No matter how zealous one is about a cause, it
is common to find that after a while the zeal wanes. The wine of love in
marriage also frequently runs out; just like the wine for the marriage feast was
known to frequently prove insufficient. Listen to the governor of the wedding
feast in Cana of Galilee "Everyone
serves the best wine first, and the cheap kind when people are drunk....” Jn
2:10 (ISV). Everyone. So it’s common. It
is not stated how long it took for the wine to run out. It may take 30 years or
30 days, someday you realise you are dry. Unexpected turn of events, storms,
setbacks, disappointments, and discouragements sap energy. Even boredom may
pose a threat. Natural human love is insufficient for the full marriage
experience. Has “I can’t do without you”
turned into “What kind of a person is
this?” Has “What have I got myself
into?” replaced “Thank God for my
angel”? Is your wine run out? What do we do now?
When the wine ran out, Jesus' mother told him,
"They don't have any more wine." Jn 2:3(ISV) The first thing
to do is face the fact. Face the fact that the well is dry, the sweetness is
now sour; in short “We’ve got a problem
in the house”. Whether in marriage or ministry, business or academics until
you face the facts the solution won’t kick in. The prodigal had to face the
fact before he could get help. Finally, he
came to his senses and said, "My father's workers have plenty to eat, and
here I am, starving to death!” Lk 15:17(CEV), Jesus also warned the Pharisees
"If you were blind, you would have no
sin; but now you say, 'We see.' Therefore your sin remains Jn 9:41(EMTV).
Take it to Jesus. You notice the matter is carried to Him. Is Jesus in
the business? Did you invite Him to the marriage? If you haven’t given Him full
access to your life and business; you’ve made a mistake. Call him in. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his
disciples Jn 2:2(ESV). Is He part of
your life? He must take centre stage. Have you admitted your failure and
helplessness to Him? Have you asked specifically for the need in your life? When
the wine ran out it was obvious. The governor knew, so did Mary and the
servants. It seems to me other guests could tell too. But until Jesus was asked
to intervene specifically no solution comes.
Now this couple did not want to do what every
other person in the same shoe does. The solution everyone gives may be the
wrong one. "Everyone
serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor
wine Jn 2:10(ESV) .That was key to
the miracle of the wedding. You may not know how the problem will be solved
(this couple didn’t), but you know Jesus is there and it is what he says that
you are going to do. Mary then said
to the servants, "Do whatever Jesus tells you to do." Jn 2:5(CEV). Don’t expect
water to be turned to wine in your circumstance when you want to do what every
other person does. I will climb
my watchtower and wait to see what the LORD will tell me to say and what
answer he will give to my complaint Hab 2:1(GNB). To be
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