When I was
much younger I used to envy the okpa (locust-bean meal) and plantain hawkers
that passed my street. In my view they were having fun; they were free to go to
the whole length of Enugu shouting at the top of their voices and calling so
much attention. My parents wouldn’t let
us out of the house to roam like that, much as we would have loved to!
And so often
times I and my siblings would carry things we imagined to be locust-bean meals
and plantains on our heads and march round the compound near the fence and
shouting, “Buy plantain!” or “Okpa di’oku” (hot locust bean meal). And then I
grew up. I understood what it meant to hawk and I no longer envied them, but I
pitied them. When we were children, we
thought and reasoned as children do. But when we grew up, we quit our childish
ways 1Cor 13:11 (CEV). I understood
that life was hard for them and they wouldn’t do that if they had a better
choice. Research has it that street
hawkers are significantly more victims of physical and sexual abuse in our
environment than others.
Now the same
goes for our walk with God. We all when we first believed saw the yoke of
Christ as burdensome and difficult but Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in
heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my
burden is light” Mat 11:29, 30(ESV). As children in Christ, it is difficult to
see the yoke of Christ as easy and so we envy the unbelievers. We want to have
the freedom they have. To act in whatever way we choose and get away with it. How we need to realise the laws and
restraints of God ensure our liberty! I have gained perfect freedom by following your
teachings Ps 119:45(CEV)
But the joy is
that we do not always remain babes in Christ but we grow into maturity. It is
until then we begin to understand that they are lost – these unbelievers we once envied and thought they do anything and get
away with it. That they wouldn’t act that way if they had encountered
Christ and were shown The Way. How,
then, can people call on someone they have not believed? And how can they
believe in someone they have not heard about? And how can they hear without
someone preaching? Rom
We are now moved
with compassion for their lost souls and for this reason we would not be
silent. We would preach Christ Jesus no matter what it looks like to others: for we cannot stop talking about what we've
seen and heard Act 4:20(ISV). We will show
them love. Knowledge changes everything!
Are you still envying those who are in bondage to
sin or have you stopped that and started reaching out to save their souls? Or
perhaps are you like the plantain hawker going about with your wares and
shouting, a victim of this world and needing salvation?
Emmanuella is a student at UNEC