Sunday, 26 January 2014

It’s not too late Week 4, 2014

Give up on no one beloved, not while he still lives. With the dying breath the saviour may be ushered in. Consider the criminal on the cross. Initially  the two who were crucified with Jesus insulted him also Mk 15:32(GNB). Nothing more is said of this man in Mark and Matthew. We would have assumed all was lost, when clearly dying he hurled insults at the saviour. Have you someone you have been interceding for, a dying one perhaps, who yet responds with insults to God and the saviour? Give not up, neither throw in the towel. Persevere in faith-filled intercession: the Holy Spirit isn’t done yet. The saviour was not too preoccupied with His nail pierced hands and pain of crucifixion to harvest one insolent sinner. He never will be. Weary He may be from the journey, ready is He always to receive the penitent Jn 4:6-26.  O how many souls have we given up on at their death bed when breath still remained because they yet cursed. How many have I turned away because I was weary in body, weary and preoccupied with my pain of unjust treatment, that could have entered heaven in a last gasp repentance.
Yes repent he did; after initially insulting Jesus he came to his senses. The other one, however, rebuked him, saying, "Don't you fear God? You received the same sentence he did. Ours, however, is only right, because we are getting what we deserve for what we did; but he has done no wrong."Lk 23:40-41(GNB).  A repentant man acknowledges his guilt, and the justice of his sentence. What does he confess about Jesus? That Jesus is innocent of wrongdoing. He goes on to acknowledge Jesus as the coming king. But most glorious: he extends an invitation to Jesus to save him. Then he went on to plead, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!" Lk 23:42(ISV).  Not from crucifixion like the unrepentant  criminal (Lk 23:39), but to bring him into Jesus’ kingdom. I assume he had heard about Jesus before now but had never submitted to His lordship.
Consider the mercy extended to him: his dying confession and faith elicit the absolution of He who alone washes sin: Jesus told him, "I tell you with certainty, today you will be with me in Paradise."Lk 23:43(ISV).  Under the circumstances no baptism whether by immersion or sprinkling is recorded.
Listen: It’s not too late to repent; you are still alive and God holds out His hands still. Do not entertain thoughts to “end it all” and take your life. You acknowledge your guilt, you beat your breast for your error, nay your delibrate evil. There remains one thing more: reach out for Jesus and not the instrument  to harm yourself. Call on Him now even when you repeatedly hear “it’s too late; you’re mine now” from satanic voices. Jesus assures you of a place in paradise TODAY.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Dealing with injustice Week 3, 2014

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do Lk 23:34(KJV). “Then said Jesus” refers to when He was being crucified; when the nails pierced through. What do you say when maltreated? Walk in the steps of the master. The iron is hot when offended, in what direction shall you strike?
“Father…” focus on God at the time of pain, not on the act. At that point of injury and perception of injustice, whose face do you turn to? Look away from the faces of evil and look into the eyes of the Eternal 2Cor4:18.
“Forgive them…” It is not the time to cry out for your rights, but for those denying your rights. Many have gloated over the death of those who assailed ministers. Jesus weeps over them. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved Jn 3:17(KJV). The pronouncements of an aggrieved are weighty. It is an opportunity for judgement or mercy. Wait, aggrieved one. The time for judgement is not yet: behold, now is the day of salvation 2Cor 6:2(KJV).
To have souls saved from hellfire we must pronounce blessings and forgiveness on they which maltreat us, not judgement. God wills the powerful words of the anointed drag repentance and conversion from heaven unto the offender. Do this even if you have to grit your teeth to say it, and your heart is bursting with pain. Be like Christ (not in this case David, or Nehemiah or Elijah). The grace is there for you.
Forgiveness; what does it mean? First of all it means the individual is guilty and fully deserving of punishment, but the punishment is thrown aside (actually placed on Another). When you forgive someone you seek no punishment or pain should come on the offender, but comfort and peace. It means the blame is taken away from the offender. Now do not be upset or blame yourselves because you sold me here. It was really God who sent me ahead of you to save people's lives Gen 45:5(GNB). Notice again Joseph’s focus on God. He says it with hindsight; but you now have foresight.
Forgiveness happens to be a conditional blessing for us. God forgives us first, and now demands we forgive each other Mat 6:14,15. Forgiveness releases the effects of faith Mk 11:24, 25. Incidentally Jesus did not wait for an apology before praying for their forgiveness. Don’t wait either. Seek opportunities to bless and help the offender. Return blessing for cursing, favour for injustice, kindness for cruelty, praise for slander and intercession for wickedness.
“For they know not what they do.” They knew very well they were killing an innocent man. It was clear to all injustice was being carried out. But they did not know he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed Isa 53:5(NIV). It is also certain those depriving you do not know our momentary and light afflictions are working out for us an exceeding weight of glory 2Cor4:17; and that a chance to be king is offered you in forgiving. Never seek to be even, you can get a better deal through forgiveness.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Forgive yourself Week 2, 2014

Have you messed up? Betrayed a divine or human trust? Have you discovered that by your own carelessness people have been made to suffer; those you had pledged to care for? It pains.
Have you yielded to lust, and the aftermath (as always) is filled with shame and disgrace? Are those who looked at you with respect now scorning you? Did greed overtake you and leave you in the spotlight, caught and disgraced? Forgive yourself.
You cannot turn the clock back, nor can the punishment you seek to inflict on yourself wipe out your sin. What’s done is done; be done with them. O yes, the idea of punishing yourself for the offence sounds attractive. It may seem a means of saying you are sorry; but it is needless. It is futile. These rules may seem to be wise as part of a made-up religion in which people pretend to be humble and punish their bodies. But they don't help people stop doing the evil that the sinful self wants to do. Col 2:23(GNB) 
Do something better than punish yourself; no self punishment is ever enough to remove sin. A refusal to forgive one’s self tends to suicide. Judas did not seek God’s forgiveness, and did not forgive himself either. He is no example to follow.
Do better than inflict pain on yourself: the wound of the conscience is enough. Go to the Lord in repentance. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me. Mic 7:8(KJV) 
The flesh would have you say about sin “it doesn’t matter, what have I done more than others?” It is also the sinful nature that wants you to punish yourself and do penance. Yes, penance can be the result of refusing to forgive one self.
But God forgives you as you turn to him this year with tears of heartfelt repentance. "Well, then," Jesus said, "I do not condemn you either. Go, but do not sin again."Jn 8:11(GNB) 
Do better than inflict pain on yourself: prove to Satan and the world you can lick them up through Jesus. Pick yourself from the dust; get back to your Maker, the lover of your soul. Therefore, strengthen your tired arms and your weak knees, and straighten the paths of your life, so that your lameness may not become worse, but instead may be healed Heb 12:12, 13(ISV). Peter had to forgive himself and faced the same Sanhedrin victoriously. John Mark proved his worth in ministry to the same Paul the apostle. Receive cleansing and strength: you will yet see the victory of Jesus in your life and ministry.
To continue to pine away is to turn chicken. Receiving God’s pardon and forgiving yourself and then returning into the battle is to prove yourself a man.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Kidnappers forgiven Week 1, 2014

The 3  missionaries from Peace House came to the secondary school in Akwa-Ibom State to arrange with the authorities on ministering to the school populace early 7th November 2013. Little did they know God had arranged a different field for them. As they left the school premises, and crossed the road to go back to their base in the village they were accosted by gun and machete touting youths who compelled them to walk into the bush. It was difficult for the sister among them since she had bee feeling unwell that day. In fact she had considered not coming along but decided against it. When gasping and unable to go on the brothers prayed for her. God gave her strength as they walked in the bush for about 3 hours before getting ito the hideout. Other members of  the kidnap ring were there. Right from the walk into the bush on the day of the kidnapping the missionaries presented the gospel to their captors who said “The time to get born again has not yet come”.
A ransom of up to 10 million naira was demanded despite protestations that they were missionaries; and that no money was stocked up for ransom. The kidnappers boasted no amount of prayers would keep them from getting the ransom. The missionaries, much older than them, were beaten repeatedly by their captors. The second in command used both the gun and cane on them. In all the brethren would answer back gently, wanting to reach their captors with the word of God.
The news was brought and many disciples went to the Lord to intercede. The demand from heaven was the safe release of the missionaries. The Peace house encouraged the brethren like Stephen not to consider their lives, but focus on the Lord. No one prayed for the kidnappers to die or called fire down on them but that they be saved. God gave them a word of comfort. Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame:Isa 54:4(KJV)  The missionaries saw a light shining in the bush where they were and drew the attention of their captors who confirmed its presence. No one could explain why it was there; and it remained there while they were in captivity.
At a point when no ransom came the gang threatened to kill the men and a night vigil was held by brethren on Wednesday throughout the region. This was their 7th night in captivity. They prayed that that would be their last night in captivity. Again God assured them by scripture He would intervene. The following morning (Thursday 14) the call came that the captors decided to release them without a ransom. Was it true, had they killed them as threatened and asked the brethren to pick their corpses? Such had been known to happen before.  But it was indeed true: all 3 were released safely to the brethren that day.
Following this the chairman of the kidnap ring called them and sent apologies to the missionaries who assured them of forgiveness, that it was God who sent them to preach to the kidnappers. As far as you're concerned, you were planning evil against me, but God intended it for good Gen 50:20(ISV). The missionaries earnestly desired their labours would not be in vain.The kidnappers were invited to the Peace House Gboko MLR meeting in December with assurances they would not be handed over to the police. Three did not come but the chairman did and gave his life over to Jesus: a trophy of grace. With his help brethren went into the kidnappers’ camp with God’s word. Some of the kidnappers repented and handed over their guns. Currently an effort to rehabilitate them is underway with government and police involvement. Up until Friday 3/1/2014 the brethren visit the camp bringing the good news.
But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign Rom 5:20-21(KJV)