Give up on no one
beloved, not while he still lives. With the dying breath the saviour may be
ushered in. Consider the criminal on the cross. Initially the two who were
crucified with Jesus insulted him also Mk 15:32(GNB). Nothing more is said of this man in Mark and Matthew.
We would have assumed all was lost, when clearly dying he hurled insults at the
saviour. Have you someone you have been interceding for, a dying one perhaps,
who yet responds with insults to God and the saviour? Give not up, neither
throw in the towel. Persevere in faith-filled intercession: the Holy Spirit
isn’t done yet. The saviour was not too preoccupied with His nail pierced hands
and pain of crucifixion to harvest one insolent sinner. He never will be. Weary
He may be from the journey, ready is He always to receive the penitent Jn
4:6-26. O how many souls have we given
up on at their death bed when breath still remained because they yet cursed. How many have I turned away because I was
weary in body, weary and preoccupied with my pain of unjust treatment, that could
have entered heaven in a last gasp repentance.
Yes repent he did;
after initially insulting Jesus he came to his senses. The other one, however, rebuked him, saying,
"Don't you fear God? You received the same sentence he did. Ours, however,
is only right, because we are getting what we deserve for what we did; but he
has done no wrong."Lk 23:40-41(GNB). A repentant man
acknowledges his guilt, and the justice of his sentence. What does he confess
about Jesus? That Jesus is innocent of wrongdoing. He goes on to acknowledge
Jesus as the coming king. But most glorious: he extends an invitation to Jesus
to save him. Then he went on
to plead, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!" Lk
23:42(ISV). Not from
crucifixion like the unrepentant criminal
(Lk 23:39), but to bring him into Jesus’ kingdom. I
assume he had heard about Jesus before now but had never submitted to His
Consider the
mercy extended to him: his dying confession and faith elicit the absolution of
He who alone washes sin: Jesus told him,
"I tell you with certainty, today you will be with me in Paradise."Lk
23:43(ISV). Under the
circumstances no baptism whether by immersion or sprinkling is recorded.
Listen: It’s not
too late to repent; you are still alive and God holds out His hands still. Do
not entertain thoughts to “end it all” and take your life. You acknowledge your
guilt, you beat your breast for your error, nay your delibrate evil. There
remains one thing more: reach out for Jesus and not the instrument to harm yourself. Call on Him now even when
you repeatedly hear “it’s too late; you’re mine now” from satanic voices. Jesus
assures you of a place in paradise TODAY.
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