Sunday, 31 July 2016

Who gives the name? Week 31, 2016

“How can it be her? Why should his mother name him? I am his father. I’ll do it!”
Don’t get so upset. Your wife is equally fit to name the baby. He’s yours both.
“I am the man of the house; the head of this family. It is my duty, my right, and I am not about to cede that to any woman. Not even his mother.”
Calm down. Calm down. It’s like you don’t know the history of child naming...
“Of course I do. That’s why I won’t allow what has been the preserve of the man of the house to be swept aside by so called modernity.”
Actually you need to know the bible history as well; not only your family and tribe’s history. Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, "I have gotten a man with the help of the LORD." Gen 4:1 (ESV).  So you see the first child ever born in this world was named by a woman: his own mother.
“What? I thought it is the man that named all things? Does God expect this? Did she do this in disobedience? Maybe this is why Cain did so badly.”
Naming was first done by God (Gen 1: 5, 8, 10). When He incorporated man into His fold and made Him a partner, naming was now done by man who named every animal and the woman (Gen 2:19, 23; 3:30). Should it be strange therefore that when the man incorporated the woman (his wife) as a real partner he lets her do the naming? He simply is following God here.
“Wait, wait, wait. Where else did a woman name the child? Does God sanction it?”
You mean you don’t know? It is with God’s full consent women name their children. And the angel of the LORD said to her, "Behold, you are pregnant and shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael...” Gen 16:11(ESV). It was the angel of God that asked Hagar to name Abram’s son...
“He was a burden to the world, not a covenant child. Give me a good example.”
Hard to convince, are you? Weren’t the sons of Jacob covenant children? Didn’t they do well in God’s eyes? The first 11 were named by their mothers. Except for Benjamin Jacob named none of his sons. And just before you protest the women were quarrelling, consider Samuel. And in due time Hannah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Samuel, for she said, "I have asked for him from the LORD." 1Sam 1:20(ESV).  He did very well in God’s eyes. Oh, by the way Moses was so named by a woman who wasn’t even his mother; or an Israelite for that matter. When the child grew older... Pharaoh's daughter... named him Moses, "Because," she said, "I drew him out of the water." Ex 2:10(ESV)  And you know the testimony of God concerning him.
“So it is the woman’s prerogative to name her child, eh?”
Big grammar! I don’t say it must be the woman. But we must recognise they have equal covenant rights. This should never become a quarrel between you. And you husbands, giving honour to the woman ... who has an equal part in the heritage of the grace of life1Pt 3:7 (BBE). Consider her convictions then decide.

Monday, 25 July 2016

The nairai rain Week 30, 2016

It was in 2001 while I was the President of the Christian Union Enugu campus that the fellowship planned one of the reunions with graduated brethren. As is often the case we were hoping to raise money for fellowship needs during the meeting. Specifically we believed God for a new 32 seater bus to replace Ebenezer which was about 2 decades old. Which minister would we invite to the fund raising dinner? Who would under God raise the money for us? At that time the fellowship budget was in hundreds of thousands of naira; we had not reached the million mark then. I was persuaded by some active and enthusiastic brethren (who are expected to be spiritual) to invite a certain popular minister in Enugu who was anointed to squeeze money out of any padlocked senior friend’s purse, no matter how difficult.
Against an inner witness, out of curiosity I went to his place near old UNTH. The first impression was that the compound looked littered like a spare parts shop. I wondered if he was a businessman. When I was ushered in to see the man of Go(l)d he asked “So you want me to make money for you ehn?” “Emmm, to encourage our senior friends to give generously, sir” I replied. “We are saying the same thing. It is tough but, it can be done.” “Oh, thank you sooo much sir.” I responded. I was shocked by his next word,”Now how much will be my commission?” “Commission?” Could I be hearing right? “Sir we shall give you honorarium” “Hono-gini? The miserable N3000 you give? Look my commission is 40%. Deal?
“Sir, please help us. We are a mere students’ fellowship. Moreover in CU it is against our tradition to discuss such a thing. If our senior friends also get to hear about this, they will be disappointed...” He dismissed me with “I see you are not ready for naira rain. Go back and think and bring an answer tomorrow. I have a tight schedule...” There are ministers and there are ministers but few are as trustworthy! At least we are not commercializing God's word like so many others. Instead, we speak with sincerity in the Messiah's name, like people who are sent from God and are accountable to God. 2Cor 2:17(ISV) 
He never got that feedback. Baba God gave the executive committee of the CU fellowship another dimension of wisdom. We visited all known senior friends in Enugu, Nsukka and Awka. We wrote our needs down for our senior friends to read. In addition we wrote to others far away. In the reunion program they donated cash and pledges with a little urging from Azike Diribe and Edith Nwosu. Before, during, and after the reunion the CU received N1.5 million, and that without sugar coated talks. That was when the fellowship moved from N0.5million annual budgets to seven digit budgets. The money didn’t come in bulk so we revamped Ebenezer instead of buying a new one. We also got a brand new computer (the first ever for the fellowship), a landline, free production of the directory, etc.
 "Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, you who seek the LORD! Look to the rock from which you were cut, to the quarry from which you were hewn.” Isa 51:1(ISV)  Thomas Adejoh served as President Christian Union UNEC

Sunday, 17 July 2016

My life partner Week 29, 2016

It was a revelation from God that my husband’s name is Andy. As at then I had not met him and thought it was another Andy I was acquainted with. When it became obvious it was not going to be the one I was acquainted with I asked God to show me who it is. "The things I predicted have now come true. Now I will tell you of new things even before they begin to happen." Is42:9(ESV).  Being a committed child of God I was at that time serving in the outreach committee of the church. We were involved in prison visitation, counseling, follow up of new converts, and weekly prayers for the church as well as special day/night vigils. There was this brother who I served with in the same committee that had asked me for a magazine and I gave it to him without thinking. My friend concluded there must be a relationship between us as I had steadfastly refused to give same to her because of some jottings I had made on it. The jotting was a code indicating the revelation concerning the identity of the man I was to marry. When I was to collect it from him I ventured to ask his name. “It is a household name” he said. “My name is Andy.” Goose bumps came over me. I had made up my mind I would never help a brother when it came to the matter of proposing marriage to me. I wasn’t about to let him know what revelation I had got and interestingly when after a prison visitation both of us entered a brother’s car it was instantly ministered to that brother we were to be married but no one said anything.
Andy started paying me visits and asking me personal questions. I had petitioned God no brother would come to my abode and take advantage of me and was strict about brothers visiting. Someone had voiced concerns about how I was going to get a husband when I wouldn’t have a boyfriend. Was it becoming clear to him we were to marry? I held my peace. One day in the course of his questions he asked my genotype. Now you don’t do that if your own genotype is AA since it wouldn’t matter the genotype of the one you marry. It could only be that he was AS and wanted to clear the ground as he considered a proposal. God had already warned me to do whatever He asked no matter how funny or embarrassing. Let no one deceive himself. If any of you thinks he is wise in the ways of this world, he must become a fool to become really wise1Cor 3:18(ISV). I am AS and I told Andy so plainly. He left. He was also AS and even with that knowledge went ahead to propose marriage to me. I have relations who strongly discourage couples with AS genotype from getting married. How would I face them if they asked the question? What about Andy’s people how would they see the matter? Is this the reason God had clearly made known the identity of my husband to me ever before we met? I prayed my relations would not raise the question of genotype and accepted Andy’s proposal by faith and we went ahead to get married 17yrs ago.  God made me to know I was to have three children and after a while they all came: a boy and two girls. In His faithfulness not one of them is SS genotype. "I alone am the LORD your God. No other god may share my glory Is42:8(ESV).  Appolonia lives in Enugu

Monday, 11 July 2016

Beware of covetousness

“Is it right he should get so much, is it right? It is downright unfair” Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Lk 12:13(ESV) 
What’s bothering you; don’t you have your own share of the property? Be content.
“That’s how you people deceive us... “Be content”. Meanwhile daylight robbery is taking place. There are two of us. Equity demands I get 50%.”
Stop being covetous; be satisfied with what you have. Even the blood flow is not equally distributed to all parts. Equity need not be equality. But he said to him, "Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?"And he said to them, "Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." Lk 12:14-15 (ESV) 
“I see you throw about scriptures just to satisfy your viewpoint. I see nothing covetous about demanding a fair share of the inheritance. When Acsah asked for more of the inheritance of her father and he gave her that was no covetousness Jdg 1:15. When Jabez asked God to enlarge His coasts it wasn’t covetousness for God gave it. Why have you labelled this covetous?” Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!" And God granted what he asked1Chron 4:10(ESV).
O my beloved. There are many differences. Achsah and Jabez unlike you are not comparing themselves with anyone or deciding their request based on what any man has or has not. Achsah wanted help for the dryness of the land (She answered, "I want some water holes. The land you have given me is in the dry country." So Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs Jdg 1:15(GNB).)
and Jabez was leaving lack. You are not speaking because you lack food or basic necessities. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content 1Tim 6:8(ISV).
“It still isn’t fair! Why should he enjoy and I have the crumbs? I should get more!”
You are not speaking according to need now for your living. Look gifts are given according to the grace each man has. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us Rom12:6(ESV).  Do you have the grace to handle what you are asking before you make a shipwreck of faith? When God distributes talents it is according to each man’s ability and not everyone gets the same numbers. To one man he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, based on their ability Mat 25:15(ISV). Mark you to whom much is given much is required. The life of a man doesn’t consist in the abundance of his possessions. Stop wanting to earn like a senator or other lawmakers. Every giver has a right to generosity.