Sunday, 20 January 2013

Are you a righteous man week 3, 2013

Ib: How can you ask me that? I am here protesting the homosexuals’ plans of marriage and child adoption. Not content with evil among themselves they also want to corrupt young minds from the womb to accept perversion as normal. Av: Why are you particularly offended with the issue? Ib: How can you a clergyman ask such a question? I know it is it is completely against our culture. Indeed it both despicable and unnatural. Does not even your Bible say homosexual offenders will go to hellfire? Av: It is good you have raised the issue of the Bible. My number one reason for opposing anything is that the Bible condemns it, and not merely culture. Have you read that passage? Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God 1Cor 6:9, 10(ESV). Ib: I don’t read the Bible much but that place clearly condemns the act. Av: That it does. But I would have you note it also condemns greed and drunkenness. Since you hate homosexuality, hate greed theft and excess of wine. I asked if you are a righteous man. Ib: Come on! Some things are worse than others. You cannot put simple liars on the same scale as these perverts. Av: It is you who is categorising the sins. Where we read lumps all of them as unrighteousness and warns no such will get into the kingdom. And as for so called simple liars: But outside the city are the perverts and those who practice magic, the immoral and the murderers, those who worship idols and those who are liars both in words and deeds. Rev 22:15(GNB). Are you a righteous man sir? Ib: Have I done wrong in speaking against evil, should I have kept quiet? Av: You should first repent of sin in your life then you can help the homosexual. Ib: I am strong in some points and weak in others, I can’t say I’m perfect... and I am sure neither can you. I magnify my strengths and diminish my weak points. Av: Do you know if you keep all God’s law and offend in one it’s as good as breaking them all? If you obey every law except one, you are still guilty of breaking them all. The same God who told us to be faithful in marriage also told us not to murder Jas 2:10, 11(CEV). Realise that God hates all sin. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men Rom 1:18(ESV). He who condemns homosexuality likewise condemns lust and will judge both. Call on Jesus now to free you from sin.

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