Monday 19 June 2017

Obed-edom Week 25, 2017

What is a blessing? Is it an indistinct entity claimed by some without tangible evidence? So the ark of the LORD remained for three months in the household of Obed-edom the Gittite while the LORD blessed Obed-edom and his entire household2Sam 6:11(ISV). We don’t know the details of Obed-edom’s blessing, but it was glaring. Others could see it and testify about it. Obed-edom wasn’t the one bearing the news about; others reported it. Later on, David was informed, "The LORD has blessed the home of Obed-edom and everything he has since he's in possession of the Ark of God." So David went out joyfully and brought up the Ark of God to the City of David from Obed-edom's home2Sam 6:12(ISV). When God blesses you it will be seen, clearly seen and testified about.
Why did God bless him? It was because he hosted and cared for the ark. Now the ark represents the presence of God Almighty.  Have you hosted, are you hosting the Almighty? Notice the ark remained... it wasn’t coming and going. Is God’s presence abiding in your house? Or do greed, sexual sin and wickedness suppress it? Anyone who has received Jesus Christ into the heart has the presence of God. What of God’s servants, God’s children? That’s another way to host the presence. I am telling you the truth: whoever receives anyone I send receives me also; and whoever receives me receives him who sent me Jn 13:20(GNB)  . Now in 3 months the blessing was manifest. I say it won’t tarry when people will see you are blessed in Jesus’ name. People will know it is because you host His presence, not because of anything else.
And so because a man received the Lord’s presence, at a time it was considered risky to one’s life to do so, at a time an anointed king was terrified to do so, his entire household is blessed. Yet not only he. Look at that: You attract tangible blessing upon every member of your household; spouse, children and servants. Claim this upon the head of that family member you get scared will not conform to Jesus. Even those associated with you! So the Ark of God remained in the care of Obed-edom's household for three months, and God blessed Obed-edom's household, along with everyone associated with it1Chron 13:14(ISV). And just before you think it is only on other people it says on everything he has. What do you have? Business? Academics? Projects? Areas of service? They must be tangibly and visibly blessed within a time span in Jesus’ name. Care for the ark; nurture the presence of God in your life and family. You know the blessing of Obed-edom is what encouraged David to take the ark back. So shall your blessing move men, encourage kings, yes people you have never discussed with to go joyfully and serve the Lord Jesus and host His presence also in Jesus’ name. That in itself is an incredible blessing. A gatekeeper (1Chron15:24 NIV) to influence the king and by that an entire nation! What a father, what an example.
You know what? His voice is never recorded in all of these, nor any change of jobs.
Read more of Obed-edom’s blessing in 1Chron26:4-8

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