Are you little; a small girl or
inexperienced boy? God wants to use you for great things. You are shy in
public, can hardly talk and very gladly give the microphone for another to
speak. When it comes to leadership you are very happy to allow others while you
play second or third fiddle. Are you older, more experienced and little in your
own eyes? Are you sure of God’s might, God’s ability and readiness to save, but
have no confidence in your pedigree? "But how can I rescue Israel? My clan
is the weakest one in Manasseh, and everyone else in my family is more
important than I am."
Jdg6:15(CEV). Your name is Gideon and you are
a mighty man (woman) of valour. The angel appeared and spoke to Gideon,
"The LORD is helping you, and you are a strong warrior." Jdg 6:12(CEV) Go in this your might!
People little in their own eyes
like you are used mightily of God. So was Solomon. And now, O LORD my God, you have made your
servant king in place of David my father, although I am but a little child.
I do not know how to go out or come in1Kgs 3:7(ESV) .His mother
and father were guilty of adultery, and he had older brothers like Adonijah who
were quite sure they should be king and wanted the job badly. Are you like
that? What were the circumstances of your
conception? Jephthah’s mother was a prostitute (Jgs11:1), and Boaz was born of Rahab the prostitute (Mt1:5). May Jehovah crown you like
Solomon and use you as you seek Him with the whole heart. David was so little
his father didn’t remember him when asked to call his sons for a feast. Samuel
had to ask “Are all your children here?” 1Sam16:11.
What of king Saul? Is it not true that though you were
small in your own eyes you became head of the tribes of Israel, and the
LORD anointed you king over Israel? 1Sam 15:17(ISV). Three successive generations of
kings; 3 men little in their eyes.
had gone out by companies, and had brought away captive out of the land of
Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman's wife 2Kgs 5:2(KJV) Have you considered this maid? So little we don’t even have
her name (pardon my pun) yet used so mightily of God. Through her urging a
miracle not recorded since Israel came into Canaan happened, and an enemy
gentile general was won over to the God of Israel. We don’t know your name in church little one, but God has placed you
where you are to bring mighty enemies to Jesus Christ. God chooses the
little to shame the big.
Little people matter. How we
run around when it is the governor’s wife, or the Bishop, or a noted VIP but
behave anyhow when it seems not to matter. That patient, that client that has
no clout, no connections, and absolutely nothing will happen to you if you
ignore or maltreat: beware! When we feel the person before us is inconsequential
do we treat them well or anyhow? Then will he
answer, and say to them: Verily I say to you, That in as much as ye did not so
to one of these little ones, ye did not so to me. Mat 25:45(Murdock)
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