Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Let it go

What is the problem? What are you doing in the police station?
 Is it not that foolish man that calls himself a brother? He has owed me for 6 months and all he says is “have patience”! The last time I came he even claimed he does not owe me again.
Is that why you have brought him to the police? Haba are we not brothers again? Why should one of you take another to be tried by unbelievers? When one of you takes another to court, all of you lose. It would be better to let yourselves be cheated and robbed1Cor 6:6-7(CEV).
Oh so he hired you eh? That money would have paid all my children’s school fees. This is just using bible to deny me of my money; is it not the same bible that says we should not lie, and to pay what we owe? Why should my rights be denied me?
 No one hired me. Listen; let it go. God has something better for you; remember the 2 prostitutes that came to Solomon? "Each of you claims that the living child is hers and that the dead child belongs to the other one. Cut the living child in two and give each woman half of it." The real mother said, "Please don't kill the child! Give it to her!" Then Solomon said, "Don't kill the child! Give it to the first woman; she is its real mother."1Ki 3:23-27(GNB).  Insisting on her rights to her son would have killed him. When she gave up she became his mum twice: by birth and royal decree.
My friend I am neither a prostitute nor is this struggle about a child.
Consider Jephthah. He was the son of a prostitute. His father had other sons by his wife, and when they grew up, they forced Jephthah to leave home. They told him, "You will not inherit anything from our father; you are the son of another woman." Jdg 11:1-2(GNB).  Even when a band of troublemakers gathered around him he did not use them to make trouble or attempt to gain his rightful possession. Much later Gilead's leaders answered Jephthah, "The reason we've turned to you now is that we want you to go with us and wage war against Ammon. You will be the ruler of everyone who lives in Gilead." Jdg 11:8(GW).
 Let it go, God has something better for you. Jesus said, "Assuredly, I say, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields, for My sake and for the sake of the gospel, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time--houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, along with persecutions--and in the age to come, eternal life” Mk 10:29-30(EMTV).  If you continue with this case all of us will lose.

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