know, but what I wanted to show you is 1Cor 5:6(CEV) Stop being proud! Don't you know how a little yeast can spread through the whole batch of dough? “How does that apply? I love Jesus, will never stop loving Him, and no human relationship can change that. In every mature relationship every one knows the boundary lines, even in marriage. I have been a fruitful Christian you know.”
This “wisdom” failed Solomon o. His love for foreign women did not stop him from sacrificing to God. Solomon brought Pharaoh's daughter from the City of David to a palace he had built for her. He said, "My wife will not live in the palace of King David of Israel because these places where the LORD'S ark has come are holy." Then Solomon sacrificed burnt offerings to the LORD on the LORD'S altar that he built in front of the entrance hall. He sacrificed every day 2Ch 8:11-13(GW).
Separating his wives from God’s house made no difference eventually. But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, 1Kg 11:1, 4(KJV).
“Ancientoma! You are an alarmist, and I don’t think you read the Bible very well. Love does no harm to its neighbour; any one that loves me will encourage me in God’s things.”
Thorns, my dear, thorns! “Oh you think it will be a thorn in my flesh? Who doesn’t have to put up with a thorn in the flesh?” Not a thorn in the flesh, but you remind me of the seed sown among thorns: The seeds that fell among thorn bushes stand for those who hear; but the worries and riches and pleasures of this life crowd in and choke them, and their fruit never ripens Lk 8:14(GNB) . Allow your fruit to ripen o, and I warn you, it is not only in marriage: any time in our lives something different from God’s standard remains, it grows and eventually threatens our walk with God. You may say it doesn’t matter now; it may seem not to matter for a while, but eventually becomes matters arising.


I think God does not really want me… What, how can you say that? God loves you and rejoices over you continually (Zeph 3.17). You are the apple of His eyes (Zech 2.8). I know God loves me alright, but it is not “me” He really wants. The farmer rejoices over the seed because he knows there is a plant inside.
What do you mean; why? Poor boy you do not know why? He has seen in me the template to make more of who He really wants: Jesus. "Don't I have the right to do with you people of Israel what the potter did with the clay? You are in my hands just like clay in the potter's hands Jer 18:6(GNB).
It sounds like you want to lose your personality, to be a no person. Not that, but to hand over my entire person to God for Him to transform entirely. God does not want “you” either; that “you” has been corrupted by the world and sin. If Christ is not fully formed in you, God’s plans for you, for others, and for all creation remain yet to be completed. God’s plan for us is more than conversion: My children, I am suffering birth pains for you again until Christ is formed in you Gal 4:19(ISV). If you lose your life to Jesus, only then will you find real life. For whoever has a desire to keep his life will have it taken from him, but whoever gives up his life because of me, will keep it Lk 9:24(BBE).
Even the people in this world who really long for God, they do not want to see you. Some Greeks were among those who had gone to Jerusalem to worship during the festival. They went to Philip and said, "Sir, we want to see Jesus" Jn 12:20, 21(GNB).
This sounds like a new teaching. It is not. Did you know that all creation is waiting for Christ to be fully formed in us? For the strong desire of every living thing is waiting for the revelation of the sons of God. For every living thing was put under the power of change, not by its desire, but by him who made it so, in hope that all living things will be made free from the power of death and will have a part with the free children of God in glory Rom 8:19-21(BBE) . Christ in you is the hope of glory.
So I have to develop the Christ-like nature in me eh? Not like the eastern religions who say you are a spark of God. It is God’s work- a cooperation between you and God through Jesus Christ.


Have you seen my sticker? Yes o it is very beautiful. What was that caption again? “My year of unstoppable breakthrough.”
Powerful! Last year nko? “My year of divine favour; and 2008 was my year of laughter. What of you sef: you don receive for this year? Nna I have o. God said this is not my year at all. What! I reject that in Jesus’ name. Look it’s not late to change that verdict; let’s do a 3 day fast and speak into the year. It is yet young; we shall reverse this negative statement with strong agreement prayer. Ah the statement was from my waiting on God. I pleaded with Him when I received that and He insisted I must decrease this year.
Ah Ah! What kind of word is that? Others have this year to enlarge and increase... are you really sure it was God that spoke? At first I wondered but now I am sure, and at peace. “What is the reason? Did you offend God?” As I waited on Him He asked me, “What was your theme for last year?” I told Him. He asked the same for 6 years and I kept telling Him. “What happened then?” There was silence for a while; I almost got up when a quiet word came: “Which year is Mine? You have claimed each year for yourself, when are you going to give Me the year? ”
“So what I have been claiming is unspiritual?” I never said that. You asked me what this year is to be for me. Heaven has spoken: He must increase, but I must decrease Jn 3:30(RV). It now became clear to me that all the while I had been claiming my year of greatness it was for myself yet God says “Are you looking for great things for yourself? Don't look for them, because I'm going to bring disaster on all people, declares the LORD” Jer 45:5(GW). I was seeking His face so I could be something but I realize I should seek His face to be in His likeness and image. As for me, I will behold Your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with Your image Ps 17:15(MKJV).
He took me back to an assignment we did in school sometime ago. Do you remember the bean seed we planted? What happened to the seed cover? “It swelled up a bit in water and began to die in the soil as a new shoot grew from it”. Yes. That new shoot had always been in it but was small and dormant. But the seed must die for it to grow. Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit Jn 12:24(MJKV).
That is why God says I must decrease this year so that Jesus will increase.