Saturday, 17 April 2010


“I desire to have the blessing of Jacob, I want it.” Very good: are you willing to take the steps he took? but he stayed behind, alone. Then a man came and wrestled with him until just before daybreak Gen 32:24(GNB). “Yes, I am willing to pray all night until I breakthrough; I know we have started night vigils in church.” Praise God, but the blessing at Peniel came when he came one on one with God, alone in honest unpretended prayer. What is happening to your private devotion, what of your closet? “I see what you mean. I will start paying close attention to it. I will pour out my heart to Him.”
This man also knew God’s word o, though he confessed his fears his prayers were based on the word: Remember that you promised to make everything go well for me and to give me more descendants than anyone could count, as many as the grains of sand along the seashore." Gen 32:12(GNB) “Thanks a lot. I am ready to start now.”
With him it did not just start like that. “Oh? How then?” Will you wait on God like Jacob? Even before that day he learned to wait on God. “How?” Things were rough at work (Gen 31:1-7, 38-42). Laban cheated him, gave him impossible working conditions such that sleep was sometimes a luxury, changed his wages ten times, yet he stayed on until God said go. And the LORD said unto Jacob, Return unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee. And Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah Gen 31:3-4(RV) Even though the water dried from the earth Noah still waited to hear from God before leaving the ark, and God blessed him (Gen8:14-9:1).
“His wives must have helped...” When did Jacob marry? Abraham married before 75, Isaac and Esau his brother married at 40. He had 3 wives by the time Jacob was courting Rachel. Jacob was over 75 when he left to get married; he waited until his father said Go instead to Mesopotamia, to the home of your grandfather Bethuel, and marry one of the young women there, one of your uncle Laban's daughters Gen 28:2(CEV). Will you wait for a word from your Father even though other Christians and unbelievers have gone ahead?
“How will I know his word? It is difficult but God help me.” Live by scripture first dear, and even if God has to call you 3 times like Samuel He will help you.
“Thanks.”One more thing: The blessing of God was everything to him. He risked his life for it. “Was his method right? Should I turn deceiver like him?” Of course not! But when the Angel wounded him that hurt his expectations from God. He asked God not to allow any harm come his way as part of his covenant to serve God: if I return safely to my father's home, then you will be my God Gen 28:21(GNB). He still insists on being blessed instead of leaving God. Are you ready for Peniel?

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