Sunday, 27 January 2013

Lovers of pleasure week 4, 2013

Ik: Nna I didn’t see you at the fellowship yesterday. Where were you? Ib: Fellowship? Oh dear, I must have forgotten. I got carried away with the football match. Ik: Which football match? Did you exchange fellowship for mere entertainment? Ib: Take it easy bros. I didn’t say I won’t come to fellowship again. Ik: What do you gain from the matches that you could afford to leave God aside? Ib: Football is not godless now. There is some profit in exercise: bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things1Tm 4:8(KJV). Ik: Of course I know, I work out regularly, but that doesn’t make me abandon fellowship. You weren’t playing, anyway, just watching. Ib: Oh so this is about you, to show how much more spiritual than I you are. Ik: Please pardon my choice of words. I do not mean to exalt myself. Ib: But you just did. Ik: See: Everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven Eccl 3:1(GW), the point I am making is that there is a time for everything. Soccer has its relaxing properties alright but when it is time to worship God we leave things like that aside. Ib: Nna I can’t concentrate in church during such matches. My coming would not have been much use. Ik: You are talking like a man addicted. "All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful for me," but I will not be enslaved by anything. 1Cor 6:12(ESV). Please you need to watch it. Ib: I am not enslaved. Didn’t Jesus say: You will always have poor people with you, but you will not always have me. Mat 26:11(GNB)? The fellowship is there always, but this match is special. It doesn’t come all the time. Ik: How dare you compare Jesus with soccer! That woman poured out precious ointment on Jesus, while you take Jesus’ time and give it to temporal things of no eternal value. Then you use Jesus’ very words to justify your behaviour. How dare you! Ib: Take it easy bros, take it easy. I didn’t sin now. It’s not like I stole or something. Ik: What is your idea of sin? What makes it wrong to collect another man’s property, another man’s money, but makes it alright to take God’s time? What do you think the scripture means by: You must realize, however, that in the last days difficult times will come. People will be,,,traitors, reckless, conceited, and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God 2Ti 3:1,2,4(ISV)? Ib: You are taking things too far bros, take it easy. Ik: I don’t think so. I think you should repent.

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