Sunday, 19 January 2014

Dealing with injustice Week 3, 2014

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do Lk 23:34(KJV). “Then said Jesus” refers to when He was being crucified; when the nails pierced through. What do you say when maltreated? Walk in the steps of the master. The iron is hot when offended, in what direction shall you strike?
“Father…” focus on God at the time of pain, not on the act. At that point of injury and perception of injustice, whose face do you turn to? Look away from the faces of evil and look into the eyes of the Eternal 2Cor4:18.
“Forgive them…” It is not the time to cry out for your rights, but for those denying your rights. Many have gloated over the death of those who assailed ministers. Jesus weeps over them. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved Jn 3:17(KJV). The pronouncements of an aggrieved are weighty. It is an opportunity for judgement or mercy. Wait, aggrieved one. The time for judgement is not yet: behold, now is the day of salvation 2Cor 6:2(KJV).
To have souls saved from hellfire we must pronounce blessings and forgiveness on they which maltreat us, not judgement. God wills the powerful words of the anointed drag repentance and conversion from heaven unto the offender. Do this even if you have to grit your teeth to say it, and your heart is bursting with pain. Be like Christ (not in this case David, or Nehemiah or Elijah). The grace is there for you.
Forgiveness; what does it mean? First of all it means the individual is guilty and fully deserving of punishment, but the punishment is thrown aside (actually placed on Another). When you forgive someone you seek no punishment or pain should come on the offender, but comfort and peace. It means the blame is taken away from the offender. Now do not be upset or blame yourselves because you sold me here. It was really God who sent me ahead of you to save people's lives Gen 45:5(GNB). Notice again Joseph’s focus on God. He says it with hindsight; but you now have foresight.
Forgiveness happens to be a conditional blessing for us. God forgives us first, and now demands we forgive each other Mat 6:14,15. Forgiveness releases the effects of faith Mk 11:24, 25. Incidentally Jesus did not wait for an apology before praying for their forgiveness. Don’t wait either. Seek opportunities to bless and help the offender. Return blessing for cursing, favour for injustice, kindness for cruelty, praise for slander and intercession for wickedness.
“For they know not what they do.” They knew very well they were killing an innocent man. It was clear to all injustice was being carried out. But they did not know he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed Isa 53:5(NIV). It is also certain those depriving you do not know our momentary and light afflictions are working out for us an exceeding weight of glory 2Cor4:17; and that a chance to be king is offered you in forgiving. Never seek to be even, you can get a better deal through forgiveness.

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