Marriage as an institution has been under a lot
of strain in the world today, not only in western liberal societies, but also
in traditional conservative societies. The very concept has become so warped it
is important to restate the author of marriage’s intents. The issues
established in the Christian faith are not updated or edited or revised with the
times, societies, or civilizations we may meet. No: the Christian faith was once
for all entrusted to the saints Jude 3 (NIV). Whilst modernity touches on several aspects of life the Lord points us
back to the ancient writings as the unchanging status of marriage before God.
What did Jesus teach? "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning
the Creator 'made them male and female,'
and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be
united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer
two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not
separate."Matt 19:4-6(NIV). Take note of that phrase “so they are no longer two..” please. Jesus did not say “so they were no longer two..” They are one now
as they were one then. The standards for marriage remain as in the beginning.
In saying “have you not read that in the beginning…” He means whatever was then
(in the beginning) in God’s mind for marriage remains so today irrespective of
learning. I hear of theologians coming to a consensus on marital issues. Any consensus differing from Jesus’
established teaching is null, void, of no effect and must be discountenanced.
Marriage is the lifelong union of a man and a
woman. Jesus says the
Creator 'made them male and female,' regarding marriage. Same sex relationships are no marriage and can
never be marriage. A man of God said “God made them
Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!” I may add not
Agnes and Eve either! Whatever the societal or legal standing of homosexuality,
it remains an abomination before God needing repentance, cleansing and
transformation by the renewal of the mind. What of polygamy? Jesus did not
loosely say “They shall become one”. No. He here explicitly states that “two
will become one” not three or more! He also said be
united to his wife not wives. Clearly a situation where two men simultaneously take (or
share) a woman is equally wrong.
Since Jesus points us back to the origin of
institutions, shall we ask how polygamy started? It was five generations from
Cain: Lamech married two
women, one named Adah and the other Zillah Gen 4:19 (NIV). This Lamech was ungodly, and a man-slayer as was
his ancestor Cain; his example is not to be followed. Marriage begins on a
specific date. The date God presented Eve and Adam joyfully received her was
the wedding date. He joined them. Has God joined you?
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