Sunday, 25 September 2016

A little thing Week 38, 2016

I was very displeased; and doubted what I was being told over the telephone. Little stones found in beans while being picked from the container for cooking had been dropped from upstairs and fell unto the car. And those little stones had landed on the glass, giving it a small crack. And steadily the crack spread within a short time over all the glass such that all the glass was shattered. Who did they think they are telling? What size of stone is found in beans that will break the glass of a car? Not the side mirror, the glass! “Let me get home first” I thought to myself.
When I did get home what I saw amazed me: The tinted glass was shattered but still very much together. The pieces were very tiny; smaller than pebbles, indeed they were the same size as stones found in beans. The account was factual. How could dropping such small things completely shatter a very large tinted glass? Some vibration, even the shutting of the door led to some of the glass pieces falling off. I could no longer use it; apart from the unsightliness this was rainy season and water would just come in. It just must be replaced urgently . The heart is more deceitful than anything. It is incurable—who can know it? I am the LORD who searches the heart, who tests the inner depths to give to each person according to what he deserves, according to the fruit of his deeds Jer 17:9-10 (ISV).
Then the word came: so do little sins shatter the unwary. It looks so little, so harmless, but o such damage it causes! Little things matter. As dead flies cause the perfumer's ointment to stink, so also does a little foolishness to one's reputation of wisdom and honour Ecc 10:1(ISV). So when a friend and brother asked “What happened?” I told him “It’s a little sin!” though now I doubt if there is such a thing as a little sin anyway. I doubt it. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in union with the Messiah Jesus our Lord Rom 6:23(ISV). Little or big. You know a search through the whole bible revealed no such phrase as “little sin”; nowhere in the bible! Perhaps you too can search. The result will confirm it. All sin is deadly.
Beloved are there little tiny things being thrown into your life as you stand there, as you live? The glass shattered but was still on the vehicle. Are you shattered but still in church, in fellowship? Is trouble pouring unhindered into your life because little things have shattered you?
So to the repairers the vehicle went. It was replaced with a brand new one. When it came home the culprit touched the glass and said “It’s like though we have gone back to the past; as if it never happened” and was told “That’s what God does with our sins. It’s just as though we never did it.” I, I am the one who blots out your transgression for my own sake, and I'll remember your sins no more Is43:25(ISV). Have you been to Jesus?

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