Wednesday, 6 April 2016

A birthday gift Week 14, 2016

I had completed my residency training and needed an appointment as a consultant within 6 months so as not to lose my years of service. It was customary to give residents this time after passing the part 2 fellowship in my centre. I was however taken aback when a letter was written by the head of administration congratulating me on my success and reminding me I was automatically out of the residency programme, and advising accounts I was through. In short my salary was stopped. It took the medical director writing to the accounts and administration for me not to leave the hospital’s employment. I had been unaware of the developments until I saw the medical director’s directive on the matter. God fights and settles battles for us we are even unaware of.
I definitely needed a place. An advert in the newspapers for health professionals needed at the federal teaching hospital Irrua caught my attention. The vacancies included laboratory scientists (my wife is one and was in need of employment) so I decided to apply. I figured both of us could get a job there and remain together; I had decided we wouldn’t be separated because of employment. I wrote a draft application but when I brought the matter up my wife calmly told me she had no plans of leaving Enugu. I tore up the draft.
My centre finally advertised and I was invited for the interview in November 2002. Since my birthday was in mid December I specifically asked God to be appointed a consultant before my birthday. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” Mt 7:7-8 (ESV). After the interview I continued my work as a senior registrar. The birthday came and went with nothing heard from the management. I continued working, taking the calls and other duties of a senior resident right through unto January 2003. God is worthy of diligent service. During one of the weekly ward rounds in that first quarter of 2003 my consultant walked in and asked if I had the letter. I was puzzled; which letter? He asked, “So you have not got your letter?” I walked down to the registry and sure enough an appointment letter was there for me. I glanced at the date of commencement: back dated to 2nd December 2002. I was functioning as a lower cadre officer for over a month in the hospital after I had been appointed a consultant! When I look back at that incident I realise that is what happens when we do not know what God has already done for us. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge Hos 4:6(ESV).  We continue to function below par and behave lower than victors over sin and Satan. As we returned to the ward round the doctor doing the rounds with me immediately cancelled the caption “senior residents’ ward round” and wrote “consultant’s ward round”.
It also became clear to me my prayer for the birthday gift from God had not only been heard but answered. Is your date passed and the prayer seems unanswered?

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