It is necessary to seek the purpose of every
devise, for success is found in fulfilling the maker’s purpose and good
pleasure. What is God’s purpose in marriage? It is much more than a license for
coitus. I make bold to say marriage is no cure for sexual immorality. It helps
prevent it alright (1Cor7:2-5), but
cannot cure it (ask David: none of his wives kept him from taking Bathsheba). You will quickly tell me it is to help the
man, to remove loneliness. I agree. But there is more. “Ah yes, it is also to protect the woman and provide for her”. Beautiful!
But there IS more.
That is why a man
will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will
become one flesh Mat 19:5(ISV). Listen to
the wording: “united”, and “one flesh”. Many people crave marriage partners,
fast for that “God’s will” in marriage, but have not worked on God’s purpose in
marriage; as though that purpose must automatically happen. Sorry to disappoint
you but finding God’s choice for marriage is not in itself the guarantee for
marital bliss. Did God not choose Jeroboam? Yet his reign was a colossal
failure. God handpicked Saul to be king of Israel yet he was a disappointment
to God. Marriage is not a destination but
a journey. It is work in progress, not a finished mansion.
God’s purpose is to bring a union, a union that brings His rule and
dominance on their sphere of influence. It takes a male and female to bring in the
full complement of humanity in the right mix. “The people are one and they all have one
language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to
do will be withheld from them” Gen 11:6 (NKJV). It appears even the heavens resources are tapped by complete unity: Look how good and how pleasant it is when brothers
live together in unity! For there the LORD commanded his blessing— Ps 133:1, 3(ISV). What kind of unity does He require? I appeal to you,
brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one
another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be
perfectly united in mind and thought 1 Cor 1:10 (NIV). To get one flesh
the sperm must first give up its whole body, coat, tail and cytoplasm to unite
with the egg. And both must first shed half their inmost beings. It is actually impossible to have this type of unity
between those who have yet to believe in Jesus and disciples of Christ: what do a believer and an unbeliever have in common?
What agreement can a temple of God make with idols? 2Cor
6:15-16(ISV). It takes
just two who are perfectly united in heart and purpose to get anything and
everything they ask God in their prayers (Matt18:19), indeed to achieve things
we set out for unity is compulsory. It is this kind of unity that brings about
godly offspring. Didn't God make
you one body and spirit with her? What was his purpose in this? It was that you
should have children who are truly God's people Mal
2:15(GNT). Are you married, yet to wed? Aim at perfect unity to achieve God’s
design. There is more.
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