It was a
revelation from God that my husband’s name is Andy. As at then I had not met
him and thought it was another Andy I was acquainted with. When it became
obvious it was not going to be the one I was acquainted with I asked God to
show me who it is. "The things
I predicted have now come true. Now I will tell you of new things even before
they begin to happen."
Is42:9(ESV). Being a committed child of God I was at that
time serving in the outreach committee of the church. We were involved in
prison visitation, counseling, follow up of new converts, and weekly prayers
for the church as well as special day/night vigils. There was this brother who
I served with in the same committee that had asked me for a magazine and I gave
it to him without thinking. My friend concluded there must be a relationship
between us as I had steadfastly refused to give same to her because of some
jottings I had made on it. The jotting was a code indicating the revelation
concerning the identity of the man I was to marry. When I was to collect it
from him I ventured to ask his name. “It
is a household name” he said. “My
name is Andy.” Goose bumps came over me. I had made up my mind I would
never help a brother when it came to the matter of proposing marriage to me. I
wasn’t about to let him know what revelation I had got and interestingly when
after a prison visitation both of us entered a brother’s car it was instantly
ministered to that brother we were to be married but no one said anything.
Andy started
paying me visits and asking me personal questions. I had petitioned God no
brother would come to my abode and take advantage of me and was strict about
brothers visiting. Someone had voiced concerns about how I was going to get a
husband when I wouldn’t have a boyfriend. Was
it becoming clear to him we were to marry? I held my peace. One day in the
course of his questions he asked my genotype. Now you don’t do that if your own
genotype is AA since it wouldn’t matter the genotype of the one you marry. It
could only be that he was AS and wanted to clear the ground as he considered a
proposal. God had already warned me to do whatever He asked no matter how funny
or embarrassing. Let no one
deceive himself. If any of you thinks he is wise in the ways of this world, he
must become a fool to become really wise1Cor 3:18(ISV). I am AS and I
told Andy so plainly. He left. He was also AS and even with that knowledge went
ahead to propose marriage to me. I have relations who strongly discourage
couples with AS genotype from getting married. How would I face them if they
asked the question? What about Andy’s people how would they see the matter? Is
this the reason God had clearly made known the identity of my husband to me
ever before we met? I prayed my relations would not raise the question of
genotype and accepted Andy’s proposal by faith and we went ahead to get married
17yrs ago. God made me to know I was to
have three children and after a while they all came: a boy and two girls. In
His faithfulness not one of them is SS genotype. "I alone am the LORD your God. No other god may share my glory Is42:8(ESV). Appolonia lives in Enugu
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