“It’s all right brother purity. I will inform my
wife I am helping her out and tell her how much is involved each time I give...”
Perhaps my
message wasn’t very clear. Leave the giving to this lady or student entirely at
the hands of your wife. Let what she gets come from her as she decides, not you
any longer. Hand over to your wife in short.
“What? Hand over to her? You don’t know that woman.
Not only will she read this matter all wrong she will starve the poor girl of
funds, and I won’t stand for it.”
When did you
become God that decides the fate of others? Why and when have you decided your
wife is wicked? Even if she delays or refuses giving don’t you believe if you keep silent at this time, relief and
deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place Est 4:14(ESV)? If she is
not led to give remember God has several alternatives to accomplish His
counsel. He answered, "I tell
you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out." Lk 19:40(ESV). Your marriage is more important than this
desire towards this female. Hand over to her and pray about it. Leave it in
God’s hands. Remember he has made you one in flesh and spirit with your wife. Didn't God make you one body and spirit with her? Mal 2:15(GNB). If it is something the Holy Spirit wants
you to do then it is also something He wants your wife to do as well. God will
never break a marriage on the altar of ministering in His name, not even giving
to the poor!
“I don’t feel any one spirit with her. Correction
please; my marriage cannot break.”
Beloved, will
I be correct in diagnosing resentment towards your wife? You also used the term
“I won’t stand for that” towards another
female you have no rights over...
“So we must stand aloof towards weak people because
we have “no rights” over them. This your reasoning turns my stomach.”
I see. You
place the care of another woman above your wife’s explicit consent even when
the danger is made known to you. It turns your stomach eh? Well brother I must
tell you your heart is not
right before God. Repent, therefore, of this wickedness of yours, and pray to
the Lord that, if possible, the intent of your heart may be forgiven you. For I
see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity. Act 8:21-23(ESV). Sin is
crouching at your door and its desire is to have you. But you must master it. Helping
the weak is godly, but insistence on the part of a married man in giving
financial assistance to another female irrespective of his wife is a symptom of
deeper marital problems. Have you been able to pray together with your wife on
several matters?
“Not for a very long time. We can’t seem to agree
even on the time and issues. I find it all very frustrating. Pray for me to the Lord, that nothing of what you
have said may come upon me Act
8:24(ESV). Even when I pray alone it doesn’t have the same
results as before.”
I will pray,
but much more please can I pay both of you a visit with my wife? We need to
talk. It looks like 1Pt 3:7 is happening here.
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